The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 344 Entertainment King

Chapter 344 Entertainment King (18)

Guan Twelve, who was confessed by an NPC in the game and even teased, was sitting in his office, looking at the document about Wei Zichen in his hand in a daze!

It wrote all the detailed information about Wei Zichen, even including whether he had a girlfriend when he was in college.

But compared to these, Guan Twelve is more concerned about the above description of Wei Zichen's character:

Dull, not talkative, low self-esteem.

silence?Don't like talking?self-abasement? ! !

Guan Twelve looked at these three adjectives, and recalled that he had just arrived in Wei Zichen!

That dazzling young man is confident and flamboyant, showing his arrogance and frivolity everywhere!
[If you don't have the courage to stand in front of millions of heroes without being cowardly, how dare you have the decision to express your heart to the person you like? 】

Officer Twelve raised his forehead, then covered his mouth.

How can a person with low self-esteem say such a thing?
It's really weird.

Could it be worn?
The more Guan Twelve thought about it, the more likely it was.

In addition, she has now basically determined that the so-called game world does not belong to the game world at all.

She was even more skeptical of this possibility.

Thinking of Guan Twelve leaning back and raising his head, the hand that was covering his mouth slowly moved up to cover his eyes.

She just wanted to earn money to cure a disease quietly, why is it so difficult?

But in the days that followed, what made Guan Twelve gratified was that Huo Qubing's reputation was getting bigger and bigger, and he was also very serious in his work. Everyone in the crew liked him very much. Who wouldn't love a child who is polite and has acting skills?

And Huo Qubing also worked very hard to play his role well and put himself in the right place.

He knew that his current status was all based on traffic and Guan Twelve's status in the entertainment industry, not all of it belonged to him.

And if he wants to become a real actor, he has to rely on himself.

"Du Youcai! Do you know what you're talking about now?! The one standing in front of you now! It's not Sun Yangzhi! It's all the patriotic and flesh-and-blood compatriots of the Flower Planters! Do you really want to make enemies of the Flower Planters?! That shameful running dog?!"

The young college student in the Chinese tunic pointed at the middle-aged man opposite and shouted loudly!

His immature and handsome eyebrows and eyes reveal patriotism and helplessness and sadness for the current difficult time for the country.

And the man opposite him seemed to be overwhelmed by the boy's aura, and he opened and closed his mouth for a long time without saying a word.


The director yelled "Ka", and Huo Qubing also came out of the play, looked at the opposite actor and smiled: "Thanks for your hard work."

"It's not hard, it's your aura just now! It scared me to death." The actor who played "Sun Youcai" patted his chest and said with a sigh of relief.

"No, senior's plays are great, and there are still many things I need to learn."

Huo Qubing is very humble. This humble character made the actor who took the role very happy, and he also has a good impression of Huo Qubing!

After being simple and reserved for a while, Huo Qubing went to rest and touch up his makeup, preparing for the next part of the drama, when a figure walked towards him.

"I heard that you are an artist under Guan Twelve's hands?"

Huo Qubing paused for a moment, then turned around and saw that it was the heroine of this show, named Li Lu, very beautiful, with a pure and lovely face, exquisite makeup, and a cute smile on her face, Huo Qubing was sure that he hadn't seen her. After passing her, he nodded.

"She's pretty, isn't she?"

Li Lu was sitting at the dressing table next to Huo Qubing, and the makeup artist next to her came over to touch up her makeup.

"She has always been beautiful." Huo Qubing didn't know what the girl was doing at this time, but he still answered the question.

"Hmm~ She's really beautiful! It's only natural for someone as beautiful as her to become a queen."

What Li Lu said made Huo Qubing frowned, he looked into Li Lu's eyes, the girl looked innocent, and seemed to have no malice.

"Compared to her appearance, I think her strength is what makes her a queen actress."

Huo Qubing looked at Li Lu and reminded him lightly.

Li Lu was taken aback, as if she didn't expect Huo Qubing to answer like this, she opened and closed her mouth for a long time, then she smiled awkwardly and said, "Hold... sorry, I didn't mean that."

Huo Qubing nodded: "I know."

Li Lu: ...a bit straightforward.

The atmosphere suddenly fell into embarrassment. Li Lu looked at Huo Qubing who had been looking at his phone to fix his makeup without saying a word. She found that he seemed to be chatting with someone, and the person he was chatting with was not bad.

More than once, Li Lu saw the gentle eyes of this young man who kept smiling politely towards everyone.

"Is it your lover who is chatting with you?"

As soon as Li Lu said this, all the makeup artists present were so frightened that their hands almost trembled!

They looked at each other and saw a word in each other's eyes: can the story behind this be heard?
They dare not listen! ! !

"No." Huo Qubing refused without hesitation.

"Oh~ but you look you understand? It's very...very in love."

Li Lu looked at Huo Qubing mysteriously and said.

Huo Qubing blinked his eyes, then fell silent for a while, then nodded and said, "When you meet Hongxiu, it's hard to say how much you miss him."

Li Lu: What is he talking about? !Why did you suddenly start reciting poetry?

"Hehe... you... are very cultured."

"Haven't you ever read?" Huo Qubing glanced at Li Lu.

Li Lu: ...I can't answer this...

"In this era, women can also study, which is much better than before. Such an opportunity is rare. If you have the opportunity, maybe it would be better for you to take a diploma." Huo Qubing looked at Li Lu seriously and said!

When he came to this era, he was surprised when he knew that women could study, work like men, be officials and make decisions, but he didn't reject it. After all, a big man has female officials, just like his aunt, There are many talented women like Wei Zifu.

Talented and capable people should show their talents and abilities.

Li Lu couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth when she heard Huo Qubing's words. She really wanted to refute, but when she thought about her high school diploma, she couldn't refute, but if she didn't speak like this, Li Lu felt that she had lost.

Oh shit!A little bit unwilling!

But at this moment, she suddenly thought of something, she smiled and said, "What about the official twelve?"

"I've always been curious what her diploma is, and it's not mentioned on the Internet, do you know?"

Huo Qubing thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "I don't know, but her knowledge, conversation, and demeanor all have a kind of calmness."

"But she heard she didn't seem to have gone to school."

Li Lu spoke at this time.

"Some things are more important than a diploma."

Huo Qubing replied disapprovingly.



 Huo Qubing: I confess /
  Twelve: I'm confused.

  Ask for tickets, ask for comments, thank you for loving you guys
(End of this chapter)

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