The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 363 My Glory

Rosmand was attacked by terrorists, which plunged the people of the country into panic. However, when they heard that it was the peerless beauty beside Rosmand who saved him, the people immediately regarded Guan Twelve as the daughter of auspiciousness.

He believed that Guan Twelve was qualified to follow Rosmand.

Officer Twelve: It’s so sad that such an excellent player is only qualified to be with a psychopath.

Guan Twelve looked at the golden iron chains on his hands and feet and sighed deeply.

"What are you thinking?" Rothmand came in at this time, holding a beautiful golden bracelet in his hand, he walked up to Guan Twelve and put the bracelet on for Guan Twelve, the bracelet was white on Guan Twelve's face The wrist looks very dazzling.

Treasures match beauty.

Rosmand was very satisfied.

"I'm wondering when the high priest will completely let down his guard against me." Guan Twelve looked at the bracelet on his wrist, his eyelashes trembling slightly, looking pitiful.

Looking at Guan Twelve like this, Rosmand couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and asked: "What are you talking about? When did I become wary of you?"

Guan Twelve raised his wrist, and the chain at his wrist made a sound.

At this moment, silence is better than sound.

"A beautiful pet should be kept in a cage to prevent her from running away."

Rosemand said as he gently raised Guan Twelve's hand and admired it.

Official Twelve: Imprisonment is imprisonment, why are you so elegant?

"In this case, I can't leave here. It's a bit boring. Why don't Rosmand tell me a story." Guan Twelve tilted his head and looked at Rosmand, looking at him with a pure face.

"Are you ordering me?" Rosmand raised his eyebrows, looked at Guan Twelve with a smile, and asked.

"No, I'm pleading." Guan Twelve blinked and said very seriously.

But you have no attitude of asking for help at all.

Rosemand thought to himself. He looked at Guan Twelve and was silent for a moment, then asked, "What story do you want to hear?"

"Just the story of Rosmande and Wendi Lot."

As soon as these words came out, Rosmand's eyes suddenly became cold. He stared at Guan Twelve's fearless eyes and asked in a cold voice: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"It's clear, so are you willing to tell me?" Guan Twelve looked at Rosmand with a smile, completely ignoring his increasingly gloomy expression.

"This is not something you should know." Rosmand stood up with a "swish", then turned around and slammed the door to leave.

It seemed that this incident made Rosmand very angry.

He didn't come back until night.

Guan Twelve looked at the dark night at the window and used silk thread to untie her handcuffs and ankles, then used a pillow to pretend that she was lying on the bed, then opened the window and flew out.

At the same time, an unexpected guest came to the emperor's chamber in the palace.

Wen Dilot, who was about to go to bed, suddenly heard the sound of the window being opened. As a gust of evening breeze blew in, Wen Dilot turned his head to look along with the evening breeze, and saw an unusual silver figure shining under the moonlight.

Wen Dilot couldn't help but stare at that beautiful figure.

The man under the moonlight tilted his head slightly and stretched out his hand to greet him:
"Hello~Your Majesty the King."

"It's really rude to disturb you at night, but I really want to ask His Majesty something, so I came here to disturb you. I hope His Majesty the King won't blame you." Guan Twelve walked up to Wen Dilote and put his right hand on the left side of his chest. , twisting up the hem of her skirt with her left hand, she bowed gracefully towards Wendi Lot.

Wendi Lott almost subconsciously stretched out his hand to help Guan Twelve. His eyes were always on Guan Twelve, as if he couldn't believe her arrival, and his tone revealed uneasiness and disbelief: "You really are ..Twelve?”

Guan Twelve was not surprised at all why Wen Dilot knew her name. After all, that guy Rosemand had already called her by her name when they first met.

"Yes, don't doubt it." Guan Twelve looked at Wendi Lott with a smile and said, "Your Majesty, won't you invite me to sit down?"

Only then did Wendi Lot remember it, he quickly let go of Guan Twelve and took her to the chair in the palace to sit down.

Wendi Lott, who sat down, also calmed down a lot. He asked Guan Twelve what happened.

"I want to know what happened between His Highness and Rosmande." Guan Twelve asked straightforwardly.

Wen Dilot paused after hearing this. He looked at the beauty opposite who looked increasingly unreal in the moonlight.

"Did Rosmand ask you to come?"

"No, I'm just curious. Can you tell me something?" Guan Twelve looked at Wendi Lot and said softly.

".It seems that Rosmand didn't tell you about this."

Wen Dilot took a deep breath and exhaled it. Seeing that Guan Twelve's eyes had calmed down, he heard him say:

"This matter is something that neither Rosmand nor I want to mention."

It seems that there is no news here.

Guan Twelve thought this way, and even thought about the words to leave, but then he heard Wen Dilote say:

"But if you can get Rosmand to let this go, I can tell you."

Guan Twelve was stunned for a moment, then chuckled and said: "I can't, I'm just curious about the relationship between you. If you don't want to tell me, I don't have anything."

Wendi Luote paused, and then he saw the silver-haired beauty on the opposite side and said: "To be honest, I didn't care about this at all before, because I think time is precious, and I should use it in useful places, not To care about other things that don’t matter.”

"But." One figure after another flashed through Guan Twelve's mind. She gently raised her eyes and looked at Wen Dilote with plain eyes:

"I've met a lot of things recently, met a lot of people, and found that, rather than racing against time to win, it seems that knowing the story between you is also a good thing."

She really turned into Shao Qiuyan without realizing it.

".Who are you?" Guan Twelve's words made Wen Dilote's expression become more solemn. Speaking of which, Guan Twelve has always been an existence of unknown origin. This is why her exquisite appearance is difficult to let go. People think about this.

All attention will be on her face.

But now, after Wendilot calmed down, he thought of this matter.

This beauty of unknown origin is full of unknown dangers.

Wendi Lott was on guard, Guan Twelve just chuckled, and saw her tilting her head and answering with a bright smile:

"I am just a butterfly, a butterfly that has become a spirit. You can also call me an elf."

Wen Dilot looked at the beauty in front of him, pursed his lips and remained silent.

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