The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 380 My Glory

O great God Lotas!Please send down your gifts and give alms to your people who believe in you.

[Laughing to death, gods are not merciful, so how can they talk about charity? 】

At the moment when she was submerged by the river, Yana Mander saw the figure floating in the air in a trance.
The final result was that Yanamander was washed down the river and luckily hung on a tree branch, only to save her life. As for the others, no one was spared.

Yana Mander climbed up to the shore numbly. She sat on the shore, her eyes were blank, her mind was confused and she didn't know what to think.

Then she was picked up by villagers from other villages passing by and brought back to Lotas Church.

Back at Lotas Church, the old priest seemed to notice that Yana Mander had been in a daze and seemed not to be in good spirits.

Then he asked the reason, and Yanamand told the old priest the truth about the village. Later, Yanamand even asked in confusion:

"Why didn't Lotas show up and watch the villagers drown?"

"Because of impiety," was the answer of the old priest.

But this answer made Yana Mander even more incomprehensible and ungrateful?If kneeling in front of the gate of hell and praying sincerely, regardless of one's own life, is not pious, then what else is piety?

Yanamander couldn't find the answer from the old priest, because the old priest would only blame the villagers for his mistakes, but what did those villagers do wrong?
At night, Yanamander couldn't sleep for a long time because of this problem, so she simply got up and went to the back garden of the church. There was a pond there. The moonlight at night shone on the water, and the gentle evening breeze blew silver wavy lines.

Yanamand looked at such beautiful scenery, but she couldn't calm down.

"Lotas" Yanamande said in her mouth.

【You looking for me? 】

There was a sudden sound from all around, which frightened Yanamande into alertness.


【Lotas. 】As the voice sounded, a figure suddenly appeared on the silver lake. The man sat cross-legged, his silver hair dipped into the lake water like a galaxy, his skin as white as the bright moon, his golden pupils were indifferent, and his thin lips pursed lightly. His eyebrows were filled with arrogance and contempt. He was wearing a black turtleneck tights and a golden dark-patterned robe. He wore a huge golden eye on his wrist, ears and neck, and there was a little golden light on his forehead. Under the silver moonlight, his golden figure looked extremely dazzling.

Sacred, tall, cold and arrogant, contemptuous.

Is this the god, the Lotus they believe in? !

"Are you Lotas?" Yanamande, who was stunned for a moment by Lotas's beauty, quickly came to her senses, and then looked at him in disbelief and asked.

[What's your tone?How dare you question my great Lotus? ] Yanamande's tone made Lotas unhappy. His beautiful brows furrowed slightly, and he looked at Yanamande with contempt and anger.

"What tone do I use? If you are really Lotus, why did you not show up when the people begged you during the flood? What tone do you want me to use for such behavior?"

Yanamander angrily questioned Lotas, but Lotas still had the same contemptuous expression and said coldly: [Who said I'm not here? I'm watching from the sky. 】

"Then why didn't you save me?"

Yana Mander is now angrier and more shocked than before!yes!If he's there, why doesn't he come out?Why not come out to save those believers who worship Him?
[What you said is stupid and ridiculous. Na Na, human being, let me ask you, who am I? ] Lotas chuckled, as if he had heard some ridiculous joke.

"You are Lotas." Yanamander looked at him, her eyes full of confusion.

[I am Lotas, and I am a great god. The ability to fulfill any wish is my powerful endorsement. You small humans are begging me to fulfill their wishes, but do I have to do it when they pray? 】

Lotas spread his hands, then crossed his fingers on his chest, looked at Yanamander with a smile, and said: [I am a god, why do I have to fulfill the wishes of a small human being? 】

"So you don't care at all about the life and death of the humans who respect you?"

"Those people! Even if they may lose their lives, they still firmly believe that you will save them, but you! Just stand in the sky and watch this scene?!"

"You know it! As long as you reach out, don't you care about the lives of those people in your eyes?!"

[Of course I don’t care, why should I care? ] Lotas's unhesitating answer made Yanamander tremble.

[By the way, their behavior should be considered a threat, right?Think that as long as they threaten me with their lives, I will appear to fulfill their wishes?Tsk!Ridiculous! 】

[It’s just a human being, how dare you threaten the gods?Do you really think that gods cannot see the souls of the dead? 】

[Human beings are small and fragile. For me, their short life force is just a blink of an eye. However, such creatures are inexplicably prosperous because of their tenacious reproduction ability. There are many human beings, so many that even if they die, it would be unreasonable for me. There is no loss at all. 】

[To me, human beings are just toys that can produce their own products. 】

Lotas said, tilting his head and looking at Yana Mander, and asked with an innocent and indifferent look:

[Now, let me ask you, do you care about the life or death of toys? 】

Can you produce your own toys?

In his eyes, are humans just toys that can produce their own food?
Then, what does their admiration and worship mean? !

What is the church built for him?
Who are the villagers who would rather kneel in front of hell than run away and pray to him? !

Even her.
Yanamander clenched her hands and bit her lower lip with her teeth, her whole body trembling with anger.

I have been working hard for Lotas for a while!

hateful!It's just horrible!
Such a god. Such a god!Why should I admire you!Why build a church for him?

"Lotus, since you don't care about human life or death, do you want to make a bet with me?"

Yanamander was silent for a moment, then suddenly calmed down. She raised her eyes and looked at Lotas calmly, and said.

【bet?Just a human being, what do you want to bet with me? 】 Lotas dismissed it.

"I bet with my life, my life, using the country as the stage, with the people of the whole country and the king accompanying me, to perform an unprecedented and most interesting performance for you, Lotus."

"How about it! Lotas, do you want to have a bet with me?!"

[Hmm~ It sounds interesting. Okay, then I'll bet with you. 】

Lotas crossed his arms and thought seriously, and finally chuckled.

So this bet, which appeared to be acting for Lotas, but actually killed Lotas, officially started!

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