The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 368 My Glory

Chapter 368 My Glory (12)

"The reason why Rose Mander likes you so much is because you are similar to Yana Mander."

"What?" Guan Twelve was very curious. After all, she had entered so many scripts and had never experienced substitute literature.


"???" What are you talking about?
"Beautiful, you are very beautiful, and Yana Mande is also beautiful. You two are both beautiful, and you both like to wear silver-white clothes. Perhaps, he has brought you into Yana Mande."

After Wen Dilot finished speaking, he paused for two seconds. Then he looked at Guan Twelve and said nervously:
"Rosemand has lost his mind now. For your safety, Twelve, I hope you can leave. I can help you."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I don't think Rosmand thinks that way." Guan Twelve chuckled.


"Rather than this, what I'm more curious about is, is Rosmand really the so-called spokesperson for Lotas?"

Players are really curious about this.

"...I don't know about this, but Rosmande seems to really have Lotas' ability. He is the most qualified to become the high priest. Yana Mander said this."

Wen Dilot recalled that after Yana Mander said these words, her eyes were sad and unwilling, but she seemed a little proud at the same time.

Hearing this, Guan Twelve pursed his lips.

If Rosmande really had the so-called spiritual speech ability of Lotas, then why wasn't it used when Yanamande was forced to get married, and why wasn't it used when Yanamande was assassinated.

This is so strange. This script is obviously not a scientific script, but there are many things in it that cannot be explained.

Guan Twelve suddenly regretted exploring the script. Why was she wasting her brain cells here? She was indeed more suitable for simple melee games.

Thinking of this, Guan Twelve stood up and said goodbye to Wendi Lot:
"Okay, I already know. I'm sorry to disturb His Majesty's rest. I'll leave first."

After saying that, she turned around and stepped on the window. Just when she was about to jump down, she was stopped again:


Guan Twelve turned his head and saw Wen Dilot looking at her hesitantly:
"If, and I mean if, if it doesn't bother you, I'd like to beg you to pull Roseman out."

Guan Twelve looked at Wen Dilote and stared at him until Wen Dilote felt numb all over.

"What about you?" Guan Twelve stared at Wen Di Lot for a long time before spitting out these words.

Wen Dilot was stunned.

"Then have you come out on your own?"

Guan Twelve looked at Wen Dilote, who lowered his head slightly and remained silent, but his clenched hands revealed his emotions.

To this, Guan Twelve already knew the answer.

"Wendi Lot, you are the glory of Yana Mander."

After saying that, she jumped out of the window gently, like a light butterfly, and Wen Dilot was completely crushed by Guan Twelve's last words. He sat slumped on the chair, his arms on the table and covering his face. ,like a statue.

The moonlight shone through the window that Guan Twelve left, illuminating the entire room, but it also made the entire room appear spacious and lonely.

On the way, Guan Twelve took a look at the number of players. He didn't know why the number of players had been decreasing during this period, but the woman who called herself "Thirteen" said that she had never seen any other players except herself. This time Do players all adopt the principle of killing whoever they see?
Guan Twelve was still immersed in his own thinking.

Suddenly feeling pain in her shoulder, Guan Twelve came to her senses and stopped dead in her tracks. She covered her shoulder, blood staining that part of her clothes red.

Guan Twelve looked at his health bar, which had shrunk by one-fifth.

It hurts, it really hurts.

"Your Excellency gave me such a big gift for our first meeting, which makes me a little flattered. Otherwise, come out and meet me."

What answered her was an attack from behind.Guan Twelve, who had always been wary, stepped aside and stretched out his other hand to wrap around the thing.

Only then did Guan Twelve realize that these were actually feathers, showing a beautiful black color.

Crow feathers.

In almost a second, Guan Twelve determined what kind of animal it was and threw the feather directly in the direction it came from.

A loud noise was heard, startling the forest birds, and then a man came out of the darkness, dressed in black, with a face that Guan Twelve felt he had seen before somewhere.

"As expected, it's you, Butterfly Spirit."

"Ah, crow spirit." Guan Twelve finally remembered where she had seen the person in front of her. He was also an old acquaintance in the fairy and magic script.

"How come it's such a coincidence that we two met? Do you think this is fate?" The crow spirit smiled very obscenely.

This makes players disgusted.

"Come up here and give me a blow, knocking out one-fifth of the health bar. I don't think it's okay to accept such a fate."

Guan Twelve sneered and looked at Crow Jing with a cold expression.

"I didn't mean it. My name is Qiu Tusi. What do you call me?"



"Well, her real name." Guan Twelve really wanted to roll his eyes. Why did everyone look suspicious when they heard her name.

"Okay, Twelve, it's fate to meet you, why don't we cooperate."

Just as Qiu Tusi was about to take a step forward, he suddenly couldn't move anyway. When he looked down, he found that his feet had been tied up with silk threads at some point. The threads penetrated directly into the ground, making him unable to move.

"Sorry, I'm more defensive. If I didn't, it would be difficult for me to trust you."

Qiu Tusi:
"Since we are talking about cooperation, why not show some sincerity? If I am injured, it is you who caused it, why don't you express it?" Guan Twelve covered his wound, pretending to be in pain, and looked at Qiu Tusi with a pointed look.

"You want to extort my blood medicine??!" Qiu Tusi's eyes widened when he heard this, and then he yelled in disbelief:
"How dare you! Do you know how expensive blood medicine is?!!"

"?? Do you think blood medicine is expensive?" Guan Twelve felt like he was hearing some hallucinations and asked again in disbelief.

"Isn't a few thousand dollars expensive??! Are you a rich man?!"

Oh my God! !She finally met a poor player like her! !God knows what she met was either a young man from a wealthy family or an eldest lady, or a rich woman who casually gave out one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand! !
She even began to have the illusion that "only the rich play this game, are the poor unworthy?"

Now seeing Qiu Tusi, she felt like she was seeing the same kind of person.

Thinking of this, Guan Twelve suddenly felt like crying.

"What's wrong with you??"

Qiu Tusi couldn't help but ask when he saw Guan Twelve like this.

"I just think you're so kind."

Guan Twelve wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said very affectionately.

Qiu Tusi:? ?What's wrong? ?

 Little King: You are very beautiful, as beautiful as Yana Mander!
  Twelve: I thought it was my rich knowledge that attracted you, but I didn’t expect it was my appearance! !

(End of this chapter)

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