The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 38 Edogawa Era

Chapter 38 Edogawa Era (14)

Chunri Thirteen Noodle House is a well-known old noodle shop nearby. It has been in business for 80 years.

Guan Twelve took a bite of their signature soba noodles, the hot and springy soba noodles, the soup burst in his mouth.

It is endless.

Sure enough, there is a reason why it has been open for such a long time in this era and has not closed down.

Guan Twelve now only wants to eat noodles with all his heart, and doesn't want to pay attention to other things at all.

This was a pain for Tian Nuannuan who was sitting opposite her. Tian Nuannuan looked at the woman in front of her depressedly. She ate very fast, but she was not embarrassed at all.

Good-looking, as expected, everything looks good.

Is it just that she forgot something? ? ?
Could it be that she was asked to sit here just to watch her eat noodles? !Damn it's delicious! !She is so hungry! !

Tian Nuannuan's heart was full of complaints, while Guan Twelve had finished eating there. She took a sip of hot tea and said, "What's your name?"

".Tian Nuan Nuan."

Tian Nuannuan looked at Guan Twelve and was very vigilant. Although the woman in front of him did not show any hostility, it did not mean that they were not enemies! !
"My name is Twelve."

Tian Nuannuan: You just said it.

"Do you know the rules of the game?"

"There are still rules in this game?"

Official Twelve: There are still some, don't say that we seem to be a three-no product.

"I know what you mean, and I'm not a new player, Miss Twelve, but you should also know that there are only two kinds of people who play this game, one is poor people who want to make money through this game, and the other is those who want to experience A rich man who lives a different life and doesn't care about winning or losing."

After finishing speaking, Tian Nuannuan looked at Guan Twelve, and she said seriously: "And I am the second type of person."

"... Please pay attention to your attitude, I hate the rich." Guan Twelve had no expression on his face.

Tian Nuannuan faltered all of a sudden.

There is no way, her physical strength is very poor, her force value is also the fifth scum, and her brain is not as good as those smart people. She has never won this game since she played this game.

"Make a deal, Miss Twelve, I'll give you money, and you let me experience the life of this identity." Tian Nuannuan took a deep breath, with an expression of "I have money".

Although I want force but not force, and brainpower but not brainpower, my wife has plenty of money! ! !
Officer Twelve: Heh!It's amazing to be rich!

Players are not such bottomless people!
"The game wins are up to 10 game coins, and the MVP bonus is [-], which is [-] yuan. Let's add a friend, and I will transfer the money to you!"

Gan!The player is shamefully moved! !

"How can I be sure that you won't renege on your debt?" I had to admit that Guan Twelve was moved. After all, her purpose of playing games was not to win, but to make money.

"I won't dirty my reputation with that small amount of money." Tian Nuannuan snorted coldly, looking down on her very much.

It seems that one hundred thousand is about the same as ten yuan here.

Officer Twelve: Yes, this is very powerful.

"If you still don't believe me, here's it for you." Tian Nuannuan handed Guan Twelve a card, Guan Twelve took it and looked at it. This is Tian Nuannuan's ID card in the game, just like the ID card in the real world almost.

"Wait 1 minute after the game ends, if the money hasn't arrived, you can just take this and report the cyberbullying to me at the center."

Guan Twelve looked at Tian Nuannuan who didn't care, and was even more sure that the person in front of her was a fun-loving rich second generation. She put away her ID card, and then showed a simple smile:

"Okay, let me say it first, I won't kill you, and I won't reveal your position, but I can't stop other people. If you are still dead by then, then I can't help it. pay!"

"Well, don't worry!" Tian Nuannuan nodded.

Guan Twelve was relieved now, and before leaving, he wished Tian Nuannuan and Kasuga Shisanlang a happy marriage for a hundred years.

This made Tian Nuannuan, a rich little woman, blush again.

Guan Twelve sighed that it is good to be rich.

Then I went back to Hanajiuya's house, and I happened to meet Souji Okita standing there.

"Director?" Guan Twelve called out, she didn't expect that Chief Director Okita would come, obviously yesterday it was said that there is no way to come because of training today, right?

"Twelve." Director Okita smiled at Officer Twelve, then saw the things in her hand, and said:
"No wonder I just asked the people in the store, they said you were out, did you go shopping?"

Guan Twelve nodded and took out a Sydney from the basket and handed it to Souji Okita. She smiled and said:

"There are no Sydney pears in the store. I went to buy some and bought some other things by the way. After all, I still have pear cream for the general manager."

"Pear cream?" Okita Souji heard this word for the first time.

"Yes, look, this is Sydney, red dates, Chuanbei, licorice, ginger slices, and this!" Guan Twelve stuffed an object into Okita Souji's mouth when he was not prepared.

Okita Souji was taken aback for a moment, then he felt something sweet in his mouth, yes
"crystal sugar?"

"Yes! These are the ingredients for making pear cream. This rock candy is more expensive than I thought, but the boss gave me a lot because he thought I looked good."

Souji Okita stared at the girl in front of him, she might not know how beautiful and dazzling he looked in high spirits at the moment.

That oriental fairy admires you very much, Chief!

Souji Okita suddenly thought of Nagakura Shinpachi's ambiguous eyes and joking words.

Okita Souji's heart warmed, he looked at the girl in front of him.

Director Okita stretched out his hand and gently placed it on the back of Guan Twelve's hand. Guan Twelve was taken aback, then looked up at him suspiciously.

Okita Souji looked at her tenderly.

God!If this is the light of redemption for the sinful man who lives in this world, please let her stay a little longer!
As long as she can stay for one more second, he will not be afraid of going to hell after he dies.

"Director?" Seeing that Director Okita had been staring at him without speaking, Guan Twelve called softly.

Director Okita finally came back to his senses, Guan Twelve said with a smile:

"What are you thinking about so preoccupied?"

Director Chong Tian looked at Guan Twelve, and he also smiled, and said, "I'm thinking, it would be great if I could live a few more years."

That way it can always be by your side.

When Guan Twelve heard this, she paused imperceptibly, and then she held Chongji Okita's hand instead, and said seriously:

"Will do."

But Guan Twelve knows that this is the game world, and according to the written storyline, Okita Souji will end his short but brilliant cry in May of 1868.

However, she will still answer "yes", because Souji Okita will live tenaciously, and she will also live tenaciously, and will continue to live!Live till you can't!

 Regarding the death of Souji Okita, there are different opinions about July and May, so I chose May here. If it is wrong, it is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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