The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 327 Entertainment King

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[Successful loading, forming a virtual character, when you implant the chip, the character and body merge, you may not be you anymore, you can have a better life!Let us indulge in it, there is no moral bottom line here, there are only big gambling and happiness!There is no death in this game, only winning or losing, the winner is rewarded generously, and the loser is crushed. Welcome to "The End of Infinite Stream"! ! 】

[The environment of this game is "Entertainment King". This is an era of superficiality. The entertainment industry, as a circle, naturally needs to have excellent leaders. This time the script has changed the previous player and player's death. Players choose NPC after entering , unlimited number of people!As long as the NPC is selected to become the king, the queen, the movie king, the movie queen, and one of the five honorary titles of the best idol, it will be successful. Note that the honorary status cannot be purchased with money, all of which are genuine materials. Only when everyone is convinced After customs clearance, when an honor is occupied, it cannot be used, and the player needs to win other honor titles!This time this is a fictitious plot (if there is any similarity, it is an honor) in which the pain of death is 95% (note that it cannot be changed) players have black hair!In this plot, players can attack NPCs, and NPCs can also attack players!So please protect yourself, there are 100 game participants, and the number of passers: 5! 】

[Entering the game, entering successfully!Games start! 】

Entertainment comes first! ! !

It was in a pond at night in the desert, surrounded by fragrance, and in the pond, there was a beautiful figure with her back facing her, her black hair was like a waterfall, her skin was as white as snow, and her figure was slender. She was the waist in the desert!White Gesang flowers in the sea of ​​golden sand!

The boy standing there was already stunned by the sight in front of him.

He looked at that Qianying, and at this time that Qianying said: "I have never known that the son of the Mu family is actually a disciple who watches the girl take a bath~"

The woman's voice is cold and majestic, making people feel awe from the bottom of their hearts.

"Yes... yes... I'm sorry!" The young man subconsciously blushed, feeling embarrassed and uneasy.

"Card! Card! Card!"

The director looked at the boy impatiently, and couldn't help saying: "What's the matter with you? Do you know what age you are now? What are you sorry for? Can ancient people say sorry? Can you respect history!!"

"I'm sorry..."

The director held his forehead, feeling very headache.

"Director Zhao, do you need to start over?" At this time, that beautiful woman came over with her clothes on. Her face was very beautiful, the kind that caught people's attention!
It's no wonder that the young boy lost his mind because of this.

Director Zhao thought while looking at the woman's face.

Sure enough, as the first face in the entertainment industry, the title of official actress is really not covered.

"Yes, thank you, Miss Officer."

Director Zhao looked at the woman in front of him very apologetically and said.

"..." Guan Twelve smiled and didn't say anything, then turned around and went back to her seat to rest. She drank water and looked at the entire crew.

That's right, Guan Twelve has acted and become a movie queen. She had such an idea after she entered the game and knew the rules of the game.

The rules of this game do not mention what kind of role the player needs to play, but if you want to cultivate movie kings, actresses, etc., you will generally choose the identity of an agent. After all, such an identity is the most in line with the rules of the game, but Officer Twelve She discovered something.

That is, the resources in the hands of the broker are all given by the company. If you don’t have anyone who can sell them, why should the company give you good resources?So this identity will be very passive.

Such a passive identity official Twelve feels that it is a hindrance to the players, but if she becomes an actor, she won't, of course she can't be an ordinary actor, but a movie queen, as long as she has a reputation in the entertainment industry, then the contacts in her hand will be The wider the area, the more resources there will be.

When the time comes, she will find the NPC she wants to train, and the journey will be much easier.

She now has a man and a woman under her command. Both of them are heading towards the singing circle. What she is looking for now is a boy who is an actor.

That's right, she thought it over, rather than spreading the net and distributing her limited resources to a large number of people, it's better to just catch those few and focus on training them.

But there can't be only one, after all, she is afraid, afraid that the NPC she cultivated will almost become a movie star, but someone will cut her off halfway!

So it is safer to raise one in one position.

She has already occupied the position of actress, and now there is only one actor left, so she needs to find a boy!

Guan Twelve looked at the young man who was playing with her just now, and he is also the leading actor of this show. As the leading actor, his appearance is definitely good, but in terms of acting...

Not enough.

Officer Twelve frowned slightly, then Pas kissed him and looked at the others.

But basically they are all the same, nothing good.

Director Zhao came over at this time and told Guan Twelve that their heroine had some things to go first, so they might have to shoot other things first, but soon, if Guan Twelve felt bored, he could go for a walk.

When Guan Twelve heard this, he looked at the heroine of this show. She is a very popular little flower recently, unlike Guan Twelve, who has been acting for several years. I have a lot of fans, so I came here to act!

The reason why this drama is looking for her is because she has a lot of fans behind her, so that the ratings of this drama can be stabilized by then.

And Guan Twelve, as the actress, should actually be the protagonist of this drama, but Guan Twelve himself has a very strange view on this drama. Compared with the silly, white and sweet heroine, she prefers this resourceful villain with goals Ambitious, she likes it.

That's why she asked for this villain scene, but she didn't expect...

Guan Twelve looked at the popular little flower who looked at him triumphantly, with a blank expression on his face.

There's really a lot of infighting in this circle.

But what does a popular little flower do with her actress?

"I'm going out for a walk." Guan Twelve looked away, then turned and left.

Looking at Guan Twelve's back, Director Zhao felt a little guilty. This official actress is famous for her temper in the entertainment industry. She has a cold face, but her style of doing things is so gentle.

It would be great if the current popular little flower can have a personality like this one.

Director Zhao shook his head regretfully.

There is no way, the benefactor behind the heroine is really too big.

He can't afford it either.

Guan Twelve didn't know what Director Zhao was thinking.

She thinks it's good to go out to relax, she doesn't want to fight with a child, and she can go to other crews to see if there is an NPC she likes.

There is a surprise in the new copy of the entertainment circle~

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