The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 318 Fairy Demon

But Guan Twelve's stubbornness did not make the pastor understand, and the pastor even mocked Lingling coldly:

"What about you, do you have a healthy body, your own job, your own salary, your own family, your own friends, and you basically don't have any troubles, do you like this world very much?"

"Of course!" The pastor answered so naturally, he didn't even hesitate!

Just answered the question directly!

"Why do you like this world?" Guan Twelve looked at the pastor and asked seriously.

"Don't you think this world is very simple?"

The pastor suddenly opened his hands and said with a smile: "As a cultivator, your enemy is very simple, the demon cultivator! As a demon cultivator, your enemy is also very simple, everyone! You just have to choose your own way and practice it all the time! Then you can become the strongest! The strong are respected! The defeated are bandits! How simple it is! There are no twists and turns, and even the longevity that people have been pursuing can be achieved only through practice! This is the ignorance of the world. There isn't, isn't it?"

"Simple, the strong are respected, longevity." Hearing such a reason, Guan Twelve couldn't help laughing!
What kind of reason did she think it was, so it was because of this that he abandoned the original world?
What a difference!

"After playing so many scripts, didn't you find out, pastor! Whether it's the scripts of cultivating immortals, romance scripts, suspense scripts, or campus scripts! Although they are not the same plot, the same world! But they all have one thing in common!" Twelve looked at the pastor with a dazzling light in his eyes!Her expression is serious and dazzling!
People can't take their eyes off!

"What?" the pastor couldn't help asking.

"Everyone is unfair! All the world, everyone is unfair! Because the world is like this! People you like don't like you, and people you don't like don't necessarily like you! What you care about may not be able to Get it, you don't care about it, you can't get it! No matter which world it is! No matter what kind of life it is, it's the same!"

"It's unfair to everyone, no matter who it is, even the protagonist of the script has to lose something, so what do you have?"

Speaking of which, Guan Twelve looked at the pastor's eyes with coldness, and she said:
"But even so, they didn't leave their world, of course because they didn't have the opportunity. I'm not sure if they would leave if this opportunity was presented to them, but what I know is that even so, they still Live completely stubbornly in that world!"

Just like Li Na who lives in a blizzard and longs to see roses!

How selfish the people of her world were!How overbearing is her world aristocracy!
But even so, the wish she wants to make when she wants to get roses is nothing more than hope that the world will become a better place, and see the spring with flowers that she wants to see!Why did you ever think about leaving this world, abandoning this world?

It's like Okita Souji who died at the age of 24!What he said when he died was that he was unwilling to die so early!I regret that my talents and talents are not fully displayed!Born in the scorching sun, he did not fully bloom!Only they remember him, it's a pity that he was born in the wrong era!
It's like those people in the doomsday!They are afraid, afraid of zombies!But they quickly perked up again!It's not that they didn't complain about the world!Never hated the world!Of course, there are also thoughts of leaving this world!
But in the end they still choose to save the world!

Because they belong to this world, were born in this world, this is their home!
How could they want to leave this home? !
Guan Twelve didn't know what kind of life the pastor lived, but he knew very well that his situation was not as good as his. Guan Twelve felt that he was such a shameful guy!
Why do you want to leave when you have such a good life!

Guan Twelve didn't understand the pastor, and the pastor didn't understand Guan Twelve either. He scoffed at what Guan Twelve said. The two of them had different ideas, so there was no need to continue talking!

And her purpose of coming here is just to know the answer, and now that she knows the answer, there is no need for her to stay!
Thinking of this, Guan Twelve turned around and was about to leave here. After all, this is Shengxianmen. If he meets Baiyulou and the others, it will be difficult to deal with!

At this moment, the pastor looked at Guan Twelve's back, and suddenly stopped her. He asked:
"Do you really care about that world? If you just want to live, doesn't it matter which world you just want to live in?"

After hearing this, Guan Twelve stopped in her tracks. She turned to look at the pastor. There was a faint light in those eyes, and she heard her say: "I must survive in that world to prove my victory!"

The pastor was stunned, and then he watched the white figure slowly leave his sight!

Guan Twelve went down the mountain, and the whole journey was so quiet that it was outrageous!
She is angry!There's no denying the anger!Because she doesn't understand!Why!Why is the pastor dissatisfied with that world even though he has a healthy body!

Sure enough, people are greedy, we never know what we want most, because desire is endless!More than half of our thoughts are used to envy others and envy others!
We know that there are many people worse than ourselves!But it is clearer that people cannot compare with those who are worse than themselves!That's what they've been taught since childhood!
So it is human nature to never be satisfied!
Guan Twelve is clear, but she will still get angry!

At this time, the sudden sound of sparse footsteps in front interrupted Guan Twelve's thoughts. She froze for a moment, then glanced around, and finally flew to the poplar tree above her head to hide!

I saw two disciples wearing Shengxianmen walking over, and they were still discussing something while walking:
"Have you heard? I heard that the outer sect disciple Xu Liuqin actually likes the apprentice of Lord Baiyu! The two of them even had an affair! For this reason, Lord Baiyu lost his temper!"

"Really? By the way, isn't Master Baiyu the most precious apprentice?!"

"That's not true! How much the Lord Baiyu dotes on that apprentice! Now this apprentice has an affair with another man! How can he not be angry! Xu Liuqin is locked up!"

"Really? But why did the Lord Baiyu lose his temper so much? Although he was very angry, it wouldn't be enough..."

"Hey, you don't know about this, isn't it because Bai Yu respected him..."

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