The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 359 My Glory

Thinking of his love in the last world, Guan Twelve felt very complicated, even a little sad.

It’s not that love isn’t sweet, it’s very sweet. After the two of them confirmed their relationship, although there was a lot of turmoil in the outside world, Huo Qubing made the audience recognize his strength with his own efforts. Although the two are siblings, they are both talented and beautiful, a match made in heaven , It also formed a good story in the entertainment circle.

In addition, although Huo Qubing is an ancient person and has no foundation for love, he is self-taught when it comes to petting people, just like pouring Guan Twelve into honey.

Guan Twelve enjoys this hard-won and coincidental love.

She likes Huo Qubing, and Huo Qubing likes her too.

The last plot went well, mainly because Li Linjie came over to make trouble, and some players came over.

But on the whole, Shangguan Twelve still enjoyed this relationship, but it didn't last long. Huo Qubing was crowned actor in the second year of their relationship.

Then, and then no more.

Guan Twelve sighed softly in his heart.

Or it's complicated to fall in love with someone who is career-hacking and committed.

No matter what, thanks to this feeling, Guan Twelve felt that his life had added a touch of color, and he only needed to concentrate on facing the game from now on.

Guan Twelve suddenly felt that he was really a rotten person. He obviously liked him to death before, but after only two years of being together, he was satisfied, and he didn't miss it at all.

It is people like her who will never be swayed by emotions, who don't take emotions seriously.

Ruthless and ungrateful, a rotten person.

Guan Twelve couldn't help but sighed again, and returned to the topic.

When he heard this script, Guan Twelve originally wanted to get close to Rothmand and find a chance to kill him, but it was much easier to kill one than a group of people.

Fortunately, she really came to Rothmand. Unfortunately, she couldn't kill Rothmand. It's not because of his superb martial arts. Few people can be more flexible than Guan Twelve in the game. The main reason is that this girl There is a hang on the body! !
Guan Twelve's countless temptations were resisted by a mysterious force, and the sharp blade couldn't touch Rosemond's chest. On the contrary, if she had no malice, she could easily touch it.

Damn, it's just a shit, what is this?
Is this life really blessed by the god damn Lotas?
Guan Twelve almost knelt down.

She has never heard of this god. Are the gods in this world so conscientious?Why would the gods of her world never hear her prayers?
But think about it, the only one who is awesome in this world is Rothmand, and other people have to go through Rothmand if they want to be blessed.

Damn, people are more popular than people! !

The player is so tired, the player is so tired.

Sure enough, it is more reliable to play with players.

"You seem to have something on your mind?" Rothmand looked at Guan Twelve with a sad face, as if she hadn't gotten better since she failed to stab herself.

"Do you want to kill me that much?" Rothmand couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He liked Guan Twelve in his heart. I like, want to pamper her.

It is very rare for a person who wants to assassinate her prey but fails many times to stay beside her prey and accept the food given by her prey. She doesn't seem to be afraid of being killed.

"No, I'm peace-loving." Guan Twelve shook her head. She was right. No one cared more about the value of life than she did, but she cared more about her own than the value of other people's lives.

Damn, the more I talk about it, the more I feel that I am a hopeless rotten person.

"Hehe." Rothmand laughed twice.

Obviously he didn't believe it.

"...I want to go out for a walk." Seeing that the conversation with Rosemand could no longer continue, Guan Twelve changed the subject, she looked at Rosemand and said.

Since the way to assassinate Rosemand is not feasible, then let her go back to her old job and find the player.

"Are you leaving me too?" Rothmand smiled, making him look gentle and handsome, like a delicate red rose, noble and gorgeous, making people fall into it willingly.

Of course, this does not include Guan Twelve. She admits that Rosemand looks better than most of the people she has seen, but she is very aware of the bloodthirsty and paranoid inside this handsome appearance.

A handsome appearance can't hide a bad nature.

Guan Twelve has a deep understanding of this.

Compared with this face, Guan Twelve paid more attention to the words in his words, and the word "also" is very interesting.

Is there a precedent before?
She won't be regarded as Bai Yueguang's substitute.

"I'm not going to leave you. I'm bored here and want to go out for a walk." Officer Twelve Rosemand explained very patiently.

As a result, she was thrown to the ground in the next second, and Rothmand sat on her body, tightly strangling Guan Twelve's fragile neck, and ferocious rage appeared on his handsome face, just listen to him Gritting his teeth, he said, "You can't leave me! You are what God Lotas gave me! You are mine! Life or death! It's all mine!!"

Guan Twelve's face flushed red after being pinched, but she didn't show much expression.

My heart was even more numb.

To be honest, after seeing Xiyou, I have seen the world.

Neuropathy is not a mental illness from the beginning. The reason why a lunatic becomes a lunatic is because of some painful experiences.

As the saying goes, if the world slaps me, I will slap others back.

The main thing is a willfulness!
Rothmand squeezed tighter and tighter, Guan Twelve felt his blood gradually decrease, and tears flowed out subconsciously.

Seeing that Guan Twelve was crying, Rothmand suddenly withdrew his hand, as if being scalded, looked at Guan Twelve in horror, and explained in a helpless way:

"You, don't cry. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just afraid that you would leave me. I'm really... so scared!"

Rosemand's incoherent speech made Guan Twelve stunned. She didn't expect such a moody person to be afraid of other people's tears?

Damn, the reason why those who were tortured by him before could not escape death is because they all had the backbone and didn't cry, right?

"Why do you keep crying? If I gouge out your eyes, won't you stop crying?"

Officer Twelve was numb when he heard what Rothmand said!
Listen, is this something that humans can say? !If you dig out your eyes, you won't cry!Hey!It makes sense!

But crazy!Oh shit!Neuropathy! !
Guan Twelve cursed in his heart, quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said softly, "I didn't cry, it's just that the wind blew into the sand just now."

Don't poke the player's eyes, the player is afraid!
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