The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 379 My Glory

Yanamander, this girl was abandoned by her biological parents when she was born. Their village believes in Lotas very much. Every family hopes to train a priest who can serve Lotas. Even if they are not high priests, as long as they can enter Lotas. Tas church job!That's all a supreme honor.

However, everyone knows that the high priest of Lotas Church and the person accompanying the high priest cannot be women.

Therefore, the birth of a girl is frowned upon in their village.

The day after Yanamander was born, her biological parents threw her into the mountains to feed wolves.

At that time, her name was not Yana Mande, but Po Na, which in their country meant asking for a boy.

Fortunately, she was lucky enough to be picked up by a wolf with human kindness and raised little by little with wolf milk.

When she was six years old, she met the person who changed her life, her master, the old priest of Lotas.

For unknown reasons, the old priest took her back to Lotas Church, taught her to read, taught her to write, gave her the name Yana Mander, and promoted her excellence everywhere.

In order to deserve this excellence, Yana Mander worked very hard.

The old priest said that Yanamander is the name of one of Lotus's most loyal subordinates. This name also means that Yanamander wants to live for Lotas.

Lotas, the greatest god that their country has always believed in.

The old priest gave her this name to give her great hope, and Yanamander also wanted to become the high priest of Lotas.

She has been working hard for this, and she has been working hard.

Then, when she finally turned the rumor into reality, what she heard was not the praise of the old priest and the people, but the sentence:
"It would be nice if you weren't a woman."

It would be nice if you weren't a woman.

Gender, something she couldn't decide at all, turned out to be the most difficult obstacle in her life.

Because she is a woman, her biological parents threw her into the mountains to feed wolves. Because she is a woman, even if she is so good that no one in the country can match her, she will still be abandoned by the old priest who adopted her and thrown into the hands of the king. The young prince's teacher.Because she is a woman, no matter how much she does for the people, the people of the country will only lament her greatness and regret her gender at the same time.

Sometimes even Yana Mander starts to blame herself late at night. Is it better that she is not a woman, and why is she a woman?
Later, she felt relieved. After all, there was no way to change this kind of thing. She could only accept it and do everything she could.

If it weren't for that time, when she was fighting the disaster, she met the so-called Lotus.

It was a time when Yana Mander went to a small suburban village a hundred miles away from Lotas Church. It was very close to the moat, so floods often occurred, especially during the rainy season.

The villagers living there will also stabilize the dam a few days before the rainy season.

But for some reason, this year's rainy season came very suddenly. The villagers were still stabilizing the dam and thickening it. Suddenly, a heavy rain washed away the entire dam!

The villagers didn't even have time to react before they were swept away, and not even the village was spared.

Seeing this, the old monarch immediately sent Yana Mande to support.

When Yanamand arrived quickly, the village had been submerged. Seeing this, Yanamand directly sent his men to rescue the residents.

No matter how fast they move in Yanamande, some residents will still be swept away by the river. In Yanamande, they almost grabbed the hand of a child, but suddenly a torrent rushed away the person. Yanamande I can only watch helplessly as a young life is washed away.

She looked at all this helplessly. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't cry. She had to be strong and turn around to save others!
After a day's struggle, everything that could be saved has been saved. Everyone is exhausted, but they can't rest. They can only brave the heavy rain to build the dam that has been washed away, because only in this way can the village and the surrounding areas be protected. of other villages.Yanamander directed the soldiers to build the dam.

Looking at the dam being built bit by bit, Yanamand was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but a bolt of lightning suddenly struck, not only breaking the newly built dam, but also the soldiers there lost their lives.

Everything happened so suddenly that Yanamande didn't react. She stared blankly at the river water rising up again.

In their helplessness, all the rescued villagers suddenly ran over and with a "plop", they all knelt down and prayed!

Pray to Lotas to save them.

Their devout prayers were even louder than the river, and they did not move even if the river surged up. They seemed to be sure that the great god Lotas would not abandon them.

Seeing this scene, Yanamande stood there in a daze. Seeing the river water rising to his abdomen, Yanamande came back to his senses and tried to pull them up, but to no avail.

"Why! Get up quickly! Why are you still praying at this time!! Run quickly!!"

"If we don't run away, God Lotus will definitely come to save us, just like hundreds of years ago!"

"Yes! That's right, we have no way to resist this natural disaster. Only God Lotus, only God Lotas can help us survive."

"Lord Lotus, please save your poor followers!"

"Yana Mander, please kneel down and pray. Maybe God Lotus will come down."

"Yes, we are all kneeling here, but you are standing as a woman. This will definitely arouse the anger of God Lotus."

"Yanamande, and the soldiers around you, please also pray with us."

Unexpectedly, the group of villagers would say such things. Yana Mander stared at them with wide eyes. At this moment, several soldiers actually knelt down, one and two, and soon except Ya Namand, everyone knelt in the raging river and prayed devoutly, hoping that the god Lotas could save them.

Yanamander was more angry than shocked. All the lives she saved ran to the door of hell and prayed devoutly to the gods in heaven to let them leave hell.

"Crazy! They are all crazy!!"

"Yana Mander, stop standing and pray together. If God Lotus didn't come down because you didn't pray, you are a sinner."

"Yes, Yana Mander, hurry up and pray."

"Yana Mander."

"Yana Mander."

The voices of the villagers and the soldiers all echoed in Yanamande's ears, which made Yanamande's ears hurt.

She couldn't say a word at this moment. There was a ringing sound in her ears, which made her unable to think. Then the next second, she slowly bent her knees and submerged her body in the river, just like those people. Close your eyes and pray sincerely.

God Lotus, if you can really see, please come down and save the believers who love you so much.

This chapter is about Yana Mander’s memories, and so is the next chapter. If you don’t like it, you can skip it.

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