The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 320 Fairy Demon

Chapter 320 Fairy Demon (32)

The person you like wakes up, and the one sentence you say is "Who are you"!
This sentence is no less heart-wrenching than when he said "Who are you" when you confessed!
Three small words can bring a huge impact to people!
Tian Nuannuan was so stimulated that he vomited a mouthful of blood!

The blood bar that had been recovered suddenly decreased!

Guan Twelve couldn't help scolding: "You can't suffer like this if you have a nurse! My spirit butterfly is very rare!"

"Hold... sorry!" Tian Nuannuan quickly wiped the corner of her mouth and apologized to Guan Twelve!
At this time, Xu Liuqin also looked at Guan Twelve. After taking a look, he couldn't help but ask, "It's you?"

It seems that it is not amnesia, but I still remember her!

"It's me, my name is Twelve." Guan Twelve looked at Xu Liuqin and said.

"Twelve... girl." Xu Liuqin obviously hesitated when talking about girl, after all he remembered that the girl in front of him seemed to be transformed from a spirit butterfly!

Yes!He knew that Guan Twelve was Lingdie, and Lingdie was Guan Twelve!

Even though he didn't see the process of Guan Twelve's transformation, he still remembered that the expression on the demon king's face when he looked at the girl was the same as the expression on the spirit butterfly king!

And this girl can easily call out spirit butterflies!This is also enough to prove her identity!
"Don't hesitate, you're right, I'm a female." Guan Twelve said with a serious face.

Xu Liuqin: It feels so strange for a girl to say that she is a female or something!
"Miss Twelve, why are you here?" Xu Liuqin swallowed, feeling that his throat was much better!And he found that his wounds were all healed, and there was still a warm aura left on his body, obviously these were made by the spirit butterfly called Twelve!

"I came with other people. I thought it was boring and I wanted to go back. I accidentally heard that the famous outer disciple Xu Liuqin molested the inner disciple Yu Lingling, so he was punished by Lord Bai Yu and locked up here. I felt strange, so I came to have a look. "

Xu Liuqin was taken aback when he heard it, and then he gave a wry smile!
And Tian Nuannuan couldn't sit still at this time!She hurriedly defended Xu Liuqin: "Nonsense! Brother is not such a person! Obviously that woman insisted on coming over during brother's training, but she didn't restrain him and helped her, but unexpectedly, she actually kissed him! It's too green tea!! She is a green tea whore!!"

Guan Twelve's mouth twitched when Tian Nuannuan called Xu Liuqin!
"Brother?" Xu Liuqin also expressed doubts about this title, and then he thought that he really didn't seem to have any younger sisters, so he said, "I don't seem to have any younger sisters..."

Before Xu Liuqin finished speaking, Tian Nuannuan covered his mouth:
"Stop talking about your mouth!"

Xu Liuqin: ...

Then he nodded Tian Nuannuan before letting go.

Guan Twelve watched Tian Nuannuan's willful actions.

Although she fell in love with someone in a script, the love in her eyes is real!

She didn't understand, maybe this was the love of a rich woman.

None of this has anything to do with her.

But she still wants to remind Tian Nuannuan to pay!
Xu Liuqin: Sending money?What money? ?Did these two people have a deal where he didn't know? ?
Tian Nuannuan quickly nodded and said she would, then she thought for a while and said, "Can you take us away?"

"Leave? Leave Shengxianmen?"

Officer Twelve raised his eyebrows!
Tian Nuannuan nodded!She didn't think this place was nice at all!Not only indiscriminate!And make the person she likes like this!She doesn't stay here anymore!

But obviously Xu Liuqin didn't think so!Because he rejected the proposal the moment Tian Nuannuan nodded: "No!"

When Tian Nuannuan heard Xu Liuqin's refusal, she was stunned. She widened her eyes and looked at Xu Liuqin in disbelief. Xu Liuqin's tone was very serious and her attitude was also very firm. He said: "I won't leave Shengxianmen!"

"Why?! If you don't leave, you don't know when you can leave this broken place!" Tian Nuannuan really doesn't understand why Xu Liuqin still stays here!
People here are talking about Xu Liuqin, rumors are everywhere!Even though he was an outer disciple at the beginning, he was the most talented disciple of Shengxianmen, but now he has become the target of everyone's scolding and ridicule!He was originally a proud man!Why do you have to stay here? !

"I can't betray Shengxianmen!" Xu Liuqin looked at Tian Nuannuan, coughed twice, then looked at her seriously and said: "Girl, Xu is very grateful for everything you have done to me, but for this matter, Please don't make decisions for Xu!"

Tian Nuannuan listened to Xu Liuqin's polite and distant words with a warning!She looked unwilling!Those who are wronged are about to cry!

She took a deep breath, then turned around and ran away!

Guan Twelve looked at Tian Nuannuan who had run away, then at Xu Liuqin, and couldn't help asking: "You really don't know who she is?"

"Who?" Xu Liuqin's expression didn't look fake!

He really doesn't seem to know!

Guan Twelve said seriously: "She is a blue bird."

blue bird?

Xu Liuqin was taken aback!
Then he seemed to think of something, and his eyes widened.

Seeing Xu Liuqin's appearance, Guan Twelve knew that he probably guessed something, so he turned around and left, but after walking for a long time, he saw Tian Nuannuan hiding behind the stone, and she didn't even come out the door!
Officer Twelve: ...

Don't even go out!Sulk here!Do you dare to be a little ambitious? ! !

"Ten... Twelve..." Seeing Guan Twelve approaching, Tian Nuannuan rushed towards Guan Twelve as if he had found a companion!Guan Twelve hugged Tian Nuannuan expressionlessly, and asked, "So, what do you need me to do for you?"

"Woooooo..." Tian Nuannuan cried and hugged Guan Twelve without saying a word, just crying!

Guan Twelve expressionlessly dragged Tian Nuannuan's cheeks with both hands, and then repeated: "What do you want from me?"

Don't just cry!She asked for money so much!
"Twelve, tell me why my brother insisted on staying here." Tian Nuannuan said with a choked voice.

"I don't know." Guan Twelve was expressionless.

She is not a god who knows where to go!

"If there is nothing else, just let me go, I can't stay here for too long."

Officer Twelve is so scared!

Her movement just now was not small!Although the janitor outside was fascinated by her illusion, she was not outside!Bai Yulou and the others must have found out.

Maybe they are all coming this way!
Scared!So scary!

Players are now in the foundation building period!No matter how awesome it is, it is also the foundation building period!Can't do it in the stage of transforming gods! !

"I... I'll give you another 50 at twelve! Help me persuade my brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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