The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 362 My Glory

Chapter 362 My Glory (6)

"Other players? What do you want to do?" The woman frowned and asked in confusion.

"Let's fight, or else we'll play house."

".I don't know." The woman pursed her lips and then shook her head.



Guan Twelve raised his head. It seemed that the players hadn't met too many players yet.

The decrease in the number of players during this period is somewhat unreasonable.

"I've already answered, it's time to let me go." The woman struggled desperately, but the damn thread just couldn't break free.

Without saying much, Guan Twelve let go of the woman. Just when the woman thought she was free, a silk thread suddenly wrapped around her neck.

"You don't keep your word?!" The woman's hair was almost frightened when she saw this! !

neck!Injury to this place is very painful! !
No one wants a knife on their neck! !
"No, I just made a friend just in case. My name is Twelve. What about you?" Guan Twelve waved his hand and looked at the woman in front of him with a smile.


After hearing this, Guan Twelve looked at the woman in front of him, and the woman looked away with a guilty conscience.

What's the matter!That name of yours sounds fake!You can use fake ones, why can’t she? !
"My name is Twelve."

"My name is Thirteen, too."

The woman raised her chin stubbornly. Guan Twelve was very speechless and simply ignored her. She told the woman that she had to come to Lotas Church to find him every three days, and then let her go.

After sending the woman away, Guan Twelve turned to look at Rosemand who was already sitting there. He raised his eyebrows and looked at her with endless coldness in his eyes.

Guan Twelve pursed his lips and couldn't help but sigh. Now he was in trouble.

She walked over and squatted in front of Rosmand, stretched out her hand to hook the spider thread that was entangled with him, and then pulled it apart with a gentle tug. As soon as she opened Guan Twelve, Rosmander was pressed under her. , a sharp blade was placed on Guan Twelve's neck. Rosmand looked at Guan Twelve coldly and said, "Who are you?"

Guan Twelve ignored the itching coming from the blade on her neck. She pursed her lips and looked into Rosmand's eyes, squinting and said, "I am Butterfly, the great priest."

Rosemand has always liked Guan Twelve's eyes. Her eyes were cold and dim, but at this moment they were full of smiles, playful smiles.

No one had ever dared to show such an expression to him, Rosemand.

Rosmand's eyes became colder and colder, and the next second he raised the blade in his hand and stabbed Guan Twelve in the eyes!

The blade was placed just one centimeter away from Guan Twelve's eyes and then got entangled in the thread. The weak silver thread seemed fragile, but it was this fragile thread that prevented Rosemand from stabbing him no matter how hard he tried. Go down even a tiny bit.

"What are you doing, great priest?"

Guan Twelve's eyes were cold, and his tone also revealed the coldness. She looked at Rosemand above indifferently, raised the corners of her lips and asked.

"No one dares to kidnap Rosmand, no one dares to ignore Rosmand, and no one dares to look at Rosmand with such unreasonable eyes!" Rosmand said coldly, his tone full of arrogance.

He is the voice of the gods in this country. Rosmand is the incarnation of the god Lotas. From the moment he became a priest, no one dared to do this to him.

But the woman in front of him and the woman just now dared to be so unreasonable to him!
Rosemund's arrogant character absolutely does not allow it.Guan Twelve knew exactly what Rosmand was thinking, and she would not be surprised by whatever thoughts this mentally ill lunatic had.

Seeing Guan Twelve slowly reaching out to touch Rosmand's face, looking at Rosmand's stunned face, she pursed her lips and smiled and said: "I have never been unreasonable to Rosmand, he is the Lotta of this country. Si.”

"Funny words!" Rosmand was stunned. That face was so attractive that even Rosmand couldn't help but lose consciousness.

But he quickly came to his senses and sneered, dismissing what Guan Twelve said.

"Did I make a mistake? Aren't you the Lotus of this country?" Guan Twelve was not annoyed. She just continued to smile. There was only Rosemand's face in her silver eyes, and the stars in them seemed to be just for him. Tremble.

Rosmand stared at those eyes, and the silver sea of ​​stars that was about to swallow him couldn't help but panic him. He let go of his hands and stood up, almost as if he was fleeing.

Guan Twelve also stood up holding the blade. She raised her eyes and looked at Rosemand, who was standing stiffly over there.

She walked over and put the blade in Rosemand's hand. She held Rosemand's hand tightly, looked at him tenderly, and said: "Rosmand's weapon should not be such a fragile thing, Rose Mander's weapons should not be pointed at people they should not be pointed at."

Guan Twelve's words left Rosemand completely stunned.

[Lotas's ability should not be used in this kind of place, and Rosmand's weapons should not be pointed at people they should not be pointed at. 】

In his memory, a beautiful figure in red seemed to be holding his hand and speaking to him seriously.

This is a story that he doesn't want to look back on, but it hides the story deep in his heart.

Rosmand is not a selfless spokesperson for Lotas, he has selfish motives at heart.

"Rosmand, who are you?" Guan Twelve looked at the stunned Rosmand, couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and asked softly.

Rosmand came back to his senses, and when he heard Guan Twelve's question, he frowned frivolously, then threw Guan Twelve's hand away, his actions filled with arrogance and coldness:
"You don't need to remind me, I know who I am, I am Rosmand, the Lotus of this country!"

Rothmandel stretched out his hand towards Officer Twelve, showing a cold and arrogant smile: "So, Twelve, you can only stay by my side. If you want to leave, you must be prepared to bear the wrath of God Lotas."

Guan Twelve looked at this arrogant young man in his 20s. His arrogant self made him shine all over.

Pride of the sky?

Guan Twelve can no longer remember how many such handsome young men he has seen, but how many of these people are not resentful?How many of them are not burdened?

Guan Twelve closed her eyes and pursed her lips and smiled, then opened her eyes and stretched out her hand to hold Rosemand's hand. She smiled and said:

"I am not willing to bear the wrath of Lotus, so I will not leave you, Rosemand."

Rosmand showed a satisfied smile. He pulled Guan Twelve and smiled: "Let's go back to my palace, otherwise those stupid humans will be anxious again."

Guan Twelve followed Rosemand, and she looked at the stiff-backed young man in front of her.

I couldn't help but hook my lips.

He is so arrogant, maybe this arrogance can be exploited.

God Lotas? It's just an endorsement.

 Updated, please vote oh oh oh
(End of this chapter)

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