The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 373 My Glory

From the moment Yanamand recognized him as his brother, he knew that this woman had a purpose, but he did not expect that what Yanamand wanted to do was to forge a character who was most qualified to be Lotas' spokesperson.

She secretly cultivated a group of forces. No one knew their origins. Rosemand only knew that they were lurking everywhere and had various abilities.

They would give Rosmand a message the night before the group of praying people came. What he wished for and whether his wish could come true were all written in it.

What Rosmand has to do is to play the role of a high priest who is evil, playful, and loves treasures, most like Lotus.

Yana Mander boldly used Lotas to create a "Lotus".

After listening to this, Guan Twelve couldn't help but admire Yana Mande's ability.

She was very strong. Compared to her own abilities, her boldness made Guan Twelve admire her even more.

After all, Officer Twelve knew exactly what kind of existence Lotas was in the hearts of people in this country, yet she actually had the guts to take advantage of Lotas.

If not for being born in this country, Yana Mander could have achieved even greater things.

Or, if she can become the high priest, she will definitely do better than Rosmand.

But this still doesn't explain why she can't attack Rosemand, and even other players can't attack.

So Guan Twelve asked, and Rosemand was even more confused than she was, with a completely clueless expression on his face.

Guan Twelve looked at Rosmand to see if he had any treasures on him, but he was wearing ordinary diamond jewelry, and there was no difference at all.

This is strange. Is Rosmand really blessed by Lotas?Guan Twelve felt that it was more likely that Yana Mande had done something.

Seeing that there was no way to ask any more questions at the moment, Guan Twelve did not intend to continue asking. The more questions she asked, the more information she would expose.

Although Rosmande is not as smart as Yanamande, he is not a fool. He is much smarter than others, and he can figure out something from her mouth.

After the two people talked about it, or after Rosmand talked about it, the relationship between the two people developed further. To put it simply, Rosmand's vigilance towards Guan Twelve gradually decreased.

Knowing that Guan Twelve had nothing to do with him, and knowing that Guan Twelve's purpose was not to destroy the country, but what she was going to do, Rosemand also learned that Guan Twelve's two so-called friends started fighting as soon as they met, and Guan Twelve's When Twelve and the woman in red started to fight when they met, they got a general idea.

Although I don't know why they killed each other, this does not prevent Rosmand from helping Guan Twelve find those people.

So with the help of Rosemand, Guan Twelve found many players, and then there was a fierce fight. Guan Twelve did not participate, but Thirteen and Qiu Tusi fought fiercely.

Guan Twelve observed their battle and found that the players in this class should be old players. They were not easy to deal with in terms of fighting techniques and thinking.

If Rosmand hadn't found them one by one, and Qiu Tusi and Thirteen were two against each other, it would have been really difficult to win.

A month later, Guan Twelve looked at the number of players with only ten players left. She couldn't help but sigh at Rosemand's ability and the effect of Lotas.

It’s really a title that’s easy to exploit, no wonder Yana Mander takes advantage of it.

And within this month.There are only ten players left.

Excluding Guan Twelve, Qiu Tusi and Thirteen, there are only seven people left.

Among these seven people, Guan Twelve had a premonition that he would meet old acquaintances.

Sure enough, at night three days after w, Guan Twelve looked at the knife on her neck and the man sitting on her body. Guan Twelve had no expression on her face, and even felt a sense of sadness as if she had met you. "You and your two new partners seem to be a bit high-profile during this period."

Shao Dongzhe was dressed in red, and his beauty revealed a sense of danger.

"What do you say?" Guan Twelve stretched out his hand to release the silk thread, but the thread was burned clean the moment he got close to Shao Dongzhe.

Guan Twelve silently took back his burned hand, thinking in his mind what kind of animal Shao Dongzhe was.

"There are three players using the most powerful NPC in the world to find other players. This matter has spread among the players. Now everyone has reached a tacit agreement silently, which is to kill you first."

The dagger in Shaodongzhe's hand slowly approached Guan Twelve's beautiful neck, and drew a blood mark on the neck.

That itchy sting was completely insignificant to Guan Twelve now.

She looked at Shaodongzhe with a calm face and asked softly: "So? Are you here to kill me?"

"Hmm~ In other words, will you marry me?"


Why do you have to be obsessed with this kind of thing? You are only a teenager.

"There are so many good girls in the world, why do you have to do it with me?" Guan Twelve sighed softly, and then asked helplessly.

"Because you are very special." Shao Dongzhe looked at Guan Twelve and replied very seriously:

"Indeed, your appearance in the game can be said to be stunning, but in real life you can only be considered above average, and you are much prettier than you. However, our family also values ​​IQ more than appearance. You You have a good IQ, you hold grudges, you have personality, you have average conduct, and you have an average personality. Ah, although I still don’t know what you are like in real life, but you can act so realistically in many types of people. I think your original character is It’s not too bad.”

"To sum up, you are the most suitable person to be my wife among the women I know."

Shao Dongzhe said, looking at Guan Twelve very seriously, and said softly: "My time is less than a quarter of a normal person, Twelve, I don't have much time left, I must be prepared for everything."

"In this case, you should find someone else and don't waste time with me."

Guan Twelve looked at Shao Dongzhe and said calmly.

".But I only like you."

"You don't like me, you just think I'm suitable for the position of your wife."

"What's the difference? The result is the same." Shao Dongzhe tilted his head and asked softly.

After hearing this, Guan Twelve sighed deeply, and then said, "I really like your brother more than you."

"But my brother is no longer able to have children."

Shao Dongzhe tilted his head and looked at Guan Twelve, blinked and said, "To the family, he can even be called a waste."

"So you killed him?"

"I just let him end his pain. Brother, he was very good before. He should not lie there for such a good person, so I relieved him. Twelve, we will get married in the future. When I am about to die, you Might as well unplug my oxygen tank.”

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