The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 328 Entertainment King

As the most filmed Hengdian, the size of this place is unimaginable. Guan Twelve walked through three shooting locations. She stretched her waist and then rubbed her sore shoulders. She should be glad that she took a bath when she was acting. , so she didn't wear heavy clothes, otherwise her character's clothes would be terrifyingly heavy, and the headgear weighed seven kilograms!

Guan Twelve felt so tired from walking, she didn't want to leave, and when she turned to leave, she suddenly saw a crew, it should be a martial arts drama, the man was hanging from the sky with a wire, and his movements were neat and neat!He pointed at the enemy in front of him with a long sword in his hand and shouted:
"Thief! I will get rid of it!"

The voice is a little immature, but it doesn't affect his momentum!

The red cloak fluttered with the wind, and his eyes were fierce with endless hatred. At this moment, he was really that handsome young man!Fresh clothes angry horse!

Crowd around the world with a sword!What can I do if I am young and frivolous?
He really brought the word to life.

"Okay! Alright! Change people!" At this time, the director of the show suddenly said, and another person came up!

Only at this time did Guan Twelve know that this young man was actually a substitute?
With such acting skills and good looks, she shouldn't be a stand-in.

Guan Twelve thought about it and walked over, she took advantage of the change of actors and patted the director's shoulder lightly!

The director turned his head to look!He saw a beautiful woman who was not like a real person standing behind him!She was dressed thinly, covered with a blanket, and her hair was as wet and beautiful as a fairy!
etc!It looks familiar!
Groove!Is it the official actress? ! !
The director scared the whole person to stand up!The huge movement attracted everyone's attention!Then when I saw Guan Twelve, I was stunned!
Groove!Who is this beautiful woman? !
She stands beside the director?Could it be someone Director 1 knows? ! !

Groove!Their director turned out to be so awesome!Do you know such a beautiful woman? !
"Guan...guanguanguan..." The director is a rookie director after all!Nowadays, a queen in the entertainment industry standing beside her inevitably becomes nervous and incoherent!
"Just call me Twelve, what's the director's name?" Guan Twelve smiled, playing the role of a kind-hearted and kind-hearted actress to the fullest.

"My surname is Lu." Guide Lu subconsciously bowed and flattered him. After all, the woman in front of him has quite a lot of influence in the entertainment industry, but she has a very good personality, so it's hard to tell!

"Director Lu, it's okay. I'll be filming next to you. Now I'm bored and come over to take a look. Don't interrupt your progress and continue." Guan Twelve said with a smile.

"Hey! Good! Good! Miss Twelve, are you watching from the side?" Lu Dao still didn't dare to call Twelve directly, and added an honorific title after that.

Guan Twelve nodded, she didn't care about this.

So someone next to him took a chair for Guan Twelve and sat next to Road Guide, and Guan Twelve watched them act.

Guan Twelve noticed that the stand-in seemed to be more than just a stand-in, he was also the male fourth in this play, playing a general, but fell in love with Peach Blossom Fairy, who is also the heroine of this play, if you like it, don't want it!
Watching him act, the more Guan Twelve watched, the more he felt that this young man was a malleable talent, so he asked the road guide in a low voice: "What's the name of that child? Is it from that company?"

Hearing Guan Twelve's voice, the road guide looked in the direction of her eyes, and then said clearly: "He, his name is Wei Zichen, he doesn't belong to any company, he is a fresh graduate from the Academy of Film and Media Art in City A. , haven’t signed the company yet.”

Wei Zichen?
Guan Twelve looked at the young man, his face was not bad, he was very beautiful, he belonged to the attractive type, and he was also good at acting when he was young.

Guan Twelve was a little moved.

The road guide knew from Guan Twelve's appearance that she was interested in this boy named Wei Zichen, so he called Wei Zichen over after the filming was over!
Wei Zichen heard the director's voice and walked over.

"Zichen, this is Miss Guan! It's..." Lu Dao was about to introduce Guan Twelve's identity, but was interrupted by Guan Twelve. She looked at the boy in front of her and asked, "How old are you? "

"...21 years old." Wei Zichen looked at the woman in front of him, didn't know what he was thinking, and answered after a while.

"My name is Guan Twelve. I admire your acting skills very much. Do you plan to sign with the company?" Guan Twelve looked at Wei Zichen and asked seriously!

What she didn't expect was that Wei Zichen's eyes changed when he heard her name, he seemed to be shocked!I can't believe it again!
"Ten... Twelve..." Wei Zichen looked at Guan Twelve and called her name!

This made Guan Twelve stunned, but she was more at a loss!
Because Wei Zichen's tone seemed to know her, not the kind of admiration, as if they had met her before.

But she has never seen this person before, she dares to swear!
And there is no player's health bar on his head, it is an NPC!
Why do you know her?
Could it be that she lost her memory?
And Wei Zichen over there seemed to have realized his gaffe, he coughed twice, and then said: "Sorry, I want to think about it."

Guan Twelve raised his eyebrows, then nodded and said: "Of course, then add a WeChat, and send me a message if you want to."


Wei Zichen took out his mobile phone, and the two added WeChat. Guan Twelve looked at Wei Zichen's profile picture, which was a map of the world.

Officer Twelve: this already the case at this age?

"Twelve?" Guan Twelve looked at Wei Zichen's WeChat name and raised his eyebrows.

Could it be her fan?

"..." Wei Zichen didn't seem to intend to explain.

Guan Twelve didn't care, and asked Wei Zichen to go back to acting after typing the notes!

Wei Zichen glanced at Guan Twelve, then nodded and went back.

At this time, the road guide took the opportunity to ask: "Miss Twelve, do you have a crush on this child?"

Guan Twelve nodded without hesitation, and then said, "I think he has a talent for acting, and I want to sign him."


"There's no need to be nice to him, you can come here as you want, besides, he hasn't agreed to me yet." Guan Twelve could see Lu Dao's intentions at a glance, and she quickly rejected his offer!

"Miss Twelve invited me personally, I think it's very difficult for anyone to refuse." Director Lu told the truth!

With Guan Twelve's face, her status in the entertainment industry and the resources behind her, anyone who wants to go on in the entertainment industry and go far!Will not refuse!
Guan Twelve smiled, and at this time a figure suddenly stood in front of her. Guan Twelve looked over and didn't recognize her, but he was very pretty.

"Miss Twelve, it's nice to meet you. My name is Tang Zheng, and I'm the leading actor in this show." Tang Zheng looked at Guan Twelve with amazement and fascination in his eyes!
He has long heard the title of the No. [-] face in the official twelfth entertainment circle. When he saw her photos and dramas, he thought she was very beautiful. He didn't expect that she was even more beautiful in person!
Guess who Wei Zichen is, no prize for guessing right haha

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