The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 313 Fairy Demon

Chapter 313 Fairy Demon (25)

She is now in a beautiful and compelling human form!Can it be compared with the butterfly that is not as big as the nail shell? !
"It's the same, isn't your body a butterfly?" Chen Yueye continued to induce!In his opinion, Guan Twelve has been completely regarded as a person who has just transformed from an animal into a human being. Although he has human nature, he is also very simple.

"." The player didn't act like an idiot, so why don't you just treat the player as an idiot?

Guan Twelve looked at Chen Yueye speechlessly, Chen Yueye touched his nose when he saw Guan Twelve's expression, then turned his face away in embarrassment.

Hmm. Didn't fool her.

Along the way, Chen Yueye didn't stop harassing Guan Twelve, squeezing hands, hugging and holding high!

It's impossible to make Chenyueye a rarity!

As for Guan Twelve, from the initial angry resistance to the silent compromise later, Guan Twelve said: She is numb!
Arriving in the Demon Realm, Chen Yueye returned to his territory, and became arrogant. At that time, he was bullied by the little demon Xiu who was just here, but was burned to death by Chen Yueye!

Then Chen Yueye was recognized!
The Inextinguishable Fire of the Shadow Demon Lord!Can burn everything in the world!Who in the whole devil world doesn't know? !

Chen Yueye, who was recognized, returned to his palace—Yegong.

After returning, he arranged a room for Guan Twelve!
Along the way, because Guan Twelve has turned into a human form, the number of designated rooms has also changed to two!

Although Chen Yueye wanted to hug Guan Twelve to sleep, but he knew that he was not a gentleman who could sit still!
Although Guan Twelve was very conniving to him, such a thing still had to be approved. Chen Yueye was worried that he would make a big mistake if he couldn't hold back, so he gave Guan Twelve a room alone, but it was also next to him.

Officer Twelve: It doesn't matter.

And Chen Yueye, who has returned to the Demon Realm, is much busy. Although he still has the status of a Demon Lord, his strength is only in the foundation-building stage. As long as he can practice for a few years in the Demon Realm, it is the foundation-building stage.

It can be said that Chen Yueye is very good now!In a place like the Demon Realm, where strength is the most important thing, how can one sit on the throne of the Demon Lord without strength!
So Chen Yueye is cultivating desperately now!
But he is also stabilizing his own strength while practicing!

Occasionally, a few demon cultivators who heard that the demon master had lost his cultivation base and could not even beat the weakest demon cultivators couldn't bear the restlessness in their hearts!Then he came over to make trouble, but in the end, he was beaten away by Guan Twelve Quan without Chen Yueye doing anything!

Immediately, beside Mozun, there was a beautiful girl in a white dress who was as impenetrable as a fairy, but she was actually a master!She defeated Jin Dan's magic cultivator without even using her magic energy!

It flew away with a slap!

According to the victim's description, that girl's cultivation was at least at the stage of transformation!Even higher!
Higher than the highest level immortal cultivator Bai Yu Shangzun in the fairy world!
He is the highest level cultivator in the world!
Guan Twelve, who heard the rumors, had no expression on his face, looked at Chen Yueye who was hugging him in his arms, and pushed him away.

"You are the highest level cultivator now, master~" Chen Yueye's voice was lingering and pleasant, but Guan Twelve's voice was very disgusting!
In the past, Chen Yueye never called her master, but now she only calls her master one or two words from time to time!

So annoying!Disgusting!

But what annoyed Guan Twelve even more was that she hadn't shown any sign of success for so long!Even now she has no cultivation!

She can beat those demon cultivators because she is the spirit butterfly king and can summon spirit butterflies. There are not many spirit butterflies in the demon world, but one can fight against Jindan monks!
It's almost enough to call ten!
During this period of time, Guan Twelve was also sure that she couldn't repair the demon, so it was impossible to continue to stay in the demon world, but she was worried about Chen Yueye, now there are so many people staring at him, what if he was killed by a player or killed by an NPC? All, don't be too aggrieved!

But it's not a solution to stay like this and not move forward!
This can worry bad players!
And at this time, Chen Yueye suddenly told Guan Twelve that he was going to practice in seclusion, which might take years or even decades, and asked Guan Twelve if he wanted to come together.

Guan Twelve refused, and then said that she would protect Chen Yueye from harm during the retreat!

This answer was thought of by Chen Yueye. Although he was not willing to leave his little butterfly, he knew that he had to become stronger!Otherwise, no one can protect it!So retreat is a must!
So Chen Yueye went to retreat!He found his most trusted subordinate Zhan Shi to take over the Demon Realm, and the player he refined stood at the door to protect him!
Guan Twelve also put a butterfly at the door all the time, if there is any danger, she will come as soon as possible!

Then she left the devil world!
Went to the world of cultivating immortals!

Of course she can't go to Shengxianmen!Both Bai Yulou and Xu Liuqin have seen her there, knowing her identity, she has chosen an unknown sect that is full of aura, and became a disciple of this sect!
This sect is called Yunfangzong.

It is an extremely loose cultivating sect.

I heard that when the ancestor Kaishan founded this sect, he said that idle clouds and lonely cranes are the most free!Do not seek glory and wealth, do not seek progress, only wish for peace, only wish for freedom!Only by cultivating the way of freedom can one be a free person!
So Yunfangzong doesn't have any rules except that you can't cultivate demons!

It is also very loose and poor!
The highest-level cultivator is only the golden core!

When Guan Twelve came, the head of the sect was stunned. He couldn't believe that someone from his sect would come? !

And she's such a pretty girl!

Immediately prevent Guan Twelve from leaving!
Officer Twelve: ...

As the first and only disciple of this year, Guan Twelve was treated as a treasure by the head sect and her only two senior brothers, and all the knowledge was taught to him!

What alchemy, what secrets of cultivating immortals are all given to her!

In just two years, Guan Twelve will be in the foundation building period!
Guan Twelve looked at the number of players above his head. In the past two years, the number of players has decreased rapidly, and there are only a dozen left.

Obviously, the current players either have all cultivated to adulthood, or they have already found a contracted NPC!No matter which one it is, it proves that the player has come out!
The game is about to begin!

Guan Twelve looked at his own cultivation, it was not high, but...

Guan Twelve waved his hand!Immediately, countless spiritual butterflies flew over!

She can summon more and more spirit butterflies, this is her way of saving her life!
With these, she can completely beat monsters!
Although Guan Twelve also wanted to practice more to be more stable, Guan Twelve found that she seemed to have encountered a bottleneck. Although there was a lot of spiritual energy in the world, she just couldn't absorb it!
Guan Twelve told her sect master about this matter, and both the sect master and the senior brother said that it was time for Guan Twelve to practice!

So under the welcome of the senior brother and the head of the entire sect, Xiaguan Twelve embarked on a journey of experience!

 Twelve: I am so beautiful
  Qiqi: What do you want tickets for? ?
(End of this chapter)

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