The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 356 Entertainment King

"You said you wouldn't blow it up?"

On the second floor of a private coffee shop, Li Linjie stared at the woman drinking tea across the street, and asked with a tone of disbelief.

"En." Guan Twelve put down his teacup and said indifferently.

"Why? Are you going to break the contract?"

After Li Linjie calmed down, he took a sip of coffee and couldn't help asking.

"It's not a breach of contract, it's just a change of time. I suddenly feel that this world is not so boring."

Hearing this, Li Linjie sneered, then raised Erlang's legs and leaned back, looked at Guan Twelve, and asked, "Are you doing it for that kid named Wei Zichen?"

Guan Twelve nodded, but she did not deny it.

Li Linjie was taken aback, maybe he didn't expect Guan Twelve to admit it so quickly.

"To be precise, I'm in love." Guan Twelve looked at Li Linjie and said seriously.

After listening, Li Linjie almost laughed angrily:
"Don't be joking, beautiful lady, you are not the kind of person who can fall in love. Don't you think that interests are above all else in your heart?"

"You seem to know me well?" Guan Twelve raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Linjie. Li Linjie was taken aback for a moment, and then said nothing.

"You know me so well, where did you hear about it?"

"You are very famous in this game, you are a ruthless mission tool or something." Li Linjie explained without changing his face.

"I don't have a name in this game. I know this better than you. Don't lie to me, Mr. Li."

Guan Twelve refuted him without hesitation.

Li Linjie remained silent, and then said: "Please don't change the topic, beautiful lady, the question we are discussing now is, why do you want to fall in love with a data?"

"There is no reason, just talk if you want to talk."

Guan Twelve spread his hands, Li Linjie suddenly felt a headache.

"It's not good for you to go back and forth like this."

"I know, that's why I came here to apologize to you."

".Does this make sense? It's impossible for you to meet him in the real world. You can't even meet him again after the plot is over. Why change your plan for a piece of data?"

"Isn't victory more important than this? The prize money for victory is real."

".Yeah, I also know that I may not meet again after this time, but now that I do, I don't want to leave any regrets."

Guan Twelve looked at Li Linjie and said seriously:
"I gave up on him once, and I don't want to give up a second time, Li Linjie, I hope you can understand."

"I don't understand, I think you are a love brain, you need to be cured."

Officer Twelve:
"It's ridiculous! It's simply ridiculous! The woman I admire is actually a love brain! This is simply ridiculous! I can't accept it!"

Li Linjie kept shaking his head, and he even took a sip of coffee to try to calm himself down.

".Okay, I'm a love brain, but this time, Mr. Li, according to the investigation, we can conclude that no one wants to break the rules of the game, except you, so let's play this game well first. Just a moment, I can guarantee that you will be on the winning list."

Guan Twelve made a promise to Li Linjie.

When Li Linjie heard this, he looked up at Guan Twelve, and silently drank the last bit of coffee.

In the end, Li Linjie shook hands with Guan Twelve to make peace, but Li Linjie still reminded Guan Twelve: "Your love brain is very serious, you have to go and see."

Officer Twelve: Thank you.

After chatting with Li Linjie, it was already very late, and the coffee shop was far away from the company, so Guan Twelve came back when it was dark. As soon as he opened the door of the company, he saw Huo Qubing standing there, and Guan Twelve was taken aback Huo Qubing was taken aback when he saw Guan Twelve. The experience of last night was still vivid in his memory. Huo Qubing blushed immediately, and then said dryly, "You, you, you are back?"

Guan Twelve looked at Huo Qubing's nervous expression, nodded, and then walked towards him. When Huo Qubing was wondering, there was a sudden weight in front of him, and he froze.

Guan Twelve leaned his head against his chest, and said sullenly: "Some people say I'm a love brain."

Love brain?
Smelling the fragrance of the woman's body with the tip of his nose, Huo Qubing's whole body became tense, it was too close, and it was the woman he had liked for a long time.

Huo Qubing forced himself to calm down, and when he heard the woman's words, he froze.

Love brain?What is love brain.

As an ancient man, Huo Qubing had never heard of this word, and Xing Xing came out to explain it intimately at this time:
[Love brain is a buzzword on the Internet, and it is a thinking mode that loves first. Those who put all their energy and thoughts on love and lovers as soon as they fall in love, people can describe him as having a "love brain".To put it simply, what the object says is the sky, what the object says is reason, what the object says does not go west, what the object says the sky does not return to the earth! 】

Hearing Xing Xing's explanation, Huo Qubing came to his senses. He looked down at the girl in his arms. The girl had never shown such an expression to him, as if she was being coquettish or wronged.

Huo Qubing blushed immediately, and his body became even more rigid. He was silent for a long time before he said bluntly: "It's okay, I'm also a love brain."

When Guan Twelve heard this, he couldn't help being taken aback, and then smiled "poof".

Huo Qubing felt the tenderness in his arms trembling from laughing, and his heart trembled accordingly.

"You, you."

Guan Twelve got up and looked up at the boy, whose face was already blushing from embarrassment.

She narrowed her eyes and smiled, then said, "Want to eat?"

"'s getting late."

Huo Qubing looked at the time, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon, he still had scenes to shoot, and he needed to keep fit.

"Yes, then take a good rest."

Guan Twelve didn't force him after hearing this, and then went around Huo Qubing to leave, when suddenly his wrist was grabbed, Guan Twelve turned his head, and saw Huo Qubing's scary eyes, then looked at her, and said dryly:

"I can do two extra laps tomorrow."

Guan Twelve blinked when he heard this, then smiled and said, "Okay."

Seeing Guan Twelve's smile, Huo Qubing's face couldn't help turning redder. He pursed his lips and lowered his head along the way, not daring to speak.

Guan Twelve, who was driving, looked at Huo Qubing, who was sitting in the co-pilot, and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

". I can do it. What do you want to eat?"

"Then... hot pot?"


“Sichuan hot pot?”


"No way, you will get acne, which will affect your shooting. You still have a photo shoot in two days, and it won't look good on camera."

".It's okay, I can make pictures."

Huo Qubing's serious answer made Guan Twelve couldn't help laughing, she said with a smile: "I'm just kidding, let's order mandarin duck pot."


No matter what Guan Twelve said, Huo Qubing would respond.

As he himself said, he is also a love brain.

I only love Guan Twelve's love brain.

Jie: You are a love brain.

Twelve: He scolded me for being in love with my brain.

Qubing: It’s okay, so am I.

Don't worry, there is no pit, it's just slower, because a new pit has been opened recently, called "On the Possibility of Deworming a Full-level Account in the Cultivation World"

If you are interested, you can take a look. It’s from Hongxiu Academy. The words are too many. I’ll post a brief introduction in the next one.

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