The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 346 Entertainment King

Xing Xing's words made Huo Qubing silent for two seconds. Just when Xing Xing thought that his words had seriously hurt his host, Huo Qubing said:

"I know that Twelve, she belongs to her. It is her own wish to marry whomever she likes."


"However, this does not mean that I have to give up. No matter what, I should fight for it."

[Even if it will fail? 】

Huo Qubing walked to the door of his dormitory, opened the door, and walked in. Guan Twelve was very kind to his employees. Their dormitories were all [-] square meters with one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, with a two-meter-large bed. world.

The decoration is kept clean and the basic facilities are all at their best.

But other things, such as my own interests or favorite things, I don’t have any, and I can buy them myself if I need them.

Huo Qubing sat on the sofa in the living room, looked at the script on the table, and answered Xingxing very plainly:


But he didn't think he would fail, because Guan Twelve just said that she cared about him.

Thinking of this Huo Qubing's face turned red again.

Even after such a long time, she can still easily mess him up.

On the other hand, Guan Twelve's life was not good either. Not long after Huo Qubing left the office, someone came outside to inform him that there was a visitor.

Guan Twelve didn't remember who he invited over today, so he let people in first, but when he came in and saw that familiar face, Guan Twelve was expressionless.

"Hey! My old buddy, why are you so unhappy seeing me?" Li Linjie walked to Guan Twelve's table and sat down with Erlang's legs crossed.

It looked completely unscrupulous.

Guan Twelve looked at him with a blank expression:

"What are you here for?"

"I thought we were already friends, or rather, we were partners, right?"

Li Linjie glanced at the water glass next to Guan Twelve's hand. Guan Twelve's water glass was given to him at the opening ceremony of a movie last time. It also had the name of the movie and the sponsor's log on it.

"Hey! Your cup is really special."

"Thank you." Guan Twelve was expressionless.

And then...and then no more.

Li Linjie and Guan Twelve stared at each other, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

"Maybe someone should teach you how to deal with relationships." After 20 seconds, Li Linjie sighed deeply.


"Okay, let's get down to business, Miss Guan, I remember that we should have discussed before, about cooperation, and we have reached a cooperation with each other. You want to assist the queen, and I want the honor of actor, but the current Judging from the situation, that boy named Wei Zichen under your command seems to be getting a bit of a limelight recently." Li Linjie habitually took out a roll of cigarettes from his pocket and was about to light it, only to see Guan Twelve's eyes of disapproval and disapproval.

Li Linjie smiled and said sorry, then put away the cigarette in his hand.

"Perhaps, I think Miss Guan can give me an explanation."

"What's the explanation?" Guan Twelve looked at Li Linjie, blinked his eyes, and looked innocent.

"I like smart kids, I remember you are." Li Linjie looked at Guan Twelve with a smile, obviously he didn't believe in Guan Twelve's performance.

"Thank you for complimenting me." Guan Twelve accepted the compliment without changing his expression.

"So, you're already planning to pretend to be confused?" Li Linjie narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone revealed danger and threat.

The players are not very good-tempered, they can talk here calmly because they are interested in each other, or think it is fun, but when the players do not intend to play the game according to the original rules, no one can stop them from going crazy players.

"No, I know what you mean, I also mean to pretend to be confused, but Wei Zichen is a very talented child, of course I have to give my full support, we can't ruin a child's life because of our own games, can't we?" ?”

Guan Twelve explained very seriously, in exchange for Li Linjie's dismissive "tsk" smile:

"As a player, you are worried about the future of NPCs. They are just a bunch of data. Are you just like those stupid guys? After playing games for a long time, you can't tell which is reality and which is fake?"

"..." Guan Twelve looked at Li Linjie, and the man opposite looked at him as if he was looking at a big fool.

Official Twelve said nothing.

It's not uncommon for each other to see each other as fools anyway.

Just get used to it.

"Well, you are a good girl who likes to think of others, what about our cooperation?"

"Of course the cooperation is still there, but we can change it."

"You want to give up Tianhou?" Li Linjie raised his eyebrows.

"No, I can't give up one end and the other."

"Then what do you mean?" Li Linjie looked at the smiling girl in front of her and couldn't help asking.

"We cooperate and we compete fairly."

Guan Twelve stretched out his fingers and said with a smile:

"We train each other's artists carefully, and whoever will be one step closer to success at that time, we can use our own ability to win him over! Where he wants to go at that time depends entirely on his personal wishes, what do you think?"

Li Linjie pondered for a while after listening, and then said: "This... seems like a good idea."

"However, everyone knows that an artist who is an official actress, even if given a billion dollars, there is no way to abduct them."

Li Linjie looked at the woman on the opposite side, and said with a smile, yes, all the players are curious about how Officer Twelve did it. Humans are the most difficult animals to control, but she makes the people around her extremely trustworthy She relies on her, it would be fine if one, but everyone around her is like this, even the little assistant can't be bribed, they are extremely loyal to her.

Maybe she has a good talent for managing subordinates.

Li Linjie already had the idea of ​​inviting Guan Twelve to be his company's personnel manager in real life.

"This is my ability. You can't deprive my artists of their abilities and at the same time deprive me of my ability." Guan Twelve spread his hands, and said aggrievedly:
"Isn't that a bit too selfish and capricious?"

"The problem is that I didn't deprive you of your talent as an artist, well, at least I don't right now."

"But judging from your current words, you plan to do this, and even start to complain about my ability. Don't you think that you are developing in that direction?" Guan Twelve looked at the man opposite and smiled very brilliant.

She smiled confidently, her pretty face glowing with a confident expression.

She is really good at talking!
Li Linjie couldn't help sighing.

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