The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 361 My Glory

The conversation between the two ended with Wendilot leaving the scene with a shake of his sleeves.

And Guan Twelve also suffered because of leaving without authorization.

Guan Twelve looked at the iron chains that locked his hands, feet, and neck and remained silent.

She was locked on the big red soft bed, she was imprisoned and controlled.

How should I put it, it's not surprising.

After experiencing Xiyou's world, Guan Twelve really felt that she had grown up, and she had never seen what kind of perverted neuropathy.

"I gave you all the rare treasures in the world, why do you want to leave me?" Rothmand grabbed Guan Twelve's chin, the veins on the back of his hand were bulging, which shows how much effort he used, his eyes were gloomy, As if to crush Guan Twelve's jaw.

He was really angry, it was not hard to see.

Guan Twelve felt that her jaw was about to dislocate. Rosemand's strength was really strong, and more importantly, her health bar dropped! !

Damn! ! !Let go of me! !My blood bar is about to drop! ! !

"It's a good idea, don't talk about it." Guan Twelve couldn't speak clearly after his jaw was pinched.

Rothmande narrowed his eyes, then slowly let go, Guan Twelve heaved a sigh of relief, then looked up at Rothmande, and said seriously: "Someone is going to kill me, I just want to live."

Rosmand looked at Guan Twelve. Guan Twelve’s expression was serious and didn’t look fake. He chuckled, then opened his hands and said with a smile: "Do you know where this place is? Lotas Church! The whole place. The safest place in the country! How could you do it here?”

Before Rosemand finished speaking, the window beside him suddenly shattered with a loud noise, and a bullet-like thing attacked Rosemand!

But it stopped a millimeter in front of Rothmand, and the huge impact blew the things in the house tottering, and when Rothmand saw clearly what came, it looked like a ball wrapped in silk.

"Look." Guan Twelve smiled when he saw this, but his heart was very heavy.

Although I knew that it would be a matter of time before the players came over, I didn't expect it to be at this time.

Guan Twelve looked at his imprisoned hands and neck, unable to move at all.

What can I do?

Guan Twelve felt crazily sad.

At this time, the guard at the door heard the sound and rushed in to protect Rosemand.

"Master Priest! How are you! You're not injured!!"

Rothmand pushed the guard away, turned and looked out the window, there was nothing outside the window, but he felt that someone was staring at him.

In the next second, another one attacked through the window, but this time the target was Guan Twelve.

Guan Twelve wanted to hide but couldn't move. In desperation, he could only stretch out his hand and weave a simple protective cover with silk thread to resist the attack.

This also exposed Guan Twelve's ability. Rosmand's eyes became colder when he looked at Guan Twelve.

"Who the hell are you?"

Before the official "I" could finish speaking, a spider thread stretched into the room from the holed window, stuck to Rothmand and flew him out of the window.

Guard:? ? ? ?

Guan Twelve was also stunned for a moment, and then quickly recovered.

This player was very decisive. After finding that he couldn't kill Rothmand, he decided to capture him alive and then think of other ways.

Guan Twelve gritted his teeth, looked at the iron chain in his hand, and simply inserted his own silk thread into the keyhole. The next second, he heard a "click", and the chain was opened.

Guard:? ? ? ?

Regardless of their reaction, Guan Twelve jumped out of the window, looked around, locked the direction, and chased after that place.

Rothmand had never experienced such an encounter. He was now wrapped in spider silk, only his head was exposed, and now he was actually resisted by a woman.

This woman was dressed in red, with a hot figure, revealing clothes, red hair and red eyes, but now she was carrying Rosemande and running desperately, as if there was something terrible behind her.

In the next second, a silk thread suddenly attacked the woman from behind, while grabbing the woman's feet and pulling back, the woman lost her balance and fell directly to the ground, and Rothmand also fell to the ground.

He couldn't help grunting.

"Damn it! Who is it!!!" The woman rubbed her waist, grinning from the fall, and couldn't help but curse!

"You are still the first to grab something from my hand."

Guan Twelve came out of the shadows, the silk thread in her hand was flying wildly, she looked at the woman with a smile:

"Give it back to me, it's useless for you to hold it."

"Bah! First come, first served. I snatched it based on my ability. Why would I give it to you!" The woman let out a "huh" and then looked at Guan Twelve. She suddenly thought of something and couldn't help asking: "Who are you?" What animal?!"

"Butterfly." Guan Twelve blinked, then turned around and said with a smile, "Can't you tell? I am Bulingbuling's Spirit Butterfly, Little Red Spider."

"Spirit Butterfly." The woman thought for a moment, then suddenly remembered something, anger flashed in her eyes, she gritted her teeth and said, "So it's you!"

Guan Twelve blinked his eyes, looked at the woman in front of him, and suddenly felt a little familiar, a smear of red flashed in his eyes, and then he seemed to have discovered some new continent, and said:

"It's you, I almost didn't recognize you when you changed your clothes."

She was so feminine that she almost vomited blood. She looked at Guan Twelve in front of her, gritted her teeth and said, "You were the one who got me wrong last time."

"Don't talk nonsense, I was still a cute little butterfly at that time, and it has nothing to do with me." Guan Twelve interrupted the woman directly, refusing to take the blame, and then added: "Since we met, we are friends, give me Save face, give him back to me."

Guan Twelve tilted his head to look at the woman and said with a smile.

"Don't fucking fart! Either I will kill you or you will kill me today!" The woman charged towards Guan Twelve.

Or to say, this woman is unlucky, she is worse than anything else, but she is in close combat with Guan Twelve.

Official Twelve basically controlled the woman without much effort.

The woman who was trapped by the silk thread and couldn't move was sat down by Guan Twelve. She yelled: "You bastard, you don't have martial ethics! I don't even have the power!"

"Stop it, you'd be an idiot if you use your ability but don't use it." Guan Twelve slapped the woman on the top of the head.

The woman was cursing, and Guan Twelve tied a silk thread around the woman's neck. The woman was so frightened that she immediately screamed.

That thing looked thin, but it would only take a matter of minutes to cut off her neck.

Players are not afraid of death, but players are afraid of pain! !

"Be quiet, I have something to ask you, and I will let you go after I finish."

The woman raised her eyebrows and couldn't help asking: "Really?"

"Do you know where the other players are?"

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