The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 377 My Glory

Lotas, the god who has been worshiped by the people of the country for hundreds of years on the premise that he can realize any wish, is not actually a god.

In other words, he is not a good god.

It was born from human desires and can realize human desires but at the same time it has the roots of human inferiority, indifference, selfishness, irritability, and impatience.

Because of his indifference, he ignores that the people of the country are in dire straits. Because of his selfishness, he will only come forward when his own interests are damaged. Because of his irritability and impatience, he will not show any signs of indifference when possessing Rosemand. He directly sentenced the twelve officers and others to death without concealing it, and he didn't even care about exposing his own flaws.

Lotus, a selfish and stupid god.

"The idea you mentioned is very interesting. I'm curious how you came up with this?" After listening to Guan Twelve's words, "Lotus" smiled instead of getting angry. He looked at Guan Twelve with interest and asked. His doubts.

"It's not difficult to guess, what are gods? In my impression, products born based on human beliefs and expectations can be called gods. Gods themselves exist because of human beliefs and become stronger because of human worship. But gods Well, there is more than one, and this is how each one should perform his or her own duties. That is why humans believe in various gods, and a god who can realize any wish is undoubtedly greed. The gods transformed from this idea are themselves also It’s not much better.”

Guan Twelve looked at "Lotus" and said coldly.

Others fell into silence after hearing this, especially Qiu Tusi Thirteen. After hearing Guan Twelve's analysis, they couldn't help but want to applaud. There was no evidence for this reasoning, and it was just her alone. Cun De relied on his own impressions of the gods to make his analysis.

To be honest, this analysis is not difficult, but it is difficult for ordinary people to analyze it at once and connect the two. This woman is more terrifying than imagined.

We have to find a way to deal with her.

At this time, Qiu Tusi and Thirteen agreed on the same idea.

"It's just that I don't understand one thing, great Lotas, why would you let Yana Mander use your identity and rights to achieve her goals?"

Guan Twelve looked at "Lotus" over there and expressed the doubts deep in her heart.

"Lotus" just sneered at this, put his hands on his hips and said, "Because it's fun."

"I made a deal with her. She said she would use my identity to do things, and the price was to dedicate her life to putting on a play for me."

"Lotus" opened his hands and said in a pious tone: "What else in this world could be more interesting than a human being who is weaker, more fragile and stupid than you and dedicates his life to make you happy?"

Arrogant and unreasonable.

It can be said that it suits him very well.

Guan Twelve looked at the "Lotus" in front of him and thought to himself:

"So, the mysterious organization Yana Mander and Rose Mander mentioned is you?"

"No, this is not me. I just lent her my name. I didn't do anything else."

"Lotus" quickly waved his hand and denied the matter.

That is, there really is this team, so Yana Mander does all this. "That woman is very smart, and I like her intelligence very much, but others seem much stupider. She has been worshiping the so-called "Lotus" devoutly for so long, but she didn't even notice my face on the statue of Lotus Church. It has been replaced by that female human."

"They were arrogant and unreasonable. When they were looking for the so-called high priest, they didn't even ask for my opinion. They rejected all females. They also unreasonably thought that I wouldn't like the female high priest."

"The most ridiculous thing about all this is that they worshiped me and even decided that my high priest could not be female. They never discovered that my face was changed on the roof of the church. The "Lotas" they had been kneeling to was a A female."

"Hahahahaha! No, no, no! It's so funny even if I think about it now!"

"Lotas" couldn't help laughing when he thought of this. He mocked the stupidity of the people of this country. He was a god himself, and it was normal for him to look down on humans.

But his laughter was too harsh.

Guan Twelve was a little disgusted. Not only Guan Twelve, but Qiu Tusi and Thirteen also hated this laughter.

This feels like scolding them too, but how dare a group of non-existent NPCs dare to mock the players who play the game?
NPCs, no matter how powerful they are, are just a group of things that will not appear at all if players don't play the game!
Qiu Tusi and Thirteen looked at Lotas with increasingly cold eyes.

This kind of NPC is really annoying. You must kill him when you go out!
Guan Twelve was relatively calm about this. She looked at "Lotus" who was playing with humans in front of her, and suddenly chuckled and said, "If you put it this way, I understand."

"What do you understand?" Guan Twelve's words gave "Lotas" a pause, and then he looked at her in confusion.

"Understand why we couldn't beat Rosmande before and now."

Guan Twelve suddenly rushed out, like a sharp sword, and the wind picked up by the start even blew to Qiu Tusi and Thirteen in the distance.

Guan Twelve suddenly made a surprise attack, which no one expected, except of course the so-called "god".

"Do you humans like these dirty tricks so much? Are you more noble than a great god like me?"

When Guan Twelve saw "Lotus" easily resisting her attack, he felt a little unhappy. But at this time, someone else came to join in the fun. It was the little emperor Wendi Lot and the army he brought.

Officer Twelve: Gan!Why are you joining in the fun at this time?
After Wen Dilot arrived, he was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him. Then he saw the Lotas Church over there that had been completely burned to ruins, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink:
"Who did this?!"

Wendi Lot suddenly yelled and asked. Think about it, the Lotas Church is the faith of their country. Now that the country's faith has been burned down, as the country's monarch, it is impossible for him not to be angry.

"It's him." At this time, Qiu Tusi and Shisan also pointed at the dead Shao Dongzhe.

Wen Dilot looked at Shao Dongzhe lying on the ground. The blood around him showed that this man had obviously died, although he didn't know why his wound was covered with white flowers.

But he couldn't change what he had done.

Then Wendi Lot couldn't understand: "The culprit who burned down Lotas Church is dead, so what are you fighting for?"

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