The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 345 Entertainment King

Chapter 345 Entertainment King (19)

"So you think you've offended a fairly famous girl in the entertainment industry and will cause me trouble, so you come here to apologize?"

In the company, Guan Twelve sat in his office and looked at the young man sitting across from him. He asked her if she was in the company right after today's play, and immediately ran over to say that he might have caused trouble, and then told her about the matter. After talking to her again.

After listening, Guan Twelve looked at the boy opposite with no expression on his face. He didn't look nervous, but he did panic and dodge when he looked at her.

Guan Twelve silently put down the document in her hand, looked at the young man opposite, took a deep breath, and said, "Listen Wei Zichen, I dare not say how much power I have in the entertainment circle, I don't like to provoke Trouble, but I am not afraid of trouble, you are my artist, and I am the backer behind you, you can rest assured that no one will trouble you when standing behind me."

Huo Qubing looked at Guan Twelve and remained silent.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Twelfth sighed suddenly, looked at Huo Qubing and said lightly: "But your behavior today really disappointed me. What I am disappointed is not that you caused trouble for you and me, but that you did not solve this problem. Trouble. Wei Zichen, I have always thought that you are a smart person, this matter is not difficult! You should be able to solve it, at least, the last thing you can do is to go home and complain to your mother like a child who lost a fight. "

Huo Qubing couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he heard this metaphor.

What a metaphor!
However, what Guan Twelve said just now made Huo Qubing aware of Guan Twelve's opinion.

She is not worried about trouble, after all, she does have this strength.

She had great expectations of herself, so she was disappointed that he came back to her.Maybe she thought he should have a better way of handling it.

To be honest, Huo Qubing did, he could have settled the matter in a joking tone, or warned Li Lu in a semi-threatening way!

But he still came here, came to look for Guan Twelve, he had no other wishes, just because...

He wants to know what Guan Twelve thinks, he wants to know what Guan Twelve thinks of him, and how he sees him. This is very childish, and Huo Qubing knows it.

It's not in his style either, and he knows it.

But he does want to know.

He doesn't have much self-confidence.

Guan Twelve is too good, she has always been so good and beautiful, in his last life he spent all his life trying to gain glory, hoping that the big man can restore peace, and hope that the big man can regain his land!

And the only selfishness here is to hope that he can be worthy of Shangguan Twelve.

But now, Guan Twelve is still so good.

She has always been so outstanding, shining in her own field, and all he can do is catch up bit by bit.

After chasing to Guan Twelve's position, he can stand by her side.

He has confidence, but he doesn't have confidence in Guan Twelve. She is so good, and other good men will naturally like her. If she is put first, it will be really hard for him to accept this ending.

So he can only use these methods that he finds childish to determine his position in Guan Twelve's heart.

Huo Qubing, the famous General Changsheng, really has no confidence in being liked by girls, especially those he likes.

"I see. I came here to know what you think." Huo Qubing looked at Guan Twelve, maybe he really saw the disappointment in Guan Twelve's eyes, Huo Qubing quickly explained.

As a result, his explanation stunned Guan Twelve: "My thoughts? What thoughts?"

"It's... your... thoughts, to me...." Huo Qubing blushed immediately, and then he stuttered to explain, but his explanation was really vague, Huo Qubing was worried that Guan Twelve would listen Understand.

What do you think of him?
Guan Twelve didn't understand it at first, but then he thought of the confession made by the young man in front of him, and he understood it immediately.

Suddenly felt a little funny.

This kind of childish behavior really thinks that a big boy would do it. She always thought that the boy in front of her was of that mature type. At least, he would not make such a childish behavior, but she didn't expect... Okay , She thought too much.

The saying that a man is a teenager until his death is really true.

"So you know now?" Guan Twelve crossed his arms and looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Well...I'm...very important to you."

Huo Qubing blushed, he knew how shameful his words were!
Officer Twelve: ...

Looking at the young man in front of him who had already fallen into his own fantasy, Guan Twelve blinked his eyes, but did not refute this sentence.

Maybe, it wouldn't do her any harm anyway.

For things that can be solved with emotion, Guan Twelve has never liked to use his brain.

After Guan Twelve sent Huo Qubing away, he continued to read the documents in his hand.

On the way back to his dormitory after leaving the company, Huo Qubing chatted with Xingxing for a long time.

【oh!God!My dear master what were you doing just now? 】After witnessing all the feelings just now, Xing Xing, who was very shocked, couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart anymore, and couldn't help asking.

"I'm confirming one thing." Huo Qubing didn't seem to be in a good mood, and the corners of his mouth were smiling all the way.

[Are you sure about what?Does that girl like you too? 】

Huo Qubing blushed immediately after hearing this, and quickly shook his head: "No! No! No! She didn't say she likes it... No, I'm not just..."

[Alright, alright, I see, dear master!You have never been so nervous!It looks like you really like her. 】Xing Xing's tone is very excited!
Huo Qubing blushed even more, he pursed his lips and nodded, and said, "It's hard to hide the love in my heart when I meet Hongdou."

[So the master has confirmed that she is your former lover, right? 】


[I'm very happy for you, dear master, but I still want to remind you that she doesn't know you anymore, even if you like her very much, but she doesn't remember you, in the next life, she may not really be with you. You are together, maybe her lover in this life is someone else. 】

Xing Xing weakly expressed its opinion, but in return Huo Qubing remained silent.

[If she likes someone else being with someone else, you will be sad, dear master, you are a tasker now, it is better not to invest too much emotion in the characters in the task. 】Xing Xing really can't bear that his host will be decadent because of emotional matters in the future. He is very good and works hard!Xing Xing likes this host very much, and likes to do tasks with him!
But if the missioner likes the people in the mission world, he will be nostalgic for the mission world and will cause trouble for the subsequent missions.

(End of this chapter)

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