The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 355 Entertainment King

The two looked at each other, but neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere became very awkward.

Holding Huo Qubing who was hesitant to speak, Guan Twelve took a deep breath, and asked, "Why are you staying up so late?"

"Tomorrow there is a trial show."

Huo Qubing explained.

So he has been looking at the script to find his feelings.

"Well, we still need to rest earlier." Guan Twelve nodded and reminded.

"Then...well, you too." Huo Qubing originally wanted to ask Guan Twelve why he stayed up so late, but after thinking about it later, he felt that it was unnecessary.

"I can't sleep." Unexpectedly, Guan Twelve gave a wry smile and offered an invitation:
"Want to sit on the rooftop together?"


As soon as Guan Twelve finished speaking, Huo Qubing nodded immediately.

Guan Twelve blinked his eyes in surprise and looked at Huo Qubing who was facing him. Huo Qubing also realized that his behavior was too excited and couldn't help turning his face away.

"Will it bother you to study the script?"

"will not."

"Then let's go." Guan Twelve smiled and looked at the boy with red ears.

On the rooftop, Guan Twelve handed Huo Qubing a bottle of hot milk, and Huo Qubing took it and said thank you.

The two sat on the ground and looked up at the sky. On summer nights, the sky is always so beautiful and full of stars, but busy people have no time to see this beautiful scenery.

But now the two people who are idle, one has something on his mind, and the other is looking at the person with something on his mind.

Guan Twelve took a sip of milk, then couldn't help frowning, and said, "It's a bit cold."

"I'll get another cup." Huo Qubing got up and was about to leave after hearing this, but Guan Twelve grabbed the corner of his clothes just as he got up:
"Sit down, I have something to tell you."

Huo Qubing sat down obediently, Guan Twelve put down the milk in his hand, then looked at Huo Qubing, and asked:
"Do you think you can become a movie king?"

"I will become the movie king."

The young man's tone was firm, he had always firmly believed in the fact that he became an actor.

He is such a person.

Guan Twelve thought to himself, then took a deep breath and smiled: "Well, I believe you."

Guan Twelve's voice was very gentle, so gentle that Huo Qubing heard something was wrong, Huo Qubing couldn't help but frowned, he pursed his lips, and asked with determination:
"You... did something happen?"

"No, it's just that I think it's time for me to leave too, but I'm very happy with you, so I'm a little tangled."

Huo Qubing was taken aback for a moment, he was puzzled at first, then suddenly thought of something, he looked at Guan Twelve in disbelief, his eyes were full of surprise.

Is it...

But then Huo Qubing calmed down, he looked at Guan Twelve, the beautiful girl was still looking at him gently and smiling.

Huo Qubing was silent for a moment, then he carefully stretched out his hand to touch the tip of Guan Twelve's fingertips, and then slowly retreated, but the other side was one step faster than him, and directly held his hand.

Guan Twelve's behavior made Huo Qubing feel relieved, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise, then he looked at Guan Twelve and said:

"It's okay, do what you want, I don't want to be your entanglement."

Just like you back then, supporting him to fight for the big man without hesitation.

Huo Qubing

He will not become your hindrance.

"It's a big deal, I'll go find you again."

Huo Qubing had a determined face, and his smile was flamboyant and confident.

It seems that this matter is not difficult for him.


Guan Twelve looked at Huo Qubing's bright and confident smile, and couldn't help feeling a pain in her heart, she couldn't help but say:
"But, perhaps, you will never find it again."

"Then keep looking, keep looking, keep looking."

"What if... I become inhuman?"

"If you become the wind, you will blow it harder when you recognize me; if you become the rain, it will blow harder; if you become the mosquito, you will bite me all the time; if you become the tree, you will drop the leaves when you see me. In this way, I will recognize you out of you."

Huo Qubing's voice was gentle and hoarse. He seemed to be talking about love, but he didn't seem to be. He was not the kind of person who talked about love. What he said was the truth, and he would do it.

He has always kept his word, and what he gives is not just a promise, but a guarantee.


Guan Twelve shook his head, Huo Qubing felt a little lost, but in the next second he felt a weight on his shoulders, and there was an extra head on his shoulders.

Guan Twelve leaned against Huo Qubing, closed his eyes, and said softly:

"I don't want to give up, let's change another one. If I become the wind, I will blow gently with the fragrance of flowers when I meet you. If I become rain, I will rain far away from you when I meet you, and it will rain next to you. , If I become a mosquito, I will land on the tip of your nose and stop there. If I become a tree, I will sprout and bloom when I meet you."

Guan Twelve looked at Huo Qubing, squinted his eyes and smiled:

"In this way, you can also recognize me."

Huo Qubing blushed. One was that what Guan Twelve said was too provocative. Huo Qubing, an ancient person, could not bear such provocations. The other was that Guan Twelve was so close that he could even smell Guan Twelve's Fragrant.

A little... too close.

"Why are you so stiff?" Huo Qubing was so stiff that Guan Twelve could feel it by leaning on him. She stood up and frowned, and couldn't help asking.

Although the boy in front of him was easily shy, but he didn't expect to be so shy?

"I..." Huo Qubing was about to speak when Guan Twelve suddenly thought of something funny, her eyes widened suddenly, and she said in disbelief:
"Don't you want to?"

"I'm not!" Huo Qubing shook his head in fright, and then explained in a hurry:

"I just... I'm just not used to it, I..."

"Not used to it? I saw that you were not used to it when you were filming." Guan Twelve raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"I didn't when I was filming..." Huo Qubing waved his hand, he was extremely flustered!

He has never made a romance film before, even if it is a romance drama, he is still a character who has no contact with girls.

Guan Twelve smiled and said nothing.

She knows best whether Huo Qubing played that kind of role.

Huo Qubing gave her the purpose of each script first, and she knew the characters in those scripts.

But now seeing the young man in front of him explaining to her anxiously, Guan Twelve's depressed mood was relieved.

so good.

Guan Twelve got up, and then stretched out his arm to hug Huo Qubing's arm. Huo Qubing subconsciously hugged Guan Twelve. Guan Twelve lay in Huo Qubing's arms, smelling the reassuring scent of the young man.

I feel that I can put those irritating things at this moment, at this moment, right here, at night, on the roof, tightly hugging the important person in my heart, feeling the evening breeze and the warmth of that person.

"Twelve girls..."

"Let me hold you for a while, just for a while."

The voice of the girl in his arms was soft and revealing dependence. It was the first time that Huo Qubing heard the sound of dependence from Guan Twelve's mouth. He pursed his lips, and then tightened his hand holding Guan Twelve again.

"If you want, you can hold it all the time."

You can hold her until dawn, and then until dark, as long as you say, it's fine.

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