The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 360 My Glory

Guan Twelve relied on her acting skills to avoid the chance of being gouged out, and at the same time she also understood the character of Rosemander.

This force is completely the combination of the priest's perversion and Xiyou's nerves.

Guan Twelve looked out the window and couldn't help sighing in his heart, she wanted to escape like the bird in the cage but couldn't.

In other words, players in this world kill really fast.

Guan Twelve calculated that it took only half a month since he came to this world, and now there are only seventy players left.

Guan Twelve looked at her hand, and in the next second, silk threads as thin as smoke appeared from her fingertips. This was what she discovered the second day after she came to this script.

She found that she couldn't cultivate, but the smoky silk thread would emerge from her fingertips, which seemed to be her weapon. It could be as soft as silk and as hard as iron wire, and it could be called a sharp weapon for killing people.

Guan Twelve clasped his hands tightly.

It's impossible for her to be the only one with this ability, and other players will also have it, and she thinks it's impossible for all of them to be the same, that is to say.

Other players have abilities she doesn't know about.

Guan Twelve lowered her eyes slightly, and the next second she suddenly jumped out of the window!

In the air, she is as light as a silver butterfly, beautiful and gorgeous.

He jumped down the stairs lightly, and was stopped after just two steps.

The guards who stopped her were amazed when they saw Guan Twelve's appearance, and then looked away in horror. Obviously, it was Rosemand who had warned them not to look at the people in the hall.

"The high priest did not allow you to leave, please go back, girl."

Although they didn't know how Guan Twelve escaped the surveillance and came here, it didn't prevent them from stopping her.

If she was allowed to leave, she would be tortured to death.

Seemingly thinking of Rothmand's method, the two guards couldn't help but shabby.

Guan Twelve looked at the two of them, then smiled and said, "Both of you, it's really boring for me to stay here, otherwise, just pretend you haven't seen me and let me go for a walk, I promise to come back before dark .”

Beauty tricks, hero graves, this has always been tried and tested.

But the two people in front of them had no intention of giving in at all, and even had cold sweat on their foreheads. They didn't dare to look at Guan Twelve at all. They said tremblingly: "Please don't make things difficult for us. If the high priest finds out that you are not here, we will will die."

Officer Twelve:
"His Majesty is here!"

At this time, there was a sudden sound outside the door, and everyone panicked when they heard it, and hurriedly knelt down and shouted in unison: "Your Majesty is welcome! Your Majesty Fu Rui!"

Guan Twelve looked along, and saw a crowd of people walking towards this side. The leader was a young man dressed in gorgeous clothes, wearing a red cloak, and wearing a crown. The young man came and saw Guan Twelve stopped. , and then stared at Guan Twelve with wide eyes.

There was surprise and obsession in his eyes.

He had never seen such a beauty before, with silver hair shining in the sun, delicate skin, alluring figure, picturesque eyebrows, and silver pupils like stars.

beautiful!It is an eye-catching beauty!
Yan!It is a kind of beauty that goes straight to the bottom of my heart!
"What's your name!" The young boy stretched out his hand and cautiously approached Guan Twelve, even his voice was soft, for fear of scaring the beauty in front of him!
"Wentilot! What are you doing here?"

Before Guan Twelve could speak, Rothmande came over at an unknown time, grabbed Guan Twelve's shoulders, and hugged himself in his arms, with a gesture of "she is my belonging".

Wendi Luote is the emperor of this country, that is, the boy's name.

"Rossmond!" Seeing that the person who came was so disrespectful to his cautious beauty, his face immediately turned ugly.

"What are you yelling at, you don't have any imperial demeanor at all, Wendiluote, is that what the teacher taught you?"

Rothmand didn't give him a good face either. As for who dared to call the emperor by his real name, he was the only one who dared to do so.

When the so-called "teacher" was mentioned, Wendilot's face turned pale and dark.

When Guan Twelve saw this, he felt as if he had touched some gossip.

"Rossmand, is this the woman who has been rumored to confuse you?"

"Yeah, look at this face, don't you be fascinated?" Rothmand raised his eyebrows, hugged Guan Twelve tightly and looked at Wendilot provocatively.

Wendi Luote looked at Guan Twelve's face and couldn't say anything to refute. There was no other reason, this face was really beautiful.

"." Wendi Luote stared at Guan Twelve, Guan Twelve looked at Wendi Luote, and then smiled.

This smile made Wendilot take a deep breath, and the breath suddenly became heavier.

Rothmand, on the other hand, had an ugly expression on his face.

You must know that since he saw Guan Twelve, Guan Twelve had never smiled at him, but now he smiled at his deadly enemy.

"It seems that Twelve likes our little emperor very much?" Rothmand slowly slid his arm around Guan Twelve's shoulders and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Wendi Luote's pupils dilated when he heard this, and he stared at Guan Twelve closely, as if he was confirming the truth of this matter.

Guan Twelve lowered his eyes calmly, and then stretched out his hand to escape from Rosemand's range.

Said calmly: "No, I don't like him."

Rejected face to face, Wendilot froze there, and Rothmand burst into a smile after hearing this, and just about to say something, he heard Guan Twelve opened his mouth and said: "What are you laughing at? I don't like you either. "

Rosemund's laughter stopped abruptly!

Wendilot: Although I don't think it's authentic, I really want to laugh.

"Twelve, don't think I dare not kill you!" Rothmand's eyes flashed with anger, he looked bloodthirsty at Officer Twelve, and grinned: "I want to see it sometimes, this beauty's Does blood also smell good?"

"No matter how beautiful a person is, blood has the same taste. Don't think too much about it. You're not a vampire. What do you do if you eat human blood?" Guan Twelve shrugged. She wasn't afraid of Rothmand at all. Germany, but Rosemund can't do anything to her.

Do you really think her kung fu is for nothing?
"I found out that the little emperor is here. You are more courageous. Don't you think he can support you?" Rothmand smiled instead of anger, and looked at the two people mockingly.

Wendilot was blushed by the words, and quickly replied: "Rossmand! What you said is too much!"

"Am I wrong? How can a guy who can't stand on the throne be able to sit on the throne?"

Rothmand sneered, showing his disdain to the fullest:

"Useless little emperor, didn't you come to ask me to solve that matter?"

Wendilot couldn't say a word after being scolded, and trembled with anger.

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