The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 326 The probability is almost 0

Guan Twelve didn't know what happened to Ji Youku behind her. She looked at the scenery along the way and breathed in the fresh air, and felt much more comfortable!
Sure enough, one cannot stay at home all the time.

It will be suffocated!

The two came to a nearby cafe. Guan Twelve had no interest in that kind of bitter coffee, so she ordered a cup of relatively good matcha latte.

Ji Youku also ordered a cup of matcha latte.

The two sat by the window, Guan Twelve drank the coffee in his hand and looked at the scenery outside the window in a daze, while Ji Youku looked at Guan Twelve's face.

Guan Twelve's facial features are very good, and her eyelashes are also very long. If you look carefully, there is a small scar under the corner of her left eye. It is very small, and it looks like a mole if you don't look carefully.

Her eyes didn't shine like they did when she was a child, but rather dull, like the falling moon, dim and dull.

What has she been through?
Why did she become like this during this time?
Could it be that he fell because he didn't go to university?Could she be such a person?

How could she be such a person? !
So what's going on? !

"Twelve you..." Ji Youku was about to say something but didn't know what to say.

"Ji Youku, you should have seen the message I sent you." Guan Twelve looked at Ji Youku and said calmly.

"...Mmm." Ji Youku pursed his lips and nodded.

"Then what's your answer?" Guan Twelve looked at Ji Youku and asked Xu Liuqin.

"I think my answer and attitude are already obvious." Ji Youku smiled, his pretty face full of confidence!
Teenagers should be confident!Because they are the shining sun at noon!
But sometimes, such harsh light can also cause headaches.

Just like Guan Twelve, she doesn't know how to dispel the enthusiasm of this hot-blooded young man. Could it be that what she said is not absolute enough?Why do people always like to get more courageous after setbacks?

"Ji Youku, do you really want to fight against me?" Guan Twelve's attitude suddenly cooled down, she looked at Ji Youku indifferently, and asked in a cold voice.

"I just don't want to admit defeat easily."

"..." So this kind of adolescent boy is the most difficult to deal with!

Guan Twelve was expressionless.

She is a cold-blooded animal without emotion, please stop seducing her with emotion!She is not interested in this!

"Twelve, why don't you accept me? Or, why don't you try with me?"

Guan Twelve was startled, she looked at Ji Youke in disbelief: "Do you know what you're talking about?!"

"I know!"

"Why does it have to be me?" Guan Twelve frowned and couldn't help asking!

"Because I like you!" Ji Youku looked at Guan Twelve affectionately!Ji Youku's appearance is not bad!He was already handsome, but when he came, he was stared sideways by the people around him.

To be confessed by such a handsome person would make a normal person's heart flutter, but Guan Twelve wouldn't!

Not to mention the NPCs she met in the game, there are all types of beauties, and she has met many in real life, but there are not many of them.

She felt that Ji Youke was abnormal, and to be a good young boy, she had to be a money-hungry sick child?
"Let me tell you the truth, Ji Youku, I'm sick." After Guan Twelve finished speaking, something suddenly felt wrong!

"What's wrong? Did you go to see a doctor?!" Ji Youku panicked when he heard that Guan Twelve was sick!

"A money-eating disease. This disease will not harm the body, but after the onset, negative emotions will arise in my heart for no reason! I want to die!"

Guan Twelve discussed his illness with outsiders for the first time!

Except for her attending doctor, no one knew that she had this disease, but now she took the initiative to disclose it to Ji Youku!

After hearing this, Ji Youku frowned, and he couldn't help asking: "Does this disease really exist?"

Ji Youku almost wrote on his face whether you were lying to me!

Officer Twelve: I hit you!

Although Ji Youku felt that the illness was fake, as if she made it up now, but the expression on the official twelfth did not look like a fake at all.

It's hard for Ji Youku to judge whether Guan Twelve lied to him or not in a split second!

"So, do you think I have no money, no conditions, and no way to support you?" Ji Youke took a deep breath, and then looked at Guan Twelve seriously.

"Yes, because I am very rich, and you are a student, I don't want to delay your future."

"How much does your illness cost?"

"..." Where would she go!
She knew that her medicine cost 50 yuan for a course of treatment, and she didn't know how much it cost now.

"One hundred million." After all, Guan Twelve is a vulgar person. She has never seen money, nor has she seen such a large amount of money, so she feels that [-] million is too much, a lot.

And this [-] million is an impossible task for a student like Ji Youku!

He frowned, pursed his lips, and said, "Okay, when I have [-] million, you will agree to me, right?"

"No, if you sell blood, organs, and classmates to make money, wouldn't I be helping the evildoers?"

Ji Youku: ... He still dare not do things that know the law and break the law!
Finally, when this matter is settled, as long as Ji Youku collects [-] million yuan and obtains it through reasonable means that do not violate the law, Guan Twelve will date him!

Guan Twelve looked at Ji Youku who was energetic in life over there, and couldn't help shaking his head!

Leaving aside the fact that it is simply impossible for an ordinary student without any connections to collect [-] million in a short period of time, winning the lottery is only tens of millions, and it is not guaranteed.

By doing this, Guan Twelve could calm down for a while.

At this time, Wendy's message was also sent, Guan Twelve glanced at it, and Wendy's reply was very simple:
[As a rare disease in the world, ARD has a zero chance of recovering from the disease since ancient times, while the probability of recovering from the disease is almost zero. Of course, these are speculations based on historical patient data. For specific conditions, you need to go to the hospital for an examination , If you have time, you can come to the hospital for an examination. 】

Guan Twelve looked at the cold words above, she silently turned off the phone, then took a deep breath, and drank the cold coffee.

Although I had prepared myself, my heart was still cold after receiving the news.

Guan Twelve put down his coffee cup and stared at the scenery outside the window in a trance!
Opposite the window in the city is the road and green belt, there is nothing too beautiful.

Guan Twelve looks at the people passing by on the road outside the window. It is now sunset. There are students with schoolbags, mothers with children, fathers who just got off work with their backs, white-collar workers, girls in fashionable clothes, carrying famous tags. A rich lady who drives a luxury car!
Ji Youku

This place can see all kinds of people, everyone is living their own life, everyone has their own way of living...

Well, she also wants to continue her own way of life.

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