The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 321 Fairy Demon

Chapter 321 Fairy Demon (33)

"I... I'll give you another 50 at twelve! Help me persuade my brother!"

Tian Nuannuan is rich and powerful!Open mouth is 50!
Guan Twelve was dumbfounded!
Grooving girl!Not so!No matter how cheap the money is, you can't spend it like this! !

Are prices so low now? !Then why is she still so poor! !
That's 100 million!Throwing thousands of dollars for a man!He is still a man who can't meet in his own world!

What are you doing! !
Is this what rich people do now? !
Guan Twelve bared his teeth!She took a deep breath and forced herself not to be jealous!

Don't be jealous!Don't be jealous!Don't be jealous, your mother is not jealous!

Official Twelve simply cursed:
"Did your money come from the wind?! Just spend it like this?!"

Tian Nuannuan was stunned, she blinked her eyes, she didn't understand why Guan Twelve was angry, but she still explained dryly: "That...the money...isn't much."

"..." Guan Twelve took a deep breath and fell silent.

That's right, not everyone regards money as money, some people see it as just too much paper.

"Xu Liuqin is very stubborn, he won't leave with you, but you, instead of thinking about letting him leave, if you really care about him, stay with him and stay by his side."

Guan Twelve looked at Tian Nuannuan and saw that this stupid rich woman gave her 50 without saying a word, Guan Twelve reminded Tian Nuannuan,

People like Xu Liuqin are very stubborn and traditional at first glance, and no one can change what he believes!
Unless hypnotized.

But she thinks that Tian Nuannuan probably wouldn't want a hypnotized man!

Well... Mainly because she can't either.

After listening to Guan Twelve's words, Tian Nuannuan nodded thoughtfully, Guan Twelve didn't care what Tian Nuannuan planned, she turned into a butterfly and flew out!
It's too dangerous to leave Shengxianmen, but this time it's not without gain.

Guan Twelve doesn't plan to look for it anymore, she plans to play in this world, she already has 50 in the account, so she doesn't care about the [-] victory gold, if she can get it, she can't get it!
Thinking of this, Guan Twelve suddenly realized!Instantly no stress!Then with a flash of golden light, she broke through!She has formed a pill! !

Guan Twelve's eyes widened, and he was in a daze!

She's just like that...has formed a pill? ? ?

Guan Twelve took a deep breath.

This time she finally understood why people said that cultivating immortals depends on understanding!This has been stuck without an epiphany!

Guan Twelve after forming alchemy can be regarded as confident!
This world is not the kind of awesome world where Jindan transforms into Nascent Soul at every turn. On the contrary, it is very difficult to practice in this world. There are only a dozen known Nascent Souls in this world, and there is only one Huashen.This is well known.

Of course, there may be two more people who don't know, one is the pastor and the other is the one named Anonymous.

Although I don't know his level, but it is definitely not lower than Huashen!
In such a world, there are so many qi exercises, one in a hundred in the foundation building period, and one in a thousand for forming a pill.

Very few!

When it came to knotting alchemy, Guan Twelve could be considered confident.

It's just that I have confidence, I can't beat it or I can't beat it!

Guan Twelve also visited, planning to go back to the sect to practice!
As a result, just as I was about to go back, I suddenly realized that I heard movement behind me!
Guan Twelve turned around and saw a disciple of Shengxianmen standing there, staring blankly at her.

She didn't know her. She should be an outer disciple with a cultivation base during the Qi training period.

Guan Twelve took a look at her, then turned her head and left. What she didn't know was that the outer disciple spread the word about her as a fairy throughout Shengxianmen!
It is rumored that if you pray seriously in front of a bamboo in the lush bamboo forest on July [-]th, you will see the bamboo fairy!

The fairy is wearing a white dress, her silver hair is wrapped in plain, and she has a beautiful wing tattoo on her back!

As long as you pray sincerely, the bamboo fairy will realize your wish!
Guan Twelve, who was playing outside, almost spit out a mouthful of tea after hearing this story told by others!

What the hell!What the hell is this!

Guan Twelve couldn't help grinning when he heard this story!

You don't need to think about it to know that the fairy is talking about her!
Wrapped in silver!There is a tattoo of wings on the back, Guan Twelve is glad that he is wearing a cloak to block himself in order to be recognized at this time!Otherwise, she is really afraid of being regarded as a bamboo fairy!
After dinner, Guan Twelve sat on the second floor and looked at the scenery outside the window.

The place she went to was Jiangnan. Jiangnan has beautiful scenery, and Jiangnan produces beauties!

The wind is beautiful, the water is beautiful, and the people are even more beautiful!
But Guan Twelve, who has watched enough, finds it somewhat boring!

She has been in this world enough, after all, it is not her own world, no matter how beautiful it is, she will not like it!

She observed Chen Yueye in the demon world for a while, but there was no sign of coming out!It seems that there is no 500 years that can't come out!

Guan Twelve thought for a while, returned to his sect and began to retreat and practice!

She understands the true meaning of this world!If you have nothing to do, just retreat!

Guan Twelve is practicing in closed doors!
Chen Yueye was insane!
He opened his eyes and came out. He didn't see Guan Twelve, but saw the little butterfly she kept!

Originally, I wanted to rely on this little butterfly to inform Guan Twelve that he was out!

But after waiting for three days, there is no news!
Chen Yueye didn't panic at first, she was very calm, because he knew that his little butterfly was very naughty and liked to wander around, but she would come back sooner or later.But until one month, two months, half a year, one year, three years
ten years
Chen Yueye has been looking for Guan Twelve for ten years!

He didn't even find his little butterfly!
Chen Yueye was in an irritable state!He ordered his disciples from the Demon Realm to search for the whereabouts of Officer Twelve across the continent!
As a result, a large number of demon disciples poured into the human world, causing great panic!

All the sects in the fairy world convened an emergency meeting!In the end, everyone agreed that Chen Yueye, the demon king of the demon world, was not dead and had returned to the top, planning to take revenge!

So for the peace of the world, they held the second battle against demons!They handed over the invitation to the war to the disciples of the demon world, about July [-]th!Showdown!
It's just that there is no news after sending this letter!No reply either!
This confuses the immortals!

Are you provocative?We all declare war on you!You should talk back! !
The immortal people who don't believe in evil have sent several more letters!The result is still no news!
Immortal Man: ...that's weird...

What is he going to do?

The perplexed cultivators held a third meeting!

"The letter sent out has never been heard from the Demon Realm!" Immortal Cultivator A said.

"Did we think wrong?" Immortal Cultivator B asked.

"Perhaps they want to carry out a surprise attack?"

"..." Everyone fell into silence!

So the result of the third meeting was: The Demon Realm is going to launch a surprise attack!
(End of this chapter)

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