The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 34 Edogawa Era

Chapter 34 Edogawa Era (10)

Guan Twelve stretched out his hand to caress Okita Souji's back, trying to relieve his cough, but this time it didn't work. What's worse, Okita Souji's appearance happened to be seen by Nagakura Shinpachi and others passing by.

"Boss?!" Yongcang Shinpachi turned pale when he saw Okita Souji, and hurried over, shouting outside: "Where's the doctor in the team?! Call the doctor in the team!!"

An hour later, Director Okita lay on the bed, looked at Guan Twelve with a pale face, and smiled apologetically:
"Sorry, Twelve, it looks like I can't send you back today."

His voice was hoarse and very weak.

"No, just take care of your body." Guan Twelve shook his head.

Okita Souji closed his eyes with a smile on his lips.

Guan Twelve looked at the sleeping Souji Okita, she got up slowly, opened the door and was about to go out when she saw Hijikata Toishan standing there, Hijikata Toishan looked at Guan Twelve coldly, he just opened his mouth When he was about to speak, Guan Twelve over there interrupted him:

"The chief executive is resting, let's go out and talk about something."

Hijikata Toishan nodded.

The two came to a side courtyard. Tufang Suisan looked at Guan Twelve with seriousness on his stern face:

"Do you know the situation of the general manager?"

Guan Twelve pretended not to understand anything and asked back: "Isn't he an ordinary cold?"

"...It's tuberculosis." Hijikata Toshizo stared at the woman in front of him, as if trying to find some clues from her expression.

It's a pity that the woman in front of her didn't show any flaws. She seemed to just find out, and she stood there in a daze, as if she was digesting the news that shocked her.

"I remember that every time you met, you gave Sydney to the chief." Tukata Toshisan looked at Guan Twelve.

"...Well, I thought he just had a cough, so he sent Sydney." The player still didn't panic, she explained weakly.

Tukata Suisan, who found no clues on Guan Twelve, withdrew his inspection gaze, looked at Guan Twelve, then turned his head and left.

But at this time, Guan Twelve suddenly stopped him: "Deputy Chief Tufang!"

Suishan Hijikata stopped in his tracks, and Guan Twelve looked at Suishan Hijikata, and she asked, "What is Deputy Chief Hijikata going to do next? Are you going to drive the chief away?"

"His body doesn't allow him to pick up his knife anymore." Hijikata Toshisan didn't answer Guan Shisan, but just left this sentence.

"It's not that serious, is it?" Guan Twelve retorted.

"That's a matter of time." Hijikata Toshisan said indifferently.

Guan Twelve looked at Hijikata Toishan's back, she took a deep breath, and then exhaled, she said seriously: "Shoji, he was born a warrior, he is only in his twenties, and his attainments in swordsmanship are already higher than For someone older than him, letting him lie in bed and not pick up a knife to wait for death is the greatest shame for him."

"His body is ill, but it's not his fault. He also wants to have a healthy body, like Mr. Hijikata, a healthy body like Mr. Yongcura."

"Fate is like this. It is a fact that he has tuberculosis, but he still has time. Deputy Chief Tufang, don't you want him to lie down on the bed and end his proud life like this?!" NPCs say so much.

But she really couldn't bear to let that boy die with regret!

"He is the scorching sun, and he should be waving in the sun, not lying on the hospital bed."

"He still has time, as long as he can still hold his Kikuichi Mononomune!! He will still be a samurai, a frightened swordsmanship genius, the son of the devil Okita Souji!!"

Guan Twelve was a little excited after speaking, and even his voice was a little louder.

Tufang Suisan remained silent, he didn't give Guan Twelve a direct answer, he just left without looking back.

But Guan Twelve knew that Tufang Suisan had listened to it, and if he didn't let it, he would directly veto her.

Guan Twelve looked up at the darkened sky.

She took a deep breath and let it out.

If possible, who would not want to live a healthy life?

In the evening, Guan Twelve was sent back by Saito Yi. On the way, the taciturn boy didn't say a word, and Guan Twelve was also thinking about his own affairs. The two of them remained silent all the way.

It wasn't until the gate of Huajiu House that Guan Twelve bid farewell to Saito that the silent boy spoke the first words they had been on this journey:

"What do you think of Okita Souji?"

Guan Twelve was taken aback, then she smiled knowingly, and said:
"The boss is a warm person."

After hearing this, Saito turned around and left without saying anything else.

Guan Twelve returned to his room, only to see the pastor sitting there.

Officer Twelve: Obviously it's the second time, but the player's heart is extraordinarily peaceful.

"Ah, little beauty changed today. You have so many lovers. Souji Okita and Saito Kazu are all famous warriors in this era."

Official Twelve Quan probably didn't hear the yin and yang in the pastor's words, she went straight to the point and asked the pastor:

"What did you find?"

"There are more than [-] players in the general's mansion, some are the general's confidantes, and some are unknown soldiers. They seem to have united the front and did not fight." The pastor stretched his waist, resting his chin in boredom:
"It's really boring behavior."

". There are also several players in the Shinsengumi, and we made an agreement with them to start the war in three days."

"Three days later~" The pastor thought for a while before getting up:

"Yosie! Then let's go tonight!"

"Huh?" Guan Twelve's eyes widened in shock.

What the fuck are you talking about, pervert? ? !
"I'm not someone who waits until three days later to go to war." The pastor got up and patted the dust on his body, then handed Guan Twelve a pistol. He smiled brightly:
"How about it? Do you want to go together? You should remember their names?"

Guan Twelve didn't say a word.

"As for the location, it should be the Shinsengumi."

Guan Twelve didn't take the pastor's pistol, she just looked at the pastor with a smile, and said, "I'm different from you, I can't do this kind of thing, and it might drag you down when the time comes, you'd better go by yourself. "

Anyway, there are enough players, thirty or so, as long as the priest has fewer heads than her, then the MVP is still hers, why should she take risks? ?
Isn't it good to hang up?

The pastor looked at Guan Twelve, and he showed a mysterious smile:

"Do you really don't want to go? Or are you afraid of seeing someone?"

Guan Twelve didn't answer him, but the pastor already had an answer. He laughed and opened the door to leave. Before leaving, he left a sentence for Guan Twelve:
"Then I'll go and see, who is that NPC you care about!"

There was a sense of threat in the pastor's words, and Guan Twelve wasn't worried, because the rule that the player couldn't kill the NPC meant that he couldn't do anything to Souji Okita.

It's just a mouth shot.

(End of this chapter)

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