The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 343 Entertainment King

Although he only played a supporting role!But his acting skills are definitely not covered!

Then, in the variety show that was broadcast, Huo Qubing's straightforward science popularization law and his straight man's attributes of paying attention to tasks made people laugh out loud!
There was an upsurge in unraveling on the Internet!
[Lululu: I died from laughing!The artist earnestly popularized the consumer rights protection law with the director! !Can you still play like this? ! 】

[Fantastic pig: Although I also think that 50 yuan for a bowl of rice is too unreasonable!But he actually moved out of the law directly!I just died laughing]

[Flying Man: I'm a fan!Don't ask why!Q is such a person who understands the law will definitely become a good entertainer who abides by the law!he!The house will definitely not collapse! 】

【3131; Wait a minute!Don't you guys think he's a bit straight? !Yu Shanshan who just abandoned us just left! 】

[The last bowl of noodles in front of me: Wei Zichen: I only have missions in my heart! 】

[You who have insomnia after school: Say he is straight?But he seems to have an unusual attitude towards our official actress! 】

[Lululu: Yes!Obediently follow behind our official actress, don't be too obedient!This is my respect for CP! 】

[There is a tail behind the open-air butt: Don’t you all think that the game behind is too powerful? !They are too good!Especially the stars!The words behind her are so touching!She is really good! ! 】

[Come on, come on: I'm crying to death!I actually watched a be drama in a game in a variety show! 】

[Tutu loves to eat spicy rabbit heads: Woooooo!Add one upstairs! ! 】

After this episode aired, this variety show became popular all of a sudden!

at the same time!Huo Qubing is also on fire!
This also led to more and more people looking for him to film!

For the scripts delivered to the door, the first thing to be handed over is Guan Twelve, and Guan Twelve will pick out a few good ones and pass them to Huo Qubing for him to make a choice!

"You are now in the rising period of your career, and it is clear from the number of your Weibo fans! Now you can't play those unimportant small characters or characters whose characters are not pleasing, so as not to lower your traffic. These few I think it's good, which one do you like?"

Guan Twelve said so much in one breath and felt a little dry, so he picked up the teacup on the table and drank it slowly, waiting for Huo Qubing's answer.

And Huo Qubing looked at the scripts in his hands, and he knew at a glance that the plots of these dramas were not running accounts, they were all very good scripts, and they were very challenging!
He looked at the woman sitting opposite!The woman who overlaps with the memory!

She is always so good to him!
Okay, so he didn't dare not be tempted at all!
"I have a question, I want to ask you, what kind of man do you like, Miss Twelve?"

Huo Qubing's sudden question made Guan Twelve pause, she subconsciously looked up at Huo Qubing!It turned out that his expression was serious, not like joking.

"Are you so interested in this?" Guan Twelve calmed down, put down the cup in his hand, and asked back with a smile.

"I'm just curious. For someone as outstanding as you, who is as dazzling as uncut jade, what kind of person can stand by your side?" Huo Qubing pursed his lips, then raised his eyes to look at Guan Twelve, and asked very seriously.

Hearing the seriousness in Huo Qubing's words, knowing that he was not joking, Guan Twelve thinks that she is not a smart person, but she has always had her own understanding and talent for emotional matters!
No one would ask such a question for no reason!

Therefore, when she heard Huo Qubing's words, it was hard not to guess that she fell in love with her!

Guan Twelve doesn't have the confidence that everyone must fall in love with her the first time they see her, but once in a while a few just meet their favorite type and fall in love at first sight, Guan Twelve still has the confidence to some extent.

If you fall in love with her, it's much easier!
Thinking of this, Guan Twelve raised the corners of her lips, showing a perfect smile, and she said with a smile, "I'm the actress, if we talk about being side by side, then I am."

"The film king." Huo Qubing said the latter sentence for Guan Twelve, but Guan Twelve smiled and said nothing, but she asked knowingly:

"Zichen? What are you asking this for?"

Huo Qubing looked at Guan Twelve who was smiling like a flower in front of him, Guan Twelve was good-looking, he knew it, everyone knew it, so when she showed a well-designed smile, no one would not be fascinated!

The same was true for Huo Qubing, but after he came back to his senses, he pursed his lips, looked at the smiling official Twelve, opened his mouth, closed his mouth, and then opened his mouth again:

"Because I like you."

Guan Twelve's complexion didn't change, he just pretended to be stupefied, after all, this was something she knew a long time ago, when she was still planning to continue acting, Huo Qubing's words over there made Guan Twelve stunned:
"So, stop showing this expression, no matter what you ask me to do, I will agree."

Guan Twelve was stunned, she was completely stunned this time, she looked at the immature but extremely serious young man in front of her, his tone revealed the helplessness and compromise that saw through her acting skills!

But Guan Twelve still has confidence in his acting skills!

Why...will it be seen through?
Guan Twelve's spellcasting was suddenly interrupted, and his whole brain was running wildly, trying to find something to counterattack, but Huo Qubing didn't give her a new chance to form a language. He handed a script to Guan Twelve, and then He said, "That's it."

Guan Twelve was stunned for a moment, he hadn't recovered when he took the script, when he recovered, he looked down at the script, a light flashed in his eyes!
This is a drama by a great director, a modern police drama!

In this era, gangster dramas have always been the focus of audience attention!After all, the actor plays the hero who guards the peace and protects the homeland!

So every character will be focused on!

This script is great!If it works well!It must be on fire!

Whether it should be said or not, Huo Qubing's vision is still very good!
"Are you sure it's this?" Guan Twelve looked at Huo Qubing and asked.

It seems that the confession just now has passed!
Huo Qubing nodded.

"Although asking this is redundant, I still want to ask, why did you choose this?"

"Because, I like this role, and at the same time, I have the confidence to play it well." Huo Qubing looked at Guan Twelve and said with a chuckle.

"So confident?" Guan Twelve raised his eyebrows!

Although confidence is a good thing, and Wei Zichen does have this ability, but his overconfidence still made Guan Twelve couldn't help but ask.

"If you don't have the courage to stand in front of millions of heroes and not be cowardly, how dare you have the decision to express your heart to the person you like?"

Guan Twelve was stunned, and the young man in front of him smiled flamboyantly and confidently!
The pride of heaven

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