The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 370 My Glory

Chapter 370 My Glory (14)

It was expected of Guan Twelve that Rosmand would not cooperate. With his arrogant character, how could he look good on others.

In this regard, Guan Twelve could only accept his bad luck, silently looked at Qiu Tusi, stood beside Rosmand with his hands on his hips, and said righteously: "Didn't you hear what my sponsor said! Why don't you get out?"

"Get out? Where to get away?" Qiu Tusi looked confused.He came here just because he had no place to live.

"The donor has no place to live, so let him live here. Don't you like rare species? Don't look at him like this, he is a crow spirit."

Seeing this, Guan Twelve quickly took advantage of the opportunity and looked at Rosmand expectantly. Rosmand stared at Guan Twelve for a few seconds, and then said coldly: "Just this time."

In this way, Qiu Tusi successfully found a place to live, but this was a pain for Guan Twelve, because from that night on, Rosmand had understood that the chains could not trap Guan Twelve at all, so he directly took Guan Twelve with him. around.

Guan Twelve looked at the collar around his neck, and there was a chain in front of the collar. The person holding the chain was walking in front, in a good mood, and humming a song.

Okay, now it really feels like keeping it as a pet.

Guan Twelve couldn't help but sigh, and when he saw the familiar figure of the woman in red walking in, Guan Twelve felt that she could lose something like face if she wanted to, or if she didn't want to.

"You" saw this scene when Thirteen came to Lotas Church as agreed.

Guan Twelve was sitting in Rosmand's arms, with a collar hanging around his neck. The collar was tied with a chain, and the chain was being pulled into Rosmand's hand.

"Is this some kind of play?" Thirteen twitched the corner of his mouth, and then subconsciously touched the silk thread on his neck. This was a retaliation.

"No, don't get me wrong. Do you have any information?"

Guan Twelve shook his head and looked at her and asked.

Thirteen glanced at Rosmand, as if to say: Is it okay to let him know?
Official Twelve said it didn't matter, and then Thirteen began to report: "I haven't met any players in the past two days."

Officer Twelve: It’s almost as if I didn’t say anything.

It happened that Qiu Tusi also walked in at this time. The two people met and were stunned for a moment. Then they rushed towards each other almost subconsciously!

Then they started fighting in the hall in front of everyone!
That's intense!The two of them left no room for each other!They all want to pin the other party to death right here!

The guard next to him didn't dare to step forward even if he wanted to stop him, so he could only move closer to Rosmand to protect him.

Rosmand was also startled by this sudden scene, but he soon calmed down and looked at Guan Twelve in his arms. His intuition told him that everything that happened in front of him must be Guan Twelve's. is aware.

The fight between Qiu Tusi and Thirteen was quickly coming to an end. It was not that the winner was decided, but that both of them were tired.

Yes, these two are evenly matched, but they tire quickly.

Qiu Tusi looked at the player opposite him panting, and Thirteen looked at him panting, with both of them looking serious and scary.

It feels like the two of them have nothing left in their minds except killing each other.

"Come again!" Qiu Tusi recovered and was ready to fight again. Thirteen obviously had the same intention.

"Stop!" But Rosmand stopped because he couldn't stand it anymore.

The two of them glanced at Rosmand and then at Guan Twelve. Guan Twelve nodded, and then the two reluctantly stopped.

"It seems like your words are more effective than mine." There was coldness in Rosemand's eyes.

"." Guan Twelve really didn't want to coax this lunatic, so she simply pretended not to hear. She looked at the two people, and then introduced them: "His name is Qiu Tusi, and he is our partner."

"Her name is Thirteen, and she is also our partner."


Qiu Tusi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard the name, then looked at Guan Twelve and asked, "You two have such similar names, you must not be relatives."

"I don't have such cunning relatives." Before Guan Twelve said anything, Thirteen snorted and rejected it with great disdain.

Guan Twelve didn't care. After all, she was used to being disliked. She continued: "So the three of us are together, so don't fight anymore."



Qiu Tusi and Thirteen looked at each other and didn't say anything, but they didn't give each other a good look.

Players are enemies to each other, and even cooperation is temporary and false. If you meet a partner you don't like, how can you look good on it?

Guan Twelve asked the two people to leave first, and he wanted to be quiet first. As soon as the two people left, Rosmand suddenly stood up and grabbed Guan Twelve's chain and left.

"Master Priest, I still want to visit you today." The servant next to him said quickly when he saw this, but was interrupted by Rosmand before he finished speaking:
"I'm in a bad mood today, so I won't answer!"

Rosemand left these words willfully and then dragged Guan Twelve all the way to the bedroom.

The low pressure on Rosemand's body has scared the people around him, and they dare not get close at all.

Guan Twelve also knew that Rosmand was in a bad mood at the moment, so he didn't resist much. Unexpectedly, Rosmand directly pulled her into the bedroom, closed the door, and threw her on the bed. Er almost subconsciously wanted to get up, but Rosmand's chain held him tightly. Guan Twelve was pulled back by the chain as soon as he got up.

Officer Twelve simply lay on the bed to see what Rosmand wanted to do next.

"Who the hell are you guys?!"

Rosemand looked at Guan Twelve, who was lying motionless on the bed, his eyes full of indifference and vigilance.

When Guan Twelve heard Rosmand's question, he stopped pretending to be dead and slowly sat up. Then he looked at Rosmand and said seriously: "I am a butterfly, Thirteen is a spider, and Qiu Tusi is a crow."

"I'm not asking this, I want to know why you are here and what your purpose is!"

"Do you really care?" Guan Twelve stared at Rosmand for a while, then suddenly asked.

Rosemand paused, and Guan Twelve continued at this time: "No matter what we do, it should have nothing to do with you, because we can't hurt you at all. The only thing we can think of is to do bad things to this country. But do you really care about this?"

"Do you really care about what we're going to do, do you really care about this country?"

Guan Twelve's expression suddenly turned cold as she spoke, and her next words pierced Rosemand's heart like a sharp sword:

"Do you really care about the life or death of the country that killed Yana Mander?"

 Twelve: Hey, I just love stabbing!

  Specially pick out painful places and stab them hehe~

  Asking for football tickets
(End of this chapter)

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