The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 310 Fairy Demon

Chapter 310 Fairy Demon (22)

In the land of the desert, there is a mysterious illusion, and the routes in the illusion are intricate!Immortal cultivators will lose their mana and turn back to mortals after entering, and this secret realm is only open for three days, and all those who enter will be expelled after three days!
And there is a spirit grass called He Lian in the secret territory!It is rumored that when He Lian is in full bloom, an elixir will grow!Immortal cultivators can increase their cultivation base by one hundred years, and even thousands of years, which will lead to countless immortal cultivators going to snatch it when the secret realm is opened!

Chen Yueye looked at the people coming around, and clenched the knife in her hand, it seemed... there were quite a few people who disturbed him looking for Little Butterfly!

troublesome! !
A quarter of an hour later, Chen Yueye, who was covered in blood, slowly walked forward with a bloody knife in her hand!

And behind him, there are countless corpses lying on the ground!
The nearby jungle was stained red with blood, and the blood flowed like a river...a red...

But this is not over yet, Chen Yueye looked at the front of him and didn't know how many waves of people appeared, his eyes were numb, only killing!He didn't know how many people he had killed, and he didn't even stop. When he met someone, he took a knife and slashed at them. He didn't even open his mouth but asked.

Chen Yueye felt as if she had returned to the Demon Realm at this moment, where all the dragons and dragons in the previous Demon Realm had their heads!
After he went to the Demon Realm, he used the simplest method in order to achieve unification, that is, to fight!

It took him a full 200 years to take the position of Demon Lord!
It was a dark and bloody memory!

But now Chen Yueye took up the knife with the knife in his hand and blood splashed everywhere, even those indifferent eyes were stained red!
After all, it crawled out of the blood, but now it just crawled back, but this time is different from last time, last time it was for himself, and this time Chen Yueye was for his little butterfly.

Chen Yueye went all the way to the deepest point, pushed aside the bushes and suddenly the sun shone in, Chen Yueye narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was another village in the dark!

Here is a Tianchi, surrounded by people, and in the middle of the Tianchi, a big lotus flower that is about to bloom is suspended in the center of the Tianchi!

They are all here for this lotus!

The moment they saw Chen Yueye, everyone stopped their voices and looked at this person!He was wearing a cloak, so he couldn't see his face clearly, but his whole body was wet. Red blood dripped from the corner of the hat brim and dripped onto the green grass. He held a big knife in his hand, and the knife was covered in blood. , on the arm too!

It is also conceivable that the brim of his hat that cannot be seen clearly should be wet with blood!
One can imagine how many people he killed!What kind of bloody storm has been experienced!
Of course, Bai Yulou and Zhao Linglong were among them!

When Zhao Linglong saw him, she was so frightened that she hid behind Bai Yulou, while Bai Yulou looked at the man in front of her with a serious face. Immortal cultivators don't like to kill, because killing will affect Dao Xin, but he has no scruples.
Could it be the magic cultivator?

Bai Yulou looked at Chen Yueye, but Chen Yueye was more concerned about where his little butterfly was!
He locked on Bai Yulou and the others first!

Little Butterfly loves to get close to them. At this moment, he doesn't care if he will be exposed or not, he just walks over and asks in a hoarse voice: "Have you seen my spirit butterfly?"

Both Bai Yulou and Zhao Linglong were taken aback, feeling that the voice was somewhat familiar, but if it was really him, would he ask them so politely?

Xu Liuqin didn't have the same thoughts as Zhao Linglong and Bai Yulou. When he heard Chen Yueye say that his spirit butterfly was lost, the first thing he thought of was the human spirit butterfly. Master got lost with your Eudemons?"

Chen Yueye nodded perfunctorily and turned around to ask others. Since they don't have it here, he has to ask other people to save time!

Looking at Chen Yueye's busy figure, Zhao Linglong rubbed her eyes and then asked Bai Yulou cautiously: "Master, am I dazzled? Why do I think his voice looks like that?"

"It's just like, that person is dead." Actually, Bai Yulou wasn't too sure, but when he thought of that person falling off the cliff of lifelessness, there was no possibility of him surviving.


Zhao Linglong nodded, trusting Bai Yulou very much.

"What's the matter?" Xu Liuqin couldn't help asking when he saw the strange expressions of the two and the conversation seemed to be encrypted, which was hard to understand.

"It's nothing, nothing." Zhao Linglong quickly waved her hand!

Xu Liuqin was puzzled but didn't pursue it. Chen Yueye asked several questions but failed. He was in a bad mood, especially when he asked a tall man, but he was pushed away by the man and called him a sissy. What a big man after a butterfly!

Chen Yueye's already irritable mood was even more irritable now, so he tightly grasped the weapon in his hand, and directly chopped off that person's head with the knife!

Everyone was shocked by this sudden scene, no one thought that Chen Yueye would suddenly attack!
The big man fell to the ground all of a sudden, and the wind blew away Chen Yueye's cloak, revealing his face!

It was a beautiful face, but now that face is full of blood!His eyes were also stained red with blood!
And this piece of health is also very familiar to Zhao Linglong and Bai Yulou!
"Chen Yueye!!" Zhao Linglong's eyes widened and she pointed at Chen Yueye in disbelief!
As soon as the name Chen Yueye came out, there was an uproar all around!
Chen Yueye!Who doesn't know!Isn't that the one who was killed by Lord Bai Yu a few years ago!The only Sombra Demon Lord? ! ! !
But why is he here!Isn't he already dead? ! !

Immediately, all the immortal cultivators became vigilant, and subconsciously took half a step back, while the demon cultivators looked at Chen Yueye with admiration!This is the only Demon Lord in their demon world!
Chen Yueye didn't care about being exposed, he just wanted to know where his little butterfly went.

But Xu Liuqin looked at Chen Yueye in disbelief!
I couldn't help asking: "Aren't you... Master Zaisan?"

Xu Liuqin's words caused another uproar!
"Repeat? Which repeat??! Could it be the genius from the world of cultivating immortals hundreds of years ago!"

"How is it possible! That is the object of admiration and admiration for all immortal cultivators! And he has been missing for hundreds of years!"

"Could it be... is it true that the rumors about cultivating magic again and again?!"

" is it possible!!"

"That's a rumor!!"

Compared with the noise of passers-by, the atmosphere at Baiyulou was much more dignified, especially Zhao Linglong's eyes widened, pointing at Chen Yueye in disbelief and shouting:
"Chen Yueye! Why did you appear here!"

(End of this chapter)

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