The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 342 Entertainment King

Chapter 342 Entertainment King (16)

"It's nothing, the main thing is that Wei Zichen took it well." Guan Twelve's words are true. Wei Zichen can catch her scene and quickly respond to write lines. She didn't have this matter. Thought-of.

And after the game just now, Guan Twelve believes that Wei Zichen's film and television journey will not be too difficult, and everyone can see his ability!At least in a short period of time, his film and television resources will not be too bad!
Wei Zichen's appearance gave Lu Youxing an inspiration!
Guan Twelve took a deep breath, which meant that she really did not lose money this time!
Guan Twelve and the others are just temporary guests, they will be done after staying for one night!

After leaving, Guan Twelve first confirmed the broadcast time of this episode, then turned around and told Lu Youxing's secretary to be optimistic about Lu Youxing during this period and let her rest on time!

Finally came the inspiration!Lu Youxing is a silly child who can sleep and forget food and research, she doesn't want her biggest winning chip to fall ill!
At the same time, Ji Mu Song's concert was very successful!Specifically, his fans on Weibo doubled!
This made Ji Mu Song very happy!
Guan Twelve is also happy!

These NPCs of hers are really competitive!
And during this time, Huo Qubing was not idle!Guan Twelve found him a role for some time!
Let him choose!

Guan Twelve has a lot of resources in his hands, Huo Qubing is dazzled!

And Guan Twelve thoughtfully gave Huo Qubing three scripts for him to choose from!

Huo Qubing looked at the scripts in his hand, a martial arts script, a modern idol script, and a strategy script!
Huo Qubing was not interested in idol scripts, and he was not very interested in strategy scripts, so he finally set his sights on martial arts scripts.

"Do you like this script?" Guan Twelve asked when he saw the script in his hand.

"Well, I'm curious." Huo Qubing had always fought for his country during his lifetime!He spent almost the rest of his life on the battlefield, and he thought of those knights who wielded swords as Xing Xing had said, they were always free!The rivers and lakes are free!They only live for themselves!

free!Huo Qubing was yearning for it!If only he could go back to his own time!Of course he is willing to continue to fight for the big man!But he already knew that he could not go back!And the people of this era have grown stronger!There are great men who specialize in protecting them!Then he should live for himself!
And he has always been curious about what the so-called martial arts world is.

[My dear master!This is just a script!It is still different from the real martial arts world. 】

And this time the stars reminded.

Huo Qubing pursed his lips. Of course he knew that there was a big difference between the script and the reality, but at least, he was only interested in this!
"You like this script, okay, I'll go check it out and ask the director, and find a time to go for an interview." Guan Twelve saw that Huo Qubing really liked the script, so she called the director, and after confirming the time, she followed up with Huo Qubing said: "In three days, there will be an interview, you just go there then!"

Huo Qubing nodded, and Xingxing said speechlessly: [I thought she could directly give you the role, but I didn't expect you to go for an interview!Go grab them!really weird! 】

Over there, Guan Twelve seemed to hear the words of the stars, and said, "Of course I can give you the back door, but I didn't. You should know the reason."

Huo Qubing:
【what reason!It's because she is stingy! 】Xing Xing spoke at this time.

Huo Qubing doesn't think that he is not an ignorant person, although he prefers to deal with military affairs rather than political infighting!

But it doesn't mean he doesn't understand these things!

What's more, he has also dealt with these things!

Guan Twelve did this because he was worried that he would be said to have a backstage when he entered the film crew. Although the news was not explosive, it could even be said that he would be suspected if he did not do so!

But the reason why she still does this is because of her trust in him!

The official actress is famous for doting on the artists under her name!despite this!She still asked him to go for an interview, which shows!He has this strength.

And Huo Qubing lived up to expectations!Grab this spot soon!

That is the male second of a swordsman in the rivers and lakes!

Originally, Huo Qubing was interviewing the fourth male, but when the screenwriter saw his face and demeanor, he immediately said he was the second male!

Huo Qubing:
It's something that I didn't expect.

Guan Twelve didn't think about it either, but he still wanted to congratulate Huo Qubing, so he sent him a message, originally thinking about sending him a red envelope, but Huo Qubing over there sent the message before her.

It probably means that I got this role thanks to Guan Twelve, so I want to invite her to dinner.

Officer Twelve: What if the silly boy is photographed!
Guan Twelve quickly refused,

Huo Qubing looked at the rejection message above and didn't say much, thinking that it might be too abrupt and out of manners, so he thought it would be fine to give him something.

【Master, you seem to like this Guan Twelve very much? 】Xing Xing is not a human being, but she has a thorough understanding of the relationship between human beings. Huo Qubing's eyes and the thoughts in his heart, he never hides, Xing Xing has always been by his side, and is very sensitive to these.

"En." Huo Qubing nodded without hesitation.

【. If you like it, go for it!However, I would like to remind the master that we as taskers should not put too much affection on these people who are not in our own world, as it is easy to invite retribution. 】Xing Xing reminded in a very serious tone.

"...I know." Huo Qubing is not a man with low self-esteem. He will of course pursue someone he likes. In his previous life, he was concerned about the territory and the future of the big man!So he put aside the love of children, but now, he is free, just like the stars said, his era is over, and the matter between the Huns and the big man has passed, and now he is no longer the so-called General Chang Sheng, he is Huo Qubing, just an ordinary tasker named Huo Qubing.

So when he meets a girl he likes, he can pursue it without any scruples!

However, as an ancient person, Huo Qubing was well-matched in his bone marrow. He knew that the identity and status of Guan Twelve was out of reach for him, at least the current him was not worthy of Guan Twelve.

So what he has to do is to improve himself!
In her later life, Guan Twelve basically focused on running her own company. As for acting, her current status and resources were already enough, so she didn't need to act anymore.

And Huo Qubing!After his first play was broadcast, he received a great response!Originally, because he was an artist signed by Guan Twelve, people's attention to him has always been very high!When the plot comes out, the requirements for him will be very high!Then they find out!This handsome young man seems to be even better at acting!

(End of this chapter)

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