The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 311 Fairy Demon

Chapter 311 Fairy Demon (23)

Chen Yueye was expressionless, and he didn't even pay attention to Zhao Linglong. After making sure that there was no little butterfly of his in this place, Chen Yueye turned around and was about to leave. How could Bai Yulou make him happy? !
That's Chen Yueye!
An existence that should have fallen!Why is it here? !Why is he still alive? !

Bai Yulou drew out his sword and attacked Chen Yueye!
But at this moment, He Lian suddenly moved!
Everyone's attention was immediately attracted!

I saw the lotus in the middle of the pool that day slowly stretching her petals!Pieces of the outside are the first to open!Then slowly the second layer, the third layer, and slowly the stamens inside are fully bloomed!
A scent of flowers wafted out all of a sudden!

All the cultivators felt refreshed the moment they smelled the fragrance of the flowers!An indescribable feeling!Very comfortable!I feel tired all over my body!
Sure enough, this is He Lian's strength? !

It's just... what about the elixir?
At this moment, everyone noticed that there was a sudden dazzling light inside the stamen!

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful figure appeared in the middle of the stamen, it was a beautiful figure with silver hair like silk like a waterfall!
She was wearing a white dress with a V-neck close to her skin, showing her collarbone sexy. Her eyes were tightly closed, her face was exquisite, and her sleeves were huge!It covers her hands, and the bottom skirt is very big!But the front was slit to reveal her slender long legs and bare feet!The back is exposed, and there is a huge butterfly wing tattoo on the position of the butterfly bone!The two gauze cloaks, nipples, and wings on the back shoulders are average!
This is a beauty!A person as beautiful as an elf!

Everyone was so amazed by such a beauty that they were speechless and could only stare blankly at her!
Chen Yueye also looked at this girl!She is so beautiful, but the main reason why he was stunned was because... I don't know why, but he felt a familiar feeling in his heart, could it be...

At this time, the elf slowly opened her eyes. They were a pair of beautiful eyes. She looked at the people around her, and finally she looked at Chen Yueye, and then flew towards him!And Chen Yueye looked at the beauty flying towards him!
He subconsciously stretched out his hands, and grabbed the beautiful woman's jade hand, the light came down, and the beauty's silver hair shone!
She is clean and pure!In comparison, Chen Yueye looked so turbid!He is all dirty!

black and white!The impact of beauty and beauty stimulated everyone present!

Then, ignoring everyone's surprised and shocked expressions, he hugged the beauty tightly into his arms!
Yes!This familiar taste!is her!

It's his little butterfly!

Chen Yueye hugged her slender waist tightly, sniffing her scent greedily.

Nice floral fragrance!This is his little butterfly!
"You stink!" I heard the disgusted voice of the girl in my arms!

Chen Yueye couldn't help trembling.

Followed by a wry smile!
That's right, this is his little butterfly!
"It's not just to find you, it's hard for me."

Chen Yueye hugged the girl in her arms. The girl was very petite, but she had a good figure and was soft.

He looked up at the girl with a tone of grievance!

Guan Twelve remained silent. To be honest, she never thought that she would be directly transported into Helian!And when you open your eyes, the panacea you are looking for is right in front of you!
At first she absorbed it without knowing it!

Then I opened my eyes and saw a group of people!Players are stupid!

Players are so scared!So many people I don't know!Players are so scared!So when Guan Twelve saw Chen Yueye, it was like seeing a savior!Basically, she rushed towards him without thinking too much!The result just rushed over!It smells like blood!

It stinks!

The player is a nice and clean little spirit butterfly!I hate dirty things the most!

So the players made their own protests!

In the end, he heard such an aggrieved explanation from him!Official Twelve still dislikes it:
"But you stink!"

"...I am also eager to find you, please forgive me this time, master?" Chen Yueye's voice was hoarse and lingering, which made Guan Twelve go numb!

She looked at Chen Yueye in disbelief!
I thought to myself what is wrong with this girl?
Although the two signed a master-servant contract, Chen Yueye never called her master, and now she suddenly spoke...

Players feel so disgusted! !

"Don't call me that, it's disgusting!" Guan Twelve reached out to push the dirty NPC away!Unexpectedly, the dirty NPC hugged him tighter and tighter!

Don't plan to let go of Guan Twelve!
Guan Twelve, who had turned into a human form, had no cultivation at all, so she could only use her strength to break free, but in the end...

Nima is tired!

The player is physically weak!

After all, it is a little butterfly!

Guan Twelve can only compromise!
Looking at the little butterfly in her arms who is not struggling because she is tired!
Chen Yueye raised the corners of her lips!He is in a good mood now!

He found the lost butterfly!
Now the little butterfly is lying quietly in her arms!
And lying in his arms in human form!
Chen Yueye exudes tenderness all over her body!

The others watched this scene quietly!
Everyone's mood is complicated!

They didn't expect that the brutal and murderous Demon Lord would be so gentle!
Zhao Linglong didn't even think of that!Chen Yueye would show such an expression to others!
Obviously before... Zhao Linglong clutched her chest, pursed her lips and felt an indescribable feeling in her heart!
Only for her...

"Chen Yueye! Who is she?!" Zhao Linglong couldn't help questioning Chen Yueye!

There was a hint of jealousy in her tone!
Chen Yueye glanced at Zhao Linglong, then hugged Guan Twelve tightly in her arms, then turned around and left without paying attention to her!
"Chen Yueye!" Zhao Linglong saw that Chen Yueye ignored her!She couldn't believe it!
Chen Yueye had never treated her like this before!That time, he was not obedient to her!
How could he treat her like this!
Why... why did this change happen? !

Zhao Linglong wanted to go up and ask, but Bai Yulou was beside her, so she didn't dare to be too willful!
And Xu Liuqin was completely stunned there!
There is only one sentence in his mind...

Chen Yueye is three times!It's Chenyueye again!
That legend in the world of cultivating immortals has become the demon king of the demon world! ! ! !
Chen Yueye didn't know about their wild thoughts, because the lotus had already bloomed and the elixir was gone!
So the illusion disappears too, driving them all out!
Chen Yueye who went out immediately took Guan Twelve and left the desert!Back to the inn!Back in the house, Chen Yueye put Guan Twelve by the bed!Guan Twelve was sitting by the bed, looking at Chen Yueye who was sitting opposite him, and the NPC in front of him was looking at his face all the time!

If Guan Twelve hadn't known that her face was not ugly, she would have thought she was disfigured.

 Yes, Twelve became human
  After thinking about it, although butterflies are very interesting, they are too restrictive!

  So let's be human! !

  By the way, this one will be very long!

  Well, it's very long, if you don't like it, just wait a while and watch it again!
  Then kneel down and beg for tickets! !
(End of this chapter)

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