The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 338 Entertainment King

The four people who completed the task won two hundred yuan to buy lunch!
Huo Qubing looked at the red card of Grandpa Mao in his hand, then turned around and handed it to Guan Twelve. Guan Twelve looked at the money in his hand and looked at Huo Qubing.

"…for you."

Huo Qubing opened his mouth and wanted to tell Guan Twelve to buy whatever he likes, but then he realized that 200 yuan doesn't seem like much. Just now a bag was 30 yuan, and [-] yuan is really not much!

So the words turned around!became for you.

Later, I felt a little cold, and added another sentence: "I can eat anything, you choose."

Officer Twelve: ...

"Do you have anything to buy? We have 200 yuan... a huge sum of money." Guan Twelve looked at the two permanent guests and asked.

Zhao Nanchang and Yu Shanshan: ... two hundred huge sums of money? ?

"Let's see if the other two groups have completed their tasks, and see what they plan to eat." Zhao Nanchang proposed at this time, and the others had no objections.

So Zhao Nanchang called the opposite group!
One minute later, Zhao Nanchang hung up the phone and said to Guan Twelve and the others: "Zilu and the others said they were with Xiaoxiang, and their tasks have been completed. We now have a total of 1 yuan."

Zilu's full name is Li Zilu, a singer, and Xiaoxiang's name is Luxiang, who is also a singer. Both of them are engaged in music.

"For 400 yuan, eight people, an average of 50 yuan per person, this is completely good food."

"I said, we don't need to eat at home." Guan Twelve suddenly proposed at this time!
Everyone was stunned!
"In the case of [-] per person, we can eat very good food, and find a farmhouse nearby." Guan Twelve suggested!

Both Zhao Nanchang and Yu Shanshan were taken aback for a moment, this is the first time someone has proposed such an idea in so many sessions!Suddenly they were a little overwhelmed, subconsciously looked at the director, and then asked weakly: "Is it okay?"

Director: What do you think?Of course not!You go out to eat!What about the video of this place cooking? !

"No." The director rejected their idea without hesitation.

"Why not?" Huo Qubing asked knowingly.


Yu Shanshan and Zhao Nanchang: ...

Do you want to ask this knowingly? !
Guan Twelve didn't expect that Huo Qubing actually asked!really weird!He is not such a mindless person.

"I'm not being unreasonable to the director, just give me a reason that I can't refuse." Huo Qubing looked at the director and asked seriously.


"Because it's unhealthy outside." Guan Twelve relieved the director.

"...Oh, I'm sorry, I was thinking too much." Huo Qubing acted on the face of the official Twelve, seeing her like this, so he apologized very honestly.

【Ah!my dear master!what to do!Looks like we messed with the boss!what to do! 】

Xingxing looked anxious!
Huo Qubing: ...You may be thinking too much.

In the end, this matter ended with buying vegetables and going back to cook!

Then the eight of them got together first to prepare what to buy for the evening.

The eight people sat together and looked at the director in front of him. The director said that they have a dish here, and the guests just need to pay for whatever dish they want.

The regular guests who are familiar with the routines immediately guessed that it was not easy, so they saw Zhao Nanchang and asked:

"Is the price of that dish... the same as outside?"

"It's a little more expensive than outside." The director replied seriously.

"It's only five yuan for a cabbage. Are you fifty yuan?" Li Zilu said.

The director is silent!
"So it's really right?!" Lu Xiang's eyes widened!

"A profiteer, this is it." Yu Shanshan gritted her teeth.

"It's not too much, do you want to buy it?" The director asked seriously.

"Can we not buy it?" Guan Twelve asked.

"Okay, but this way you won't have dinner tonight." The director was indifferent.

Officer Twelve: ...

Everyone: ...threat!This is definitely a threat!

"Okay." After all, in other variety shows, Guan Twelve can only compromise.

"What dishes do we need?" Yu Shanshan looked at the others and asked.

"Let's ask for food first, we can't have food without food." Guan Twelve said.

"Yes! Beg for food."

"How many bowls of rice do you want?"

"You talk about the price first."

"Ten yuan a bowl."

"Ten dollars!!"

"Did the Marketing Bureau agree to your pricing?" Huo Qubing looked at the director and asked seriously.

Guan Twelve subconsciously looked at Huo Qubing.

Others couldn't help but look at this young man who was obviously quiet and cold!
He seldom speaks, but every time he speaks, he speaks amazing words.

And Huo Qubing really cared about this issue, because this was not his first time-traveling mission. There was a previous mission to become a lawyer, so Huo Qubing, the famous general who lived in ancient times, wanted to complete the mission!I have been studying various law-related books for ten years!So he is very sensitive to illegal things!This is also a subconscious inquiry.

The director did not expect to be asked such a question by the guests, he is still a young director after all!Immediately I didn't know how to answer.

"So you didn't tell the Marketing Bureau?" Huo Qubing saw the strange expression on the director's face, and immediately frowned, thinking of something and asked.

Guan Twelve felt that she was going to die of laughter. For the first time, she thought that this kid named Wei Zichen was really interesting!How can anyone ask this question in a variety show!

"The director's price is really unreasonable, ten yuan a bowl, not to mention that the marketing bureau does not agree, and the farmer uncle will not agree." Guan Twelve told the director with a suppressed smile.

"Yes... yes! This price is indeed unreasonable!" Seeing the situation, the guests simply put it all to pieces!
Damn it's all over!It's better to save yourself money!
I can't stop playing variety shows, and spend too much money.

"The prices in shopping malls are not so expensive now!"

"That's right! You are disrupting the price balance! We can report you!"

"Yes! Call us back quickly!"

"That's right! Call back!"

The director was scolded bloody!He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

In the end, the director had no choice but to adjust the price. Although it is still more expensive than outside, let alone 51 bowls of rice.

At the same time, they also looked at Huo Qubing with admiration!
As an artist, there are really very few people who know these laws that have nothing to do with their own industry!
Such people have basically passed the exam and rarely become actors.

After changing, they start cooking!
Several people discussed it, and finally found that among the eight people, only two of them can cook, one is the resident guest Zhao Nanchang, and the other is Guan Twelve. When Guan Twelve said that she can cook, everyone They all looked shocked!

"What's wrong? Is it strange that I know how to cook?" Guan Twelve didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

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