The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 308 Fairy Demon

Chapter 308 Fairy Demon (20)

Seeing that Bai Yulou did not open his mouth over there, Xu Liuqin dared not say anything no matter how confused he was. He could only look at the person dragged by Zhao Linglong, wanting to apologize to him, when he suddenly saw the familiar little butterfly on his fingertips, and immediately meal!
I don't know why, but things like spirit butterflies all look the same!But he just felt that the little butterfly in front of him was the very human one that flew to him back then!

But it's not just by my side again and again, doesn't that mean...

"Master Zaisan?" Xu Liuqin looked at Chen Yueye and began to test.

"Zai San?" Of course the young Zhao Linglong didn't know Zaisai, but that didn't mean the other older people didn't know him, especially Bai Yulou. He was taken aback when he heard the name.

"Again..." Bai Yulou looked in disbelief at the man with a cloak who couldn't see his face clearly.

"Again? Is that the demon master who was famous in the world of cultivating immortals hundreds of years ago?"

"Hundreds of years?!"

"It's eight years in 570, it seems... It's been too long, I have forgotten."

"So long? Then how old is he now!"

"Hey, you are cultivating immortals, isn't the purpose of cultivating immortals to live longer!"


"However, speaking of it, the White Jade Lord seems to have been adoring him over and over again!"

"Eh? There is such a thing?!"

"Yeah, it seems that the White Jade Supreme Master went out to practice before he became a Supreme Master, but when he was in danger, he saved him again and again..."

"Really?" Hearing the discussions downstairs, Guan Twelve couldn't help asking the person concerned.

Have you really saved this hanging wall in front of you that even you can't beat?

After hearing this, Chen Yueye couldn't help being irritable:
"Where do I know where to go? It's been so long."

This Chen Yueye did not lie!He has lived too long!So long that I don't even know how long I've lived!At the beginning, he was also a cultivator, and he went down the mountain to practice if he had the ability in the second grade. He saved countless people, and there were even more immortal cultivators.

Of course, he is a genius among geniuses, but he was framed in the end and was disappointed in the world of cultivating immortals, so he cultivated demons.

He has lived for a long time, how can he remember some things so clearly!

"...That's right." If you have lived for such a long time, it will be difficult for Guan Twelve to guarantee that you can remember everything so clearly.

On the other side, Zhao Linglong found that when this name that she had never heard appeared, everyone's expressions became strange!
Even her master's expressionless face has changed!
He seemed a little excited, but it wasn't too obvious!
"Master?" Zhao Linglong's soft voice brought Bai Yulou back from his thoughts.

Bai Yulou looked at the man in front of him who couldn't see his face clearly. Although he didn't know if he was repeating himself, he didn't have any aura of cultivating immortality.

"Are you repeated?" Bai Yulou asked, looking at the person in front of him who had a completely different memory from his.

In his memory, the one named Zaisan had a very high cultivation level!And very crazy!He was born with great talent!Known as the man most likely to become a god!
He is not bound!Even the way he cultivates is the free way that he has researched!

Don't be trapped by love, don't be trapped by love, don't be trapped by people, don't be trapped by things!Don't be sleepy for yourself!
Do whatever you want!free!Unfettered!live for yourself!Live for a living!

His deeds spread throughout the world of cultivating immortals, and no one did not envy his freedom and envy his talent.

It's just that such a legend was expelled from the school when he was the youngest, and there was no news about it.

Everyone said he was dead, even he thought so!
But now someone called out that name again!

"..." Chen Yueye glanced at Xu Liuqin, then at Bai Yulou, he turned and left, Bai Yulou subconsciously stretched out his hand, but put it down again, watching the man leave like this!

"Master?" Zhao Linglong saw that Bai Yulou's expression was very strange, and suddenly became frightened!
Bai Yulou is her heaven, and the only person she can rely on!So she was really scared, afraid that Bai Yulou would leave!

His expression just now was really wrong!

So Zhao Linglong was very scared!
Bai Yulou came back to his senses and looked at his little apprentice looking at him worriedly, and also brought Bai Yulou back from his memories!
yes!Time has changed!
He is no longer the child he was back then, and it doesn't matter whether he repeats it or not.

He is now the Supreme Master of Shengxian Sect, the only Supreme Master, and the one with the highest cultivation in the world of immortality!
He already had an apprentice of his own, and everything changed.

And again, it is a legend, and it can only be a legend.

"Nothing, let's go."

"Well," Zhao Linglong didn't dare to stay longer now, and even less dared to chase after that named Zaisan for fear that Bai Yulou would become strange!
He hurriedly dragged Bai Yulou away.

And Xu Liuqin looked at the two people who were running in opposite directions.

One goes left!One goes right!

"He seems to be your fan." Chen Yueye who walked out suddenly heard Guan Twelve say so.


"Well, he seems to admire you."

"I'm a few years older than him, it's normal to worship me." Although Chen Yueye said so, he really didn't know about it.

In other words, if you worship him, why hack him to death?
Chen Yueye didn't understand.

Guan Twelve didn't understand either. After all, Chen Yueye looked only in his twenties now, which meant that he was 20 years old when he formed a pill, so his appearance age was determined here!

No matter how old you are when you meet Bai Yulou, the appearance should not change much!How could it be impossible to recognize it?
"Have you had plastic surgery?"

"??" Chen Yueye frowned, and it took her a while to understand the meaning of this sentence.

Just as he was about to deny it, he suddenly thought of something and said: "After cultivating the demon, there has indeed been a change in appearance."

Officer Twelve: That should change a lot!Even the fans don't know each other anymore.

Two people walking in the desert!
Yellow sand in the desert!Boundless!I can't tell the direction at all!Chen Yueye has prepared a compass and a map!But they should always pay attention to the direction of the compass!As long as you are not careful, you will lose your way in the desert.

Under the gust of wind and sand, the figure is so small as he struggles forward with a cloak!

Chen Yueye looked at Guan Twelve who was hiding in her arms and was not tortured at all, feeling unbalanced in her heart, she couldn't help asking: "Can't you let your partner protect us from the wind?"

"Where do butterflies come from in the desert?" Guan Twelve said angrily.

It's windy outside!The player is a weak butterfly!so afraid……

"Although spirit butterflies only exist in the spiritual springs of the forest, it doesn't mean they can't survive in the desert. If you call them, they will always appear."

Chen Yueye gave the official twelve popular science.

"It's so troublesome, I don't want it, you can do it yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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