The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 378 My Glory

Chapter 378 My Glory (22)

What are they going to fight again?This question was asked so well that Qiu Tusi and the others didn't know how to answer it.

Could it be said that they are planning to work together to kill the god you have always believed in, or are you talking about killing the high priest of your god? ?
This is the point where no matter who you say, you will be hunted down! !
Just when Qiu Tusi and Shisan were thinking about whether the danger of regicide or escape was greater.

Guan Twelve pointed directly at "Lotas" and shouted: "Quick! Get this monster that has possessed High Priest Rosmand!!"

Thirteen:? ? ?
Qiu Tusi:? ? ?

Wendi Lot:? ? ?
Lotas:? ? ? ? ?

what are you saying? ? ? ? ?
Everyone was caught off guard by Guan Twelve's sudden words.

Especially Wendi Lot, he looked at "Lotus" over there in disbelief.

He looked at Guan Twelve again, feeling unsure for a moment.

And "Lotus" also saw Guan Twelve's tricks, and chuckled suddenly, then he tilted his head and looked at Wendi Lot and said coldly:

"I am Lotas, Wendi Lot, do you want to arrest me?"

Lotas? ! !
As soon as this name came out, the guards behind Wen Dilot took a breath of cold air, and Wen Dilot was even more stunned.

"I am your great god. Do you want to capture your god? But these outsiders burned down my church and made me angry. Therefore, Ventilator, I order you in the name of Lotus to Kill all those outsiders, otherwise my anger will not be quelled!!"

"Lotas" waved his right hand and issued the strangulation order again!
When the guards behind Wendi Lot heard "Lotas" say this, they couldn't help but want to kneel down, but at the same time they also looked at Wendi Lot, the monarch of their country.

In this country, besides Lotas, there is another royal power, that is, the king.

Where Lotas is the sky, the king is the earth.

And Wendi Lot just stared at "Lotus" for a while, and then directly ordered: "This guy can't be our great God Lotas, it is a monster! Come on! Catch it!! "

This sudden change was unexpected by everyone, especially "Lotus". He stared at Wen Di Lott in disbelief with his eyes wide open:

"What did you say?!"

"What are you talking about Wendi Lott! Do you dare to say it again!!!"

"I said, you are not Lotus. I can be sure of this. I have met Lotus, and Lotus doesn't look like you!"

Wendi Lot looked at him righteously and said.

"Lotus" was immediately furious. He couldn't believe that Wendi Lot would say such a thing!
For a moment, anger covered his reason, and "Lotus" attacked Wendi Lot. Seeing that his king was about to be beaten, the guards quickly stepped forward to stop him.

The stopped "Lotus" became even more angry. He stopped, looked at Wendi Lot angrily, gritted his teeth and said:

"Wendi Lot! You are just a human, how dare you disobey God?!"

Wendi Lot looked at him expressionlessly and said: "Human beings naturally dare not disobey the gods, except for monsters."

As he said this, he looked at "Lotus" with more determination: "The monsters that bring disasters to the world. Although humans are weak, we are united and strong. As long as we resist hard, we can overcome all difficulties."

What Wen Dilot said was not impassioned, but it made the guards behind him excited.

yes!Although they worshiped and respected the god Lotas, he never appeared again except for the flood. The subsequent difficulties were basically resisted by the king and the people themselves.

Perhaps gods have supreme rights, but compared to these, humans who can fight against impossible floods with their mortal bodies are greater!
Suddenly, the guards were all full of confidence. They had blocked the natural disaster. What was there to fear from a small monster? !
Yes, now they have completely believed Wen Dilot's words, after all, he is their king.

Knowing this, "Lotas" was even more angry. He gritted his teeth and glanced at everyone present. Finally, his eyes were fixed on Guan Twelve. Because of her words, those mortals who admired and respected him dared to compete with him.

"You, damn it!"

"Lotas" said and rushed towards Guan Twelve. Guan Twelve had already expected that Lotas would attack. Without hesitation, the silk thread turned into a sharp blade and his body was like thunder, rushing towards "Lotus" Passed by!
Qiu Tusi and Thirteen also joined in after seeing this. After all, the three of them are now in a cooperative relationship. More importantly, whoever kills Rosmand will win!

Looking up at the number of players, there are only three of them. In other words, the three of them have to PK. Each of them is not an easy character to deal with. The best way is to kill Rosmand and win the game directly!
Once this idea came up, the three people fought even more fiercely.

It was so fierce that no one else could come to help and could only watch from the side. Wen Dilot, who was protected by the guards, looked at the current situation, especially Rosmand, who was possessed by "Lotus".

He pursed his lips silently.

[In the future, if anyone calls himself Lotus, please kill him, no matter who it is. 】

The woman in the memory looked at Wen Dilote seriously and spoke softly.

He was more confused than shocked at the time. He asked a question in confusion. The woman just looked at him gently and replied:

[I made a bet with Lotas. The bet is the future of the country. 】

[I used myself as bait to invite him to watch a human drama, but the protagonist of the drama itself was actually him. 】

[The future of the country does not need a useless god, and the people of the country do not need to worship a god who does nothing. 】

[There is no need for such a god to exist. I bet on myself, Rosmand, and the country. 】

[Use the pleasure of God Lotas as bait to strangle this damn god! 】

Yana Mander, this crazy woman, was also his teacher. I don’t know when she started plotting against Lotas. She did something that no one dared to do or think of!
She wants to kill Lotas!

Without everyone knowing, without Lotas knowing, use him and design him!Then kill him!

This is a bold and crazy plan!
Because of this plan, Yanamander lost everything, and she took advantage of everything.

She used Rosmand, the people of the country, the old monarch, and even Lotas.

The purpose is just to stop the people of the country from worshiping that useless god.

(End of this chapter)

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