The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 354 Entertainment King

No longer paying attention to Xing Xing, he continued to look at the photos on his phone, fascinated.

Even Guan Twelve came over and didn't notice.

Guan Twelve saw the boy who had just come back from vacation with him standing there, smirking with his mouth open, yes, smirking with his mouth open, raised his eyebrows slightly, and then stretched out his hand to pat him, but Huo Qubing suddenly came back to his senses and grabbed him. Resident Officer Twelve's wrist turned around and fell over his shoulder!

Officer twelve:? ? ? ?
Fortunately, Guan Twelve was agile, and when he was about to fall to the ground, she directly threw Huo Qubing out with a relay.

Huo Qubing landed lightly, he looked up to see the person coming, he was taken aback for a moment, then stood up, and said dryly: "Ten...twelve girl...hug...sorry, I didn't know it was you."

Guan Twelve also stood up and rubbed his shoulders. Huo Qubing's attack just now was serious. If she hadn't reacted in time, her arm would have been dislocated.


"I know you didn't recognize me, otherwise you wouldn't have shot so fiercely."

Huo Qubing blushed immediately, not knowing what to say.

"You need to get rid of the habit of not being serious about attacking." Guan Twelve looked at Huo Qubing and reminded him patiently.

"Um... sorry." Huo Qubing knew he had done something wrong, lowered his head, and apologized in a muffled voice.

"Why are you so preoccupied?" Guan Twelve asked, not forgetting Huo Qubing's appearance just now.

Huo Qubing was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously handed the phone to Guan Twelve, who glanced at it and then looked away.

"The superior... said that we... are like a honeymoon." Huo Qubing carefully observed Guan Twelve's expression, but he did not expect her expression to be very flat, or even unresponsive.

"Your traffic is good now."

Huo Qubing was taken aback after hearing this.

Then he vaguely thought of something, and his complexion suddenly became ugly:

"You wouldn' all of this just to hype...hype."

Huo Qubing felt a little uncomfortable when he thought that Guan Twelve had been acting with him for the past month, all with ulterior motives. Although all of this was for his own good, he still didn't like this false and purposeful relationship.

Huo Qubing doesn't like to use feelings to gain benefits, especially love like marriage.

He felt that it was useless for a man to do such a thing, and he had to deceive a girl's feelings if he wanted to succeed!

Useless and shameful!
But he didn't expect that now, he would become such a useless man.

This matter really made Huo Qubing unacceptable.

The change of Huo Qubing's mood was noticed by Guan Twelve. She looked at Huo Qubing, raised her eyebrows slightly, and asked, "Are you unhappy?"

Huo Qubing pursed his lips and explained with a hoarse voice: "I don't like this very much."

".I don't like it either." Huo Qubing was taken aback by Guan Twelve's words, then subconsciously looked at her:

"It's a coincidence. It's good. Isn't your ambition to become a movie star? Let's work hard."

Guan Twelve patted Huo Qubing on the shoulder, and patted back all of Huo Qubing's remaining words.

Seeing the back of Guan Twelve leaving, Huo Qubing raised his hand subconsciously, and then put it down quickly.

【Master, are you okay? 】Xing Xing noticed that his host's mood was not right, and asked worriedly.


【You seem to have something to say to her just now?What is it?Xing Xing is very curious. 】

Listening to Xing Xing's words, Huo Qubing pursed his lips slightly, after a long time he exhaled lightly, and replied lightly, "Nothing."

Then he turned and went back to his room.

But whether there is really nothing, only he himself knows.

At that time, he also wanted to hold Guan Twelve's hand and ask: Do you have affection for me?
After thinking about it, forget it, there is no need to ask such a question.

It can be said that Huo Qubing's star journey went smoothly, he took on several plays, and all of them gained a lot of fame.

As for Guan Twelve, she seems to be very busy during this time, she has been leaving early and returning late, not knowing what to do.

Sometimes Huo Qubing saw that Guan Twelve came back at two o'clock in the morning, and when he came back, his eyes were cold and frightening.

But when he saw him, he would quickly retract it, reminding him to rest early.

how about you?
Huo Qubing really wanted to open his mouth to ask: Why did you come back so late, and what did you do again?

He is not a entangled person, but he will be extremely sensitive when encountering matters related to Guan Twelve.

That's it.

he thinks.

I've fallen in, and I can't get out again.

And Guan Twelve is really busy, of course not busy filming, but busy looking for players with Li Linjie, they have already found [-] player positions, Li Linjie plans to hire a bunch of killers to kill , but was stopped by Guan Twelve.

Guan Twelve said that finding a killer is the most unreliable behavior. After all, leaving the murder to others is absolutely not at ease to do it yourself.

It's better to find all the people and hold a party. At the party, it is announced that the people who have the best chance to become the new and most popular players in various fields, who want to cultivate top players in the entertainment industry, basically will not refuse.

At that time, plant countless bombs in the party venue, and then catch them all!
Li Linjie simply applauded Guan Twelve's method!
To be honest, Guan Twelve's method doesn't have any overly complicated techniques, it's nothing more than gathering people together and blowing them all up.

Simple and crude.

Li Linjie said he liked it very much.

So during this period of time they have been trying to find a way to raise such a party. In fact, it is not difficult to hold such a party, as long as there is enough funds. Guan Twelve and Li Linjie are not short of money, mainly Li Linjie, He doesn't have enough money in the game to raise money in real life, so this is not a problem.

The problem is, this one is the hardest to hold a party like this without smart players seeing it.

They have to think of a way that the players will not doubt, even if they doubt.

And this kind of Li Linjie is usually not good at it, not that he is not smart, but he is not good at this kind of trickery, so in real life he can only be a shareholder, a boss, not a planner or assistant.

Guan Twelve is also not good at this kind of thing. She is better at playing with people's hearts than this kind of dirty tricks. Psychological warfare is what she is good at.

So both of them were in trouble.

The task is stuck in such a place, and both of them feel uncomfortable.

And Guan Twelve also stayed up all night, thinking about what to do.

Coincidentally, one day, Guan Twelve was thinking hard in the room and really had no idea to go outside to drink a cup of hot milk to relieve his fatigue, but he bumped into Huo Qubing on the way.

Huo Qubing was wearing pajamas, as if he just came out and didn't know what to do, he was taken aback when he saw Guan Twelve.

Happy Dragon Boat Festival dears~

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