The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 317 Fairy Demon

"..." After listening, Guan Twelve fell silent.

Seeing that Guan Twelve was silent, the pastor suddenly found it interesting. He actually made Guan Twelve silent and had nothing to say. This was really strange, so the pastor couldn't help but tease:
"Do not believe?"

"Believe it, it's just hard to accept." Guan Twelve has been honest and truthful since he was a child.

No matter how you think about it, this thing is too fantasy.

"It's not too difficult to accept, isn't it that I talked about the game script not being a data transformation but the real world?" The pastor said with a smile on his arms.

Guan Twelve pursed his lips and didn't say a word. That's right, in fact, he basically played the script of "The End of Infinite Flow" a lot, and there are many players who have doubted this matter!But doubts are just doubts. After all, this matter is too mysterious to be believed.

But now, a guy who was originally a player came to another script through another script. As a game, this is absolutely impossible!
But this thing really happened before her eyes!

Although she didn't want to believe it, the truth might often be like this!

She can't always be blind.

"It's easy to understand, as long as you don't doubt your own conjecture, this matter is easy to understand." The pastor's words undoubtedly forced Guan Twelve to admit this reality that she didn't want to admit!
"So, you are now a character in this script?" Guan Twelve took a deep breath and didn't answer the pastor's question!

And her words made the pastor raise his eyebrows!

Guan Twelve is a very smart person. It is not difficult for her to guess the answer to this matter, but she just doesn't want to believe it. Why?Why is she unwilling to choose to believe?Or if you believe it, what effect will it have on her?
The pastor was thinking about it, but he answered Guan Twelve's question:

"um, yes."

"Then what about your original world? What about your family, your friends, what about them? Have you abandoned them all?" Guan Twelve looked at the pastor and asked seriously!

The pastor withdrew his thoughts and looked at her seriously. After a long time, he let out a breath and said, "Twelve, do you think... If I really cared about them, I would be so calm?"

Guan Twelve remained silent.

"Why did I choose to go with Anonymous? Can't I guess that there is a possibility of not returning to the real world?"

"Twelve, do you think I am such an ignorant person?" The pastor's words hit Guan Twelve sentence by sentence!
His tone was flat, and both questions showed his attitude!

His thoughts!His thinking and disagreement with Guan Twelve asking such a stupid question!

"I just think that, at the very least, you should have nostalgia." Guan Twelve pursed his lips, remained silent for a long time, and explained dryly!
Yes, no matter how bad that world is, at least you are living in that world, that world has everything about you, traces of your life, everything you know, everything you know! !

The world is interesting, it may be miserable, but it will never stop loving you.

"Oh, what's so good about that world." In return, the pastor sneered and dismissed.

Guan Twelve looked at the pastor. The pastor never said anything about him in real life. She just knew that he might be friends with his uncle Jincheng, but this was just a guess.

Why on earth does he hate his own world so much.

None of these officials knew.

"Speaking of which, Twelve, you probably don't like your own world either."

The pastor suddenly looked at Guan Twelve and asked such a sentence!

Officer Twelve has a meal.

"Although I don't know what your original life was like, it's not difficult to guess that you didn't have money in your original life, and you weren't a famous big shot. You even had certain sufferings in your life that led to illness in your heart. You may have Depression, or similar diseases, you have always been very smart and talented, but there is nowhere to put such talent! It can only be released in the game! Your skills are good, but why does a person with no money need such a talent? Skill, obviously you need to protect yourself!"

"I've never seen you mention your friends and your family, because you don't have any, so you won't mention them! As long as there are people, they will show a little bit of emotion, but you don't, and more importantly, you don't have the idea of ​​making friends. In the game, your thinking is that interests come first! You have a strong sense of self!"

"You want to win again! You have a strong desire to win! But it's different from Uncle Jincheng! You seem to care more about the bonus after winning! I have never seen you buy any equipment in the game, not even the cheapest mineral spring. Water can also be rubbed on, you have no doubts about what is given to you, because it is free, so even if you know there is a trap, as long as the trap does not hurt you too much, you can accept it. From this point of view , I know clearly that you need money!"

"No identity, no rights, no status, and even a need for money! A girl in her twenties with depression who doesn't even have personal safety guaranteed, you have no friends or relatives, why are you still in that place? Will the world survive tenaciously?" The pastor's dark eyes stared at Guan Twelve firmly!
Tried to find the answer from her micro-expression, but disappointed him, his words didn't make any waves in Guan Twelve's eyes!
Her eyes are very calm!Calm as if nothing could move anyone or anything!

And Guan Twelve didn't ignore this question, on the contrary, she also answered it!

I saw her open the mouth and said lightly:

"Because I will live!"

Yes!Guan Twelve has always believed in this!She didn't know why the pastor was so disappointed in his own world!

But she won't!
The world is cruel and this cannot be changed!But the world doesn't make you cruel alone!

The world is unfair, this is seeking truth from facts, but the world is not just unfair to you!
Guan Twelve knows that there are many people who are born at the top!Like Uncle Jincheng, like Shaodongzhe, like Shaoqiuyan!

There are more people with healthy bodies!Like Ji Youku, like Yu Lingling, like Wendy!

She may be unfair, not rich, she is not at the top and does not have a healthy body!Or maybe she looks like nothing!

But how can it be?

Why didn't she complain, and when did she never feel reconciled!

But she knows better!
She lives, lives in this world, what she wants to see is the scenery of this world!She belongs to this world!
So she has to live!

This is the end of the story. The next story is up to you.

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