The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 337 Entertainment King

In a vegetable market on a certain street in a certain city, Huo Qubing looked at Guan Twelve in front of him, and there was a lot of people around him!Huo Qubing noticed that someone was rushing over, he quickly grabbed Guan Twelve's arm to avoid the crowd!

Seeing this, Guan Twelve thanked him, and Huo Qubing continued to ask: "Is your mission here too?"

Guan Twelve nodded and asked, "What is your mission?"

Huo Qubing stretched out his hand silently, Guan Twelve noticed the embroidery needle in his hand.

"..." Guan Twelve blinked.

"My task is to exchange this embroidery needle for something worth [-] yuan." Huo Qubing explained.

"...[-]?" Guan Twelve couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Huo Qubing nodded.

"In this vegetable market?"

Huo Qubing nodded.

"...Then your task is really difficult." Guan Twelve couldn't help sighing as he looked around at the vegetable market where the average price of commodities was only a few yuan.

"..." Huo Qubing couldn't help sighing, even the great generals who lived in ancient times knew it!This is almost an impossible task.

"There will always be a way." Guan Twelve looked at the brooch in his hand, thought for a while, took off his hairpin and handed it to Huo Qubing, and took his embroidery needle and said: "Although this is not worth much, it seems to be Five dollars, but at least it's better than this."

Huo Qubing nodded his thanks.

"What is your mission?" Huo Qubing asked.

"Find a man between the ages of 22 and 28 to read the tongue twister." Guan Twelve looked around, either aunts or uncles or children. How could there be young people between 22 and 28 years old shopping in the vegetable market!People of this age rarely buy groceries.

Guan Twelve suddenly felt that his mission was very slim!

At this time, Huo Qubing said as if he had found some blind spot: "I am 22 years old."

Officer Twelve: Huh? ?

"And I'm at the vegetable market now." Huo Qubing looked serious!
Guan Twelve suddenly became enlightened!yes!Isn't there a person who meets this standard standing here in front of her!

"Then do you know tongue twisters?" Guan Twelve asked.

"I can take a look first." Huo Qubing looked at the director who was following him. The director obviously didn't expect them to play such a trick!They were all stunned there!Almost subconsciously said no, it violated the rules of the game!

But Huo Qubing was very good at taking advantage of loopholes. He directly said that the director didn't write in the rules that he couldn't ask his teammates to solve the problem, so they didn't count as violations!

Director: ...Okay!Hello makes sense!We can't argue with that!

So the director resigned and handed the tongue twister card to Huo Qubing. Huo Qubing took a look and frowned slightly.

"Difficult?" Guan Twelve leaned over to take a look, and it seemed to be okay.

"No, I just don't understand what this means." Huo Qubing shook his head and said with a sigh.

Immediately, Guan Twelve couldn't laugh or cry, she said: "What's the meaning of a tongue twister?"

Huo Qubing:
"I think that as long as you say words, you should describe a thing, or... Forget it, I think too much."

"Read it, the tongue twisters in Chinese characters are not for training your tongue." Of course Guan Twelfth knew what Huo Qubing was talking about. Sometimes she really felt that this boy named Wei Zichen spoke in a gentle manner. It seems that he likes to chew on words very much. Is it like this for everyone who learns to act?
Fortunately, although Huo Qubing was curious, he still read it:
"Shishi, a poet in the Shishi family, is addicted to lions, and swears to eat ten lions. Shi Shi always regards lions in the market. At ten o'clock, the ten lions are in the market. At the right time, Shi Shi is in the market. Shi Shi sees the ten lions, relying on the momentum , so that the ten lions died. Shi picked up the ten lion corpses, suitable for the stone chamber. The stone chamber was wet, and the clan envoys wiped the stone chamber. The stone chamber was wiped, and it was ten lion corpses that Shi tried to eat. corpse."

After reading it, not only Huo Qubing was silent, but Guan Twelve was also silent.

The two looked at each other, and finally Guan Twelve turned his head and asked the director, "Where did you find this tongue twister?"

"What's wrong?" The director was also confused?Did he find the wrong one?

"It's not logical, even if you read it clearly, you still can't understand it." Huo Qubing shook his head, obviously disgusted with this tongue twister.

Director: What logic do you need for a tongue twister?

"...Not only is it illogical, but it's really hell. It's very sad for a non-hosting major who needs to take the Putonghua test." Guan Twelve frowned slightly, with a look of disgust on his face.

Director: um.
"Forget it, he also wanted to increase the difficulty of the task, so he ignored it for a while. Look, I still have embroidery needles for [-] yuan." Huo Qubing sighed and looked at the director sadly.

Director: um.
All in all, the task of Guan Twelve and Zhao Nanchang was completed, and in return, Guan Twelve and the others would also help Huo Qubing and the others to complete the task, and the resident guest who partnered with Huo Qubing was the only woman among the four!
Maybe the official side wanted to make a little noise, so I put two people together, one is a famous female idol, and the other is a new student who is the most talked about at the moment.

If there is any spark between the two, then their variety show will explode!
But it's clear that the two of them don't like each other!
The female idol is Yu Shanshan, an idol who debuted in a girl group!Because of his sweet appearance, he has attracted a large number of fans!

Yu Shanshan's family is not rich, and it was a coincidence that she was able to debut, so she naturally wanted to seize this hard-won opportunity!Knowing that idols will lose fans when they fall in love, losing points is equivalent to losing money!
Of course Yu Shanshan couldn't do that!So when she participates in this variety show, she will deliberately avoid those actions that are likely to cause scandals!There is a certain distance from the male guests!

But the director doesn't seem to intend to think so!He is also relying on her to stir up CP, so basically any male among the temporary guests will partner with Yu Shanshan!
Yu Shanshan: Damn it!It's hard to earn money!
And it was the same this time, originally Yu Shanshan thought that this male guest would approach her like the previous male guests, but Huo Qubing glanced at her and then at the task and said directly: "Separate action!"

Then turned and left!
Yu Shanshan was stunned, and when she came to her senses, Huo Qubing had already disappeared. She stood there alone, looking at the director and then at the camera!

The director didn't expect that Huo Qubing would leave Yu Shanshan alone to do the task.

But Yu Shanshan, who came back to her senses, was a little surprised, and hurriedly walked in the opposite direction!

Yu Shanshan: As long as I run fast!Gossip can't catch up with me hehe!

On the other hand, Huo Qubing switched circles with Guan Twelve and Zhao Nanchang, mainly because Guan Twelve was really famous!Many fans who heard that Guan Twelve was participating in the variety show rushed over!

There are many fans wearing famous brands in those pink colors!
Guan Twelve exchanged a certain brand-name bag worth 30 from them to complete the task.

Headache, sore throat, fever all over the body, I'm afraid it's the sun, cough cough

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