The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 369 My Glory

"Qiu Tusi, I'm really happy to meet you." Guan Twelve wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then looked at Qiu Tusi with a gentle smile.

Qiu Tusi was staring at him with hair all over his body.

"I originally thought I was the only one who would play a psychopath in this game."

Qiu Tusi looked at Guan Twelve expressionlessly.

"Well, that may be just you, but you have to believe that you are not the only one with mental illness in this game."

Ah, maybe, after all, the priest guy has often lived in the game, and the other one seemed to have been killed by his younger brother. Although the younger brother also turned into a demon, he was okay.The remaining uncle Jincheng didn't know where he went.

Guan Twelve felt that his shoulder was not so painful anymore. He let go and found that the bleeding had stopped, but the blood bar was still one-fifth empty.

"If you want to cooperate, I think you still have to show some sincerity."

Guan Twelve stretched out his hand towards Qiu Tusi.

Qiu Tusi pursed his lips, and reluctantly changed a bottle of blood medicine and handed it to Guan Twelve. After drinking the medicine, he felt that his blood bar had recovered and asked:
"So, what are your plans?"

"See one and kill one."


Guan Twelve once suspected that he was hallucinating. This was a simple idea, not even a plan.

"and then?"

"What then? I just kill everyone I see. I've always been like this."

Qiu Tusi frowned, as if he didn't understand what would happen to such a plan.

Guan Twelve couldn't help but hold her forehead. She felt that thinking that Qiu Tusi was a smart and thoughtful person was the biggest mistake she had ever made in her life. This person's brain was worse than the math problems in the first grade of elementary school. Simple.

Why did she think this guy had a future in the Fairy and Demon script? She was really stupid at that time.

"Then how many players have you met in total?"

"Five, I'll count you six."

Qiu Tusi briefly recalled it.

"Are you eliminated?"

"you have not."

After hearing this, Guan Twelve frowned frivolously. She looked at Qiu Tusi. Although she knew that this guy was a bit capable, anyone who could easily get rid of five players in this way was either lucky or really capable.

And these two conditions, no matter which one they are, can be regarded as good partners for cooperation.

Thinking this way, Guan Twelve felt a lot better.

"I think your plan is a bit straightforward but it's not impossible."

After all, this game is all about killing whom, so in that case it should be simple.

"Do you have a place to live now?"

With a partner, Qiu Tusi breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Guan Twelve was a bit difficult for him to deal with. If he hadn't used a hidden weapon, he would have been able to hurt her.

Such people, of course, need to make friends. No matter how difficult it is, they must cooperate to solve other difficult characters together, and then the two of them can PK.

The more Qiu Tusi thought about it, the smarter he felt.


"I don't have one, why don't I live with you."

Qiu Tusi's tone was so serious that Guan Twelve couldn't help but look at him twice.

"What's wrong? Aren't we partners? It doesn't matter if we live together."

Official Twelve said nothing.This really doesn't matter, it's just that she has always been the one to eat and drink with others, but she didn't expect that her identity would be completely reversed now.

Proud?Not proud.

What to do if you meet someone you don't want more than yourself? Guan Twelve said there was nothing she could do, so she took Qiu Tusi back to Lotas Church. However, Guan Twelve had just climbed over the wall and was about to pretend that nothing happened. Suddenly I saw the figure sitting on the bed.

Officer Twelve: Damn, it looks like a pill.

It happened that Qiu Tusi also jumped over at this time. He felt strange when he saw Guan Twelve squatting there motionless, but turned around and saw Rosemand sitting on the bed with a gloomy face. He couldn't help but be stunned, and then looked Officer Twelve noticed that she looked a little guilty, and then looked at the man with a gloomy face.

Suddenly, Qiu Tusi seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help but ask: "Are you married?"

"What do you think?"

Guan Twelve closed his eyes, took a deep breath to calm down, then turned to look at Qiu Tusi and asked coldly.

"It doesn't look like this. This is your residence, right? Then why does this man come to your residence in the middle of the night and sit on your bed?"

Qiu Tusi tilted his head and looked at Guan Twelve, his expression seemed to say: You are quite playful at your young age.

Officer Twelve: I’m not, I didn’t, don’t slander me! !

Guan Twelve felt that his reputation was about to end, but at this time Rosmand, who had been acting as a backdrop, sneered and said:

"I asked why I couldn't see you in the middle of the night. It turned out that I went to have a private meeting with my lover."

Officer Twelve: I’m not! !I don't! ! !Don't slander me! !
"I'm not her lover, don't slander my reputation!" But at this time, there was someone who had a bigger reaction than Guan Twelve.

Officer Twelve:
"Do you think I'll believe it?"

Rosmand gritted his teeth, and the gloom in his eyes almost swallowed up the entire room.

"." Seeing Rosmand's increasingly gloomy expression, Qiu Tusi couldn't help but shudder, so he couldn't help turning around and asking Guan Twelve in a low voice: "Why didn't you tell me there was a man in your family?"

"." I think your words are a bit strange.

It was obvious that he had escaped. Guan Twelve simply jumped down, then stood in front of Rosmand, pointed at Qiu Tusi and introduced: "Let me introduce to you, Qiu Tusi, my friend."

Then he turned to look at Qiu Tusi, pointed at Rosmand and said, "Rosmand, my current sponsor."

Qiu Tusi:? ? ?



Chiu Tus looked much more shocked than Rosmand.

Because as we all know, one of the rules is that you can win even if you kill Rosmand.

Qiu Tusi immediately understood what Guan Twelve was thinking. He was trying to raise pigs.

Thinking of Qiu Tusi in this way, Rosmand became much gentler. This is a character who can win directly. As long as he is killed,
"Why did your friend come with you?" Rosmand didn't have a good look at Qiu Tusi. He looked at Qiu Tusi as if he were trash.

"Because he has no place to live." Guan Twelve did not hide this.

"I think the great High Priest Lotas is not the kind of stingy person who can't tolerate a pet friend."

Guan Twelve looked at Rosmande with a smile, and Qiu Tusi next to him couldn't help but want to clap his hands.

"I'm the kind of stingy person. I won't allow him to appear here and tell him to get out immediately!"

However, Rosmand was not the kind of person to accept invitations. He sneered directly and issued an eviction order without mercy.

Rosmand: You brought back a wild man in the middle of the night??
Twelve: I'm not, I didn't, please listen to my explanation! !

Crow: Have fun
thank you

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