The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 32 Edogawa Era

Chapter 32 Edogawa Era (8)

Guan Twelve looked at the smiling young man in front of him, which was more dazzling than when he invited her to watch the cherry blossoms.

"Yes, I will accompany the chief executive to watch the New Year's fireworks." In fact, the player himself is not sure whether he will stay until the New Year, but he just can't bear to reject the boy in front of him.

Maybe it's because of the same disease, or maybe she also has the same incurable disease, so the player pays more attention to the NPC.

Since his death cannot be changed, let him be more comfortable while he is alive.

The first is not to refuse his request, do what you can.

And the player guessed well, his answer made the boy feel very happy, and even the corner of his mouth smiled.

The two of them still didn't talk about anything along the way, but the atmosphere between them was much better.

The two came under the cherry blossom tree by the lake. It was autumn, not the cherry blossom season, so the cherry blossom tree was bare, but neither of them said this. They stood under the cherry blossom tree, watching the lake covered by The evening wind blows the microwave sparkling, speechless.

After a while, the player suddenly felt that the opposite hand lightly touched her fingertips.

Is he probing?
Guan Twelve was silent for a while, the hand over there was still cautiously probing.

The player held the cautious hand directly, and obviously felt that the hand in his hand was stiff. Guan Twelve thought that he had misunderstood the other party's meaning, so he let go of his hand, only to be held by the other party as soon as he let go.

Guan Twelve looked at Souji Okita, and found Soji Okita was looking straight ahead, but the red earlobes revealed his shy heart.

Is a simple boy.

The player sighed in his heart.

It's a pity that it's just an NPC.

At the same time, I have some regrets.

But fortunately it is an NPC.

The ridiculous thing is that the players were secretly delighted.

It was getting colder, and in order to prevent Okita Souji from getting worse, Guan Twelve proposed to go back, so the two walked back hand in hand. Originally, Guan Twelve wanted to send Okita Souji back first, but Okita Souji strongly expressed Send Guan Twelve home first.

Probably because the last time Guan Twelve went back alone and disappeared for three days, he was frightened.

It doesn't matter to Guan Twelve, as long as there is an NPC around for a while, it is safe for the player.

Along the way, the two of them still didn't speak, but Director Okita kept holding Guan Twelve's hand.

Looking at the thin young man beside him, Guan Twelve suddenly thought that he forgot to bring a pear today.

Gan!I haven't been out for a long time, so I forgot about it.

When we arrived at Hanajiu House, Soji Okita bid farewell to Guan Twelve. The player touched his pocket and found a piece of candy. After thinking about it, he handed it to Sochi Okita. She said:
"I'm sorry, Director, I forgot to bring pears with me. Let me make up for this."

Mr. Okita looked at the candy in his hand, a very common candy, he smiled and said, "Thank you, I like it very much."

After bidding farewell to Souji Okita, Guan Twelve turned around and went back to the house to see the pastor sitting on the floor with a bored face waiting for her.

Officer Twelve: Damn!How did this pervert get in here? ?She remembered closing the door when she went out!

"Little beauty treats that NPC well~ She went home hand in hand and gave him a token of love." The pastor spread his hands and covered his cheek, and said distressedly:

"When will people be treated like this~"

Official Twelve: Gan's Neuropathy
"What are you here for?" Guan Twelve looked at the pastor and asked coldly.

"It's really a completely different attitude." The pastor sighed and looked aggrieved, and then returned to normal, he said:
"You should have discovered that there are more than 40 players who have not appeared."

Guan Twelve had no expression on his face: "So what? What new discoveries have you made?"

"No, otherwise I wouldn't have come to you." The pastor said frankly that he didn't find anything, then immediately changed his face, looked at Guan Twelve with a guilty look, and said aggrievedly :
"But, I didn't expect you to be in love with a data NPC there."

Officer Twelve:
"Talk about the business." Guan Twelve was expressionless, and she felt that her heart had been strengthened by the pastor.

Well, players are no longer the impatient players they used to be.

"I suspect that those players were imprisoned by other forces."

The pastor's guess made Guan Twelve silent. To be honest, she had thought about this possibility before, but how could there be a second captive player? Uncle Jincheng should be aware of it
Gan!That uncle Jin Cheng killed him too early!

No, he was obviously pissed off!Gan! !

"Now there are more than 40 players left, but there is no third player in the city except you and me."

What the pastor said made Officer Twelve pause. There was no third player. She remembered the player she first met, the player in red. Where did he go? ?

She never saw him again after seeing him once, was eliminated? ?
Guan Twelve just wanted to ask the pastor if he had seen him, but then he thought that he might have changed his clothes, so he didn't ask.

More than 40 players, where will they go?
Guan Twelve suddenly thought of something, she asked the pastor:
"Have you checked the places in the city that are not easily accessible?"

The pastor narrowed his eyes slightly: "You mean the General's Mansion and..."

"Shinsengumi." Guan Twelve looked at the pastor, and the pastor also looked at Guan Twelve, and finally the pastor gave a "poof" smile.

"Haha... It seems that the forty or so players like this plot very much, and they want to live here forever."

After finishing speaking, the priest let out a long sigh: "Think about it, too. There is indeed a sentence "experience a different life" in the promotional text of this game."

"Leave it to me at the General's Mansion, and as for the Shinsengumi, I'll leave it to you, beauty~" The pastor got up and opened the door after leaving these words and left.

She also startled the passing geisha, she cautiously poked her head in and looked at Guan Twelve, who then turned to look at her, and the geisha fled immediately.

The famous oriental goblin actually met a man at night!And this man isn't Souji Okita who has an affair with her! ! !

The news spread throughout the red light district in just one night.

Officer Twelve: It’s true that good things don’t go out and bad things spread thousands of miles away.
The player has a thick skin, so naturally he will not be overwhelmed by such words, but when Souji Okita came to look for the player in the morning, the eyes of other people made Souji Okita a little strange.

Okita Souji: They looked like he was green.

"Chief." Guan Twelve came out and looked at Okita Souji, Okita Souji dispelled his worries, looked at the lively and lovely girl in front of him, he also smiled: "Twelve."

"Hey, this is for you." Guan Twelve handed the pear in his hand to Mr. Okita, and then the two of them walked on the road as usual.

Guan Twelve was still thinking about what to say "Can I go to the Shinsengumi to see" perfectly and naturally, and then Director Okita spoke first:
"Twelve, would you like to take a look in the group with me?"

 Twelve: Huh?Door-to-door behavior? !

  Thank you for asking for tickets every day, there are tickets and motivation

(End of this chapter)

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