The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 371 My Glory

Chapter 371 My Glory (15)

[Yana Mander, you are obviously more suitable to be the spokesperson of Lotas than me, why does the teacher have to choose me? 】

In my memory, the woman just smiled and said:
[Rossmande, sometimes, qualifications are more important than suitability. 】

The so-called qualifications are that people in this country do not recognize Lotas's endorsement as a woman.

Guan Twelve’s words reminded Rosmand of this sentence.

Yes, this country made him sick. Because of their prejudice and inferiority, Yana Mander, such a good woman, did not get everything she deserved. Instead, the rose withered when it should be in full bloom.

The people in this country are stupid and deserve to die.

Rosmand's eyes regained his composure. He looked at Guan Twelve and asked coldly:
"Why do you know this? Where did you hear this?"

"You care about this?" Guan Twelve raised his eyebrows.

"Of course I care. Although this matter has not passed long, not everyone can know about it. If someone knows about this matter, then that person will die!" When Rosmand said the word "death", his tone The murderous intention contained in it was almost materialized. He was reminding Guan Twelve and also warning Guan Twelve.

"Hmm~ You want to kill me? Is this really okay?" Guan Twelve blinked, then tilted his head and looked at Rosmand, and asked very seriously.

"You also know that I am not alone now. I have many friends, and they all know this matter. If I die, they will tell this matter, or everything about Yana Mander. Tell me, although I don’t know why you care about the spread of this matter, but I feel that this can threaten you."

"Threatening me?" Rosmand sneered, sounding very disdainful:

"But a group of people holding things in their hands dare to threaten their owners. What if you spread the word? If one person finds out, I will kill one person. If two people find out, I will kill two people. Until no one knows, or in other words , I don’t dare to spread it until I know it!”

Rosemand, this man is really smart and cruel.

Guan Twelve couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but she still had a calm expression and asked calmly: "What if everyone in the country knew about it?"

".Can you do such a thing?" Rosmand looked at Guan Twelve with a cold expression.

Guan Twelve grinned very beautifully:

"Of course, you should have seen me myself. My friends are also very capable. I think you have seen a few of them. I dare to say so, and there is a way to do it."

"Or do you want to massacre the city? Can you do it?"

"Shameless woman." Rosmand stared at Guan Twelve in silence for a moment, then cursed through gritted teeth.

Just with these words, Guan Twelve knew that she had won, and she smiled even happier.

"So, Rosmand, I can't kill you, but I can do a lot of things you can't think of. Please respect me a little. It's enough to play the master-servant game for a while. I may be pressed for time later."

After all, there are only half the players left.

Rosemand stared at this Guan Twelve who was completely different from before. When they first met, she was as noble and cool as an elf under the moon, pure and untainted. Later when she met that Thirteen, she became more talkative. Somehow, now she seemed to be alone and alive.The obedient look on her face when she was trying to please him, and every sentence, every word, and every action revealed that she was trying to please him, which made it difficult for people to say the word "uncomfortable".

But now, she was threatening him with a smile on her face, her tone was gentle and distant, and her logic was so clear that it made people's scalp numb. She just stood there and made him unable to move.

Noble, beautiful, gentle, well-behaved, docile, alienated, and dangerous.So many faces, so many hers.

"I'm really curious about your true appearance now." Rosmand looked at Guan Twelve and uttered these words out of the blue.

Guan Twelve said as usual: "It's better not to be curious. My original appearance is not good-looking."

"Are your brain, appearance, and personality all fake?" Rosmand looked at Guan Twelve, was silent for two seconds, and asked again.

"Who knows." Guan Twelve replied nonchalantly.

"Why are you doing this? What's the benefit of disguising yourself like this? Does your true self embarrass you so much?"

"Maybe." Guan Twelve lowered his eyes.

She herself had forgotten her original appearance. The person she was in the game world and the person she was in the real world seemed not to be her.

What was she supposed to be like?
After thinking about it, Guan Twelve felt that this matter was meaningless at all. After all, her only wish was to live.

As long as she lives, it doesn't matter who she is.

"Rosmand, don't keep talking about me. There are too many clichés." Guan Twelve stopped thinking. She looked at Rosemand, then sat on the bed, stretched out her hand and took Rosemand's hand. He stood there motionless and said nothing.

"Let me hear your story too, Rosmand. Do you really have Lotus's abilities?"

"Or, what deal did you make with the so-called Lotas?"

The words behind Guan Twelve made Rosemand freeze. He stared at Guan Twelve in disbelief with his eyes wide open, as if he was thinking about how she came up with this.

"Actually, it's not difficult to guess. Regarding the fact that you don't look at other people's wishes casually, and the fact that you didn't use the so-called abilities when Yanamander was sent to get married, I find these very strange. If you It's Lotus's endorsement, so you should easily be able to prevent this tragedy from happening. Resurrecting Yana Mander is just a matter of showing off, but you didn't do it. So why is this? "

Guan Twelve locked eyes with Rosemand with bright eyes, and then she suddenly smiled and said slowly: "Is it because you can't do it? There are things that the omnipotent Lotas can't do?"

Rosmand pursed his lips and remained silent.

"How dare a god who cannot even control life and death call himself an omnipotent god? Talent alone cannot save death."

"So, Rosmand, the Lotus behind you is human."

Guan Twelve narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Rosmand, who had clenched his hands and was shaking all over. This made Guan Twelve even more convinced of his suspicion.

She whispered:

"Rosmande is the most qualified to be the spokesperson of Lotus. The Rosmande who is the most qualified to be the spokesperson of Lotus. All of these are just the identity that you, or in other words, Yana Mander, planned for you. Bar."

 It feels like there is less plot for players, which is normal. After all, I plan to focus on the plot in this article. This also represents Twelve’s inner world. She pays more attention to the plot than the game.

  I also hope that little Kana can pay more attention to the plot. I love you so much~
(End of this chapter)

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