The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 372 My Glory

Chapter 372 My Glory (16)

Lotas, a god who claims to be omnipotent and the greatest god who claims to be able to fulfill any wish.

As a god believed by the country, he only came once hundreds of years ago to save the country from floods. He has never appeared since then. For hundreds of years, whether it was a severe drought or locusts, he pretended not to have seen it. , no matter how much the people begged him, he never showed up again.

But even so, he still has his own church, and the country still serves him and gives him the highest status.

The high priest of Lotas has very cruel requirements. In addition to being the smartest person in the country, more importantly, he must be male.

Yana Mande, who was ordered to deliver disaster relief food, accidentally met a child, who was dirty and thin. He stretched out his hand to take the food and then turned around and ran away.

He is just an unpleasant little beggar.

At that time, Yana Mander did not pay much attention to the little beggar.

It was just that in the evening after delivering the meal, when she was passing by an aisle, she heard whimpering, turned her head, and saw the figure lying on the weeds, covered in wounds and dirty, as if she had been abandoned.

Yana Mander paused, and then slowly walked over. Her memory was good, and she recognized this child as the child who got the food in the morning.

But at this moment, he was lying here with scars all over his body. This meant that it was not difficult to guess what happened.

Yanamande squatted down and was about to extend his hand when the child suddenly threw himself at Yanamande. Yanamande almost subconsciously stretched out her hand and pushed him away.

The child was pushed back directly, and then he quickly got up and stared at Yana Mander, grinning like a little wolf cub who met his mortal enemy. When he saw the person clearly, he was stunned. He paused, then slowly withdrew his murderous intent, and staggered towards Yanamande, or rather towards the avenue behind Yanamande.

Yanamand looked at such a stubborn child and suddenly remembered something. She turned around, looked at Rosmand, and asked: "Where is your family?"

The child paused for a moment, then pursed his lips and said in a hoarse voice: "I am a beggar. A beggar has no home or family."

"That's it." Yanamande's tone slowed down, and then she murmured: "Me too."

A child's meal.

At this time, Yanamander suddenly turned around and walked to the child, stretched out his hand and pinched the child's cheek. The child was so frightened that he struggled desperately, but he had been hungry for a long time and had no strength. He was holding on until he fainted.

"Look carefully, you look good." Yana Mander looked at the child's face carefully, especially those eyes, which were so bright and frightening, with a stubbornness and fierceness in them, and he could tell at first glance that he was a tough guy.

The more Yanamande looked at it, the more she liked it. Remembering what the old priest had said to her before, her face darkened, and then she looked at him and asked, "Do you want to come with me?"

The child's eyes suddenly widened, and then the eyes he looked at Yana Mander were filled with murderous intent.

After praising him for his good looks, and now asking if she wants to go with him, it is not difficult to guess what dirty thoughts this woman has.

Unexpectedly, she is so beautiful, but she is also as dirty and dirty as those rich and high-ranking people, which is really disgusting.

He almost subconsciously wanted to refuse, but suddenly thought of something, raised the corners of his lips, smiled, looked up at Yanamander, and said sweetly: "Okay."

Yanamander stared at him for a long time, then narrowed her eyes slightly, held his hand and walked back with a smile.

On the way, the child couldn't help but ask: "Don't you have a carriage?"

"You want to ride in a carriage?"

"I think those rich people make carriages."

"." Yana Mande smiled but said nothing.In order to provide disaster relief, Yana Mander lived in the village, but it was also the best courtyard.

Yanamander asked the servant to take the child to wash up, while she prepared to deal with the aftermath of the disaster relief.

When the child was brought in after washing up, Yanamand saw his face slightly startled, and then smiled and said: "It seems that I have good taste."

"What's your name?"

Hearing Yanamande's question, the child squinted his eyes and walked to Yanamande, slowly sat down on his knees, and leaned against Yanamande. He said sweetly: "There is no beggar." Name, why don’t you give me a name, and I’ll call it whatever you want me to be called?”

As he spoke, he slowly put his hands around Yanamande's neck, his mouth slowly approached Yanamande's neck, and the sound of gentle breathing reached Yanamande's ears.

The two people at this moment were embracing each other in an extremely ambiguous posture.

Yanamander frowned slightly, then reached out and slapped the child in the face and pushed him away.

"stay away from me."

The child's body stiffened, and then he slowly backed away, looking at Yanamande's expression with grievance.

"Do you think I brought you here for some dirty reasons?"

Yanamand looked at the child coldly. The child was trembling with fear from the coldness. For the first time, he felt danger from this woman.

She usually has a calm expression, but she still gives the impression of being gentle and easy-going.

Now, I didn't expect her to be so scary when she was angry.

He seemed to have offended someone who was not easy to offend, but even so, he still gritted his teeth, looked at Yana Mander with murderous intent, and said: "Isn't it? You rich people are arrogant, what? We don’t care about the life and death of beggars like us. We are just garbage to you. When you see good-looking garbage and useful garbage, you will take it back and throw it away when you are tired of it!"

"What you said is so cruel." Yanamander raised her head slightly, and the atmosphere fell into a strange silence at this moment.

Just when the child was thinking about whether to run away now, Yanamander suddenly spoke, and she laughed and said: "But I'm not a good person."

"I did bring you here for a purpose."

Hearing this, the child trembled all over and braced himself with vigilance.

"Do you know who I am?"

Although she didn't know why she asked this, the child still shook her head.

Yes, people in the village only knew that she was sent to provide disaster relief, but no one knew who she was.

"I'm Yana Mander."

After saying this, the child's pupils suddenly tightened. Yanamande was a name that no one in the entire country knew.

And Yana Mander's next words made the child froze in shock.

"And you, from today on, are my Yana Mander's brother, Rose Mander."

(End of this chapter)

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