The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 367 My Glory

It was a pretty good weather, and Rosmand visited Yana Mande who was raising her baby in the palace. It happened that Wen Dilot came to visit Yana Mande after approving the documents.

As a result, as soon as I opened the door, I saw Yana Mander and Rose Mander sitting there. Both of them were good-looking. It would be eye-catching to have two good-looking people together.

Wendi Lot: ...It is a great honor for their country to have these two good-looking people.

"Has Your Majesty finished his work?"

Yanamander saw Wen Dilot chuckle and then asked.

"Yes." Wen Dilot smiled, and then he suddenly felt a hostile gaze. Looking in the direction of the gaze, he saw Rosmand looking at him with a cold face, cold and hostile.

"..." Yanamander's brother has always been at odds with him.

"The weather is nice today, why don't we go for a walk." Seeing the tense atmosphere between the two, Yana Mander felt that it was necessary to ease the relationship between the two of them, so she proposed to go for a walk.

Of course Rosmande and Wen Dilot would not reject Yanamande's words.

The three men went to the garden with some servants.

The flowers are in bloom this season, and the flowers in the garden are in full bloom, and there are bright flowers everywhere.

Yana Mande liked red roses very much, so Wen Dilot planted a large rose field for Yana Mande.

Yana Mander walked into the rose field, and the bright red roses surrounded her. The endless sea of ​​flowers seemed to dye the sky into red roses. She smiled wantonly, just like a teenage girl, elegant. Namande was dressed in white and looked like a white rose that had strayed into a red rose garden.

Wen Dilot looked at Yanamander's smiling face and was almost crazy.

He hoped that Yana Mander could always maintain a happy smile like this, always, always.

Wen Dilot couldn't move his eyes away from Yana Mande, but at this time, he suddenly felt Yana Mande's body tremble.

The next second, a touch of red suddenly appeared on the white petal-like skirt. While dyeing the skirt red, it also made Yanamande's face paler!

"Yana Mande!!!" Ross Mander reacted faster than Wen Dilote, and rushed towards Yana Mande and kicked away the woman who stabbed Yana Mande.

He was lying in a sea of ​​red roses with Yana Mander in his arms.

Yanamand's blood flowed more and more. She raised her hand with difficulty to cover her stomach, her throat felt fishy.

"Go and call the doctor!"

Rosmand yelled at those who were already frightened.

Everyone came to their senses and quickly went to find the doctor.

Others were to control the murderer.

Wen Dilot also came to his senses at this time and ran over quickly, crushing and injuring many roses on the way.

He ran to Yana Mande and squatted down. Yana Mande's wound was very serious. The knife pierced Yana Mande's stomach directly from behind.

"Baby!" Yanamander clutched her stomach and struggled to spit out the two words.

"Stop talking, I've already called the doctor. Don't worry, you will be fine!" Rosemand couldn't stop crying. He was crying like a child.

"Rossmande." Yanamande's breath became weaker and weaker, and her mouth was dripping with blood.

"I'm here. Sister, I'm here, I beg you, make sure everything is okay! I can't lose you!" Rosemand cried, like a child who has not grown up, afraid of losing his only relative.

And the culprit suddenly burst out laughing: "You despicable woman! I want to avenge the king!"

"You are not worthy of giving birth to the king's son! You are a despicable person! King, did you see it coming? Your pious subordinates have avenged you!" After saying this, she bit the poison in her mouth and committed suicide on the spot.

"Sorry." Yana Mander looked at the man's body, then at Rose Mander who was crying in tears, and then at Wen Dilot standing next to him. After all, he couldn't hold back and closed his eyes.

"elder sister!!!"

That day, Rosmand's screams spread throughout the rose field, because the only white rose in the field also turned red.

That day, the sky was red, the flowers were red, and the blood was red.

Having said this, Wen Dilot couldn't help but cover his eyes. His body was shaking and his voice began to choke:
"On that day, Rosmand changed. He killed the old priest and took the throne himself. He also trumpeted that he was the spokesperson of Lotas and could fulfill any wish, as long as he presented a treasure that interested him."

After hearing this story, Guan Twelve couldn't help but hold his forehead.

This story is sad, and sad only for a woman.

In order to realize the lies spread by the adopted high priest, Yana Mander worked hard throughout her childhood and finally became the person in the rumors. In the end, all she got in exchange was: If you are not a woman.

When she was a girl, she was recruited by the king to be a teacher for the five-year-old prince. She was trapped in the palace throughout her girlhood.

When she grew up, she was sent to a neighboring country by the king to get married, and she didn't even have the right to refuse.

She is talented and ambitious, but she can only marry like an ordinary woman, and she also marries a person she has never even met.

Fortunately, that person loved her very much, knew her talent, and made good use of her talent. She gained short-term happiness and was about to have a child.

She could have spent the rest of her life happily, but because she made her neighboring country rich and became a potential threat, she directly sent troops to destroy this beautiful period.

She returned to her country, but she lost her husband.

She gained her freedom, but she could never express her feelings for her husband. She could only live by lies.

No one knew how she lived in that country, how loving she was with her husband, and how much she loved her husband, but there was no way for the world to know.

Among everyone, she became a woman who used her body to win the country's victory.

She resigned herself to her fate, because now all her thoughts were on her children.

Her only dream at this time is to give birth to the child of her lover and live with her brother and her students.

In the end, this dream was shattered.

The lie that allowed her to live ended up being what killed her.

She must have heard the words that man said when he killed her. This was undoubtedly more painful than killing her.

But she didn't break down, she just said sorry gently.

She is strong, stronger than anyone.

Her life is short and sad. She has been working hard for others all her life. Her short-term happiness is just for the more sad experiences later. Only when you have experienced good things will you be afraid of pain.

Yana Mander, a gentle woman, a talented woman, a sad woman.

At the same time, it is also Rosmand’s heart knot.

The story of Yana Mander is over~

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