The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 33 Edogawa Era

Chapter 33 Edogawa Era (9)

Mibu-ji Temple, located not far from Yagi Mansion and Maekawa Mansion, is one of the most important venues for the Shinsengumi's activities. When Mr. Okita brought Guan Twelve in, many members of the team looked at him with ambiguous eyes. both sides.

That is to say, Guan Twelve has a thick skin and doesn't care about these things. Other girls will definitely be stared at and blushed.

Guan Twelve looked at Mr. Okita next to him, thinking that half an hour ago, this boy suddenly proposed an invitation:
"Twelve, would you like to take a look in the group with me?"

The player has a meal, eh? ?

She hasn't spoken yet, so it's settled? ?

"If you don't want to." Seeing that Guan Twelve didn't say a word, Director Okita thought she was unwilling. Just as he was about to say no, he was covered by Guan Twelve. Guan Twelve said excitedly:
"I do! Please take me there!!"

Okita Souji: I didn't expect her to be so excited.
Then Guan Twelve arrived at Mibu Temple smoothly, and she observed the people passing by all around looking for the player's shadow.

"Ah, you really brought it here, Director."

At this time, Yongcang Shinpachi came over with a group of people, looked at Guan Twelve beside Okita Souji and smiled.

"Mr. Shinpachi." Director Okita smiled, and then introduced to Guan Twelve:

"This is Nagakura Shinpachi, yes"

"Mr. Shinpachi Nagakura, the second division head of the Shinsengumi, has really admired his name for a long time." Before Mr. Okita could finish speaking, Guan Twelve over there smiled at Shinpachi Nagakura.

The girl smiled at them facing the sun, and the sun cast a golden veil on her pure and white face.

This smile moved everyone's heart.

Nagakura Shinpachi clutched his chest, took a long breath, then turned his head and said to Okita Souji:
"Your oriental fairy is really dangerous."


Okita Souji smiled undeniably.

"This is Saitoichi." Director Okita continued to introduce Guan Twelve. Guan Twelve looked at Saitoichi. The two met once not long ago. Guan Twelve greeted him with a smile. Fujiichi quickly replied:

"I know, you are Twelve, the Twelve of Huajiu House."

The corner of Guan Twelve's mouth twitched: Is this considered revenge?

"Eh? Listen to Saito's tone, have you two met Twelve before?"

The player is stupid: where did you hear that? ? !

"Well, I've seen it before." Saito Kazuma just summed it up in this sentence, and Director Okita didn't go into details, and continued to introduce other team members to Guan Twelve.

But the good news is that Guan Twelve did see a few players with blood bars. They were also surprised to see Guan Twelve, and they all looked at her with unbelievable eyes:
Good guy, they are at most joining the Shinsengumi to play as a team member, why have you just spent a lot of time? ?
Officer Twelve: There are no players!Freeze said! ! !

The two people still greet each other warmly, but they both know that the peaceful days are over, and the life-and-death war has begun.

Guan Twelve quietly memorized the names of those players, and planned to investigate at night, but after seeing the gestures those players secretly made to her, Guan Twelve withdrew his gaze.

They stretched out their hands together to show three fingers, and then hooked the three fingers. This is the exclusive hand gesture of "The End of Infinite Flow", which means an appointment at Yinshi Lake in three days' time.

There is only one lake in the whole city. Since people have already issued an invitation to fight, Guan Twelve will not pay too much attention to it.

After introducing the team members, Souji Okita asked Guan Twelve if he would like to try the meal in the group, Guan Twelve nodded, so Guan Twelve had the most eye-catching lunch, whether it was in the team or Dafan Yes, I look over here from time to time.

Officer Twelve: This meal is really difficult.

"Sorry, if you don't feel well, let's go out and eat."

Okita Souji also sensed the sight of his surroundings, and was powerless and helpless to gossip about the team members. He was worried that Guan Twelve would not be able to eat well, so he proposed to go out to eat.

Guan Twelve shook his head and said it was nothing, she had a lot more eyesight when dancing.

Seeing that Guan Twelve didn't feel uncomfortable, Okita Souji didn't say anything. In the afternoon, Guan Twelve sat aside and watched Okita Souji guide the new team members in training.

The boy was dressed in a signature light-colored haori and straight-grain singlet, and the white linen trousers with rafts were more eye-catching than the glare of the sun.

His attainments in swordsmanship are really high, especially when he wields his weapon Ju Yi Wen Ze Zong, the handsome blade and the sharp sword energy, it is hard to imagine that such a person is suffering from illness, coughing every day Coughing blood until fainting.

Guan Twelve's eyes were very straightforward, almost undisguised, and Nagakura Shinpachi couldn't help but begrudging Mr. Okita, who was focused on training new players:

"Hey, your oriental fairy seems to be watching you all the time."

After hearing this, Director Okita turned around to look, and sure enough, he saw Guan Twelve was looking at him all the time, and when he turned his head to look at her, he extended his hand warmly to greet him.

Okita Souji also smiled and waved his hand.

This smile is that of a boy who is gentler than Qiufeng.

He really didn't deserve to die early!
The player couldn't help sighing again.

Same as her.

"Will you be bored here?" Director Okita came over and sat beside Guan Twelve and asked.

Official Twelve shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I was the one who invited you, but I've been busy with my own affairs." Okita Souji apologized.

"No, I'm very happy that the general manager invited me. Besides, I also want to know what the daily life of the general manager is like." Guan Twelve almost said "find the player", she quickly changed the words, and then He looked at Souji Okita with a smile.

Okita Souji's ears turned red from Guan Twelve's smile, he coughed lightly and said:

"I'm done in another hour, shall we go out for a walk then?"

Guan Twelve nodded, and then Director Okita went to train again.

Guan Twelve looked there with his chin resting on his shoulders, and suddenly felt drowsy as he watched, waiting for him to wake up.

It was already dark, and there was no one around. At this time, the voice of Souji Okita came from beside him:
"Are you awake?"

Guan Twelve was taken aback for a moment, and only then did she notice that she was leaning on Okita Souji's shoulder, she stood up pretending to be calm, looked at Okita Souji beside her and said apologetically, "Sorry, I fell asleep .”

"No, I just didn't expect Twelve to be so cute when sleeping." Okita Souji thought of the girl leaning on his shoulder obediently just now, and she was as soft and sweet as cherry blossoms when she fell asleep.

Officer Twelve: Please stop talking. The player is going to be embarrassed.

"It's getting late, I'll take you back." Mr. Okita suddenly coughed as soon as he got up, he bowed his waist and covered his mouth, coughing desperately.

This time, he looked more serious than ever.
 Ah, poor Okita Souji
  Daily tickets
(End of this chapter)

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