The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 314 Fairy Demon

I have to ask the officials how poor the Zongmen worshiped twelve times!

Guan Twelve went to practice, they didn't even have weapons!Not to mention the elixir, elixir and small gold bars!
Official Twelve: ... She also saw the aura of this place at that time!
Guan Twelve didn't care about these things, she first made sure that the butterflies placed in Chen Yueye's place hadn't moved, which proved that Chen Yueye hadn't come out of retreat yet!

There is no shortage of blood, which proves to be safe.

So the player set foot on the journey!
On the way, Officer Twelve saved several NPCs who were being bullied by Moxiu, and defeated several players. It can be said that the journey was very comfortable.

Guan Twelve found that he seems to be very adaptable to this world!

And she loves the environment too!

While enjoying life here, she is also very clear that she does not belong here, so she wants to finish the game as soon as possible and leave!

She has really been working on this script for a long time, so long

She didn't even know that she had been there for hundreds of years!
Speaking of it, she seems to have been practicing for hundreds of years!Because I have been practicing, I don't care about the passage of time!
Time goes by so fast...

Guan Twelve looked at the dark blue butterfly flying in front of him, it was not a spirit butterfly, but because the spirit butterfly is the noblest kind of butterflies, as the noble king of spirit butterflies, Guan Twelve was very attractive to butterflies!
She stretched out her hand, and the beautiful dark blue bird flew to her fingertips, flapped its wings twice, and then stopped.

Guan Twelve looked at the butterfly in a daze.

Not far away, there was a person staring at her in a daze!
In his eyes, on an ordinary path, there is a slender but curvy silver-haired girl in a white fairy dress!Her face is delicate like a fairy, her eyes are so calm, staring at the butterflies resting on her luxuriant fingers!

Dressed in white, the blue at her fingertips seemed to be the only color.

The sun shone on her body as if she had been gilded with gold.

"Fairy...Fairy..." He couldn't help muttering!

And the fairy over there seemed to hear it, and slowly looked in his direction!
She saw him at a glance, her eyes were as calm as water, as if nothing could make waves!
With just one glance, he fell into it!

From Guan Twelve's point of view, it was a young man in colorful clothes standing under a tree and staring at him like a pervert.

"..." Guan Twelve glanced at the top of his head, the player's health bar!
Groove!Be a player! ! !

Guan Twelve immediately regained his energy, clenched his fists and rushed over!

Seeing the fairy coming towards him, the boy was very excited at first, but in the next second another figure rushed over, stretched out his hand and grabbed the fairy's fist!
The rolled up wind messed up the boy's blowing wind!
What kind of power is this! !
While the boy was shocked, he also realized that this fairy-like girl was not approaching him in a friendly way!

She is going to kill herself! !

The boy who realized this was completely stunned!

On the other side, Guan Twelve looked at the person blocking his attack. He was wearing a shawl made of black feathers, and his eyes revealed gloom!You can tell at a glance that it is a crow spirit!

"You are so white!" The crow player looked at Guan Twelve and said enviously!
"You're not bad either, you're completely black!" Guan Twelve looked at the player in black and said without changing his expression.

Then withdraw your hand and change to another attack!
The crow player blocked the attack, grabbed Guan Twelve's wrist, turned around and threw her out!
Seeing that he was about to hit the tree, Guan Twelve turned around lightly, stepped on the tree with his feet and landed safely!

"Anyway, it's also a script for cultivating immortals, how come it's a meat battle?" The crow player looked at Guan Twelve warily!
Obviously, players who have been in this world for so long and survived are not fuel-efficient lamps!
"You're right, I forgot about it." Guan Twelve stretched out his hand and was about to summon the spirit butterfly. At this time, the colorful boy suddenly ran between the two NPCs and stretched out his hand, looking at Guan Twelve and said. : "Wait...wait a minute, Sister Immortal! We have no malicious intentions! Stop hitting me."

"..." Guan Twelve looked at the NPC who took the initiative to send to the door. The opportunity was once in a thousand years. She directly called out the spirit butterfly and turned it into a sword to attack the boy!
The boy turned pale with fright!

Fortunately, at this time, the crow player used his ability to wrap countless black crow feathers around the boy, resisting Guan Twelve's attack!
"Tsk!" Although I know players have their own abilities to some extent, it's still annoying to meet them!

Guan Twelve is very irritable!
Then he dropped the weapon in his hand, the sword suddenly turned into two spirit butterflies and attacked that boy!but failed!Didn't get through the protective shield made of black feathers!
Guan Twelve is not in a hurry!Continue to summon more spirit butterflies to attack that protective shield!

With more and more spiritual butterflies attacking, the speed is getting faster and faster!
The feathers on the shield also began to fall off slowly!Seeing this, the crow player frowned and rushed over, spread his feathers and turned them into whips to attack Guan Twelve!
Guan Twelve directly spread his wings behind him and flew into the sky to escape the attack! !

"So you are a butterfly! You are all birds, so there is no need to kill each other like this!" The crow player also spread its black wings and flew into the sky behind him!
"Don't mistake your relatives, I'm much prettier than you." Guan Twelve stretched out his hand, melted a bow and arrow, and shot towards the crow player!

The crow player stretched out his hand and resisted the attack!

"Extreme black and extreme white match so well! How about we get to know each other!" The crow player suddenly teased.

"Ah..." Guan Twelve hates listening to this type of talk now!

Tired of hearing too much!The last one said that the one who is similar to this one is a pervert!
It's been a long time since I saw him.

"Yeah, acquaintance!"

As soon as I thought of that person, the voice of that person came over!

Guan Twelve paused for a moment, then looked down and saw that familiar figure standing there greeting him!
"..." Guan Twelve irritatedly "tsk", then withdrew his attack and returned to the ground!

The crow player was taken aback for a moment, and then followed suit!

After all, when two people fight, they can't let others take advantage of it!

After landing on the ground, Guan Twelve retracted his wings, then looked at the priest in front of him whom he hadn't seen for a long time, sized him up, and then turned in surprise, this shit doesn't have a blood bar? !

"Why don't you have a health bar?" Guan Twelve asked!

Is there a bug on his side? ?

"Because I didn't come in as a player!" The priest looked at Guan Twelve with a smile and explained with his glasses pushed.

"..." Guan Twelve frowned and remained silent.

"It's hard to understand?" The pastor tilted his head and looked at Guan Twelve.

"It's hard to understand."


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