The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 39 Edogawa Era

Chapter 39 Edogawa Era (15)

Because it was very late, the two of them just chatted for a while at the door of Huajiu House, and Guan Twelve returned to Huajiu House and began to prepare the pear cream.

Guan Twelve returned to his room after he was almost ready, but as expected, he saw the pastor sitting there.

Officer Twelve: I'm really used to it, and now I'm not surprised at all.

"You guessed right, there are indeed more than a dozen players over there."

"And then, what are you going to do?" Guan Twelve was very flat.

"At first I wanted to kill them all, but after thinking about it, it's really boring. Since they want to participate in the retro coup, then watch their stupid behavior during the retro coup and reap the benefits." The pastor said He also grinned.

"It's still more interesting."

"Yeah." Guan Twelve's perfunctory pandering aroused dissatisfaction with the pastor. He changed his look of hanging Lang Dang before, and looked at Guan Twelve expressionlessly, his eyes filled with coldness:

"Miss Twelve, then, what are you going to do then?"

"What?" Guan Twelve didn't change his face, pretending he didn't understand.

"You should know that there is only one winning condition for this game. If you want to end this game, only one can survive between you and me." The priest said and suddenly raised his gun to the head of Colonel Twelve.

At such a close distance, Guan Twelve would be a god if he could avoid her.

But what Guan Twelve was thinking at this moment was: Where did he get his gun from? ?
".Instead of leaving you behind as a hidden danger, let's get rid of you now!" The pastor's tone was cold, and the murderous intent in his eyes was not fake, but the girl in front of him still remained expressionless, as if she didn't care about her own life or death at all.

Seeing Guan Twelve like this, the pastor also felt bored, he put down the gun in his hand without interest, and said a little bored: "You really only have that NPC in your heart, you don't care about winning or losing."

Guan Twelve was silent, but the pastor took it as acquiescence, he let out a breath, got up and left.

For such a guy who has no desire to win, he really has no interest in killing.

Looking at the leaving priest, Guan Twelve lowered his eyes and touched the dagger hidden in his cuff, then slowly closed his eyes.

Have you found it?Probably because he didn't find out, otherwise he wouldn't let her go so easily.

The days after that were very peaceful, probably because she found that Guan Twelve was too boring. The pastor never came to her since that day, and Director Okita also became busy because of the matter of the downfall faction, probably because he didn't want to affect the players , So Okita Souji didn't come to look for her during this time, and there were even rumors that Okita Souji got tired of playing with the oriental dancer at Hanada Restaurant and abandoned her.

Originally, Guan Twelve thought it was the news from Souji Okita in order to protect her, but he came to look for her the day after the rumors surfaced.

At that time, the player was still a little confused, but the young warrior just smiled and said:
"I, Souji Okita, am not that kind of cowardly man."

The kind of cowardly man who needs to rely on rumors to protect his important.

Officer Twelve: You are so fucking handsome! !

And Soji Okita also returned the repaired headgear to Guan Twelve. Soji Okita's hands are very dexterous, and the hands that hold the samurai sword to kill the enemy nimbly are doing these delicate tasks well.

Because he couldn't find the missing part of the wisteria spike, Soji Okita replaced it with a cherry blossom, and there was a cherry blossom hanging on the beautiful and elegant wisteria spike! !

This collocation, which does not conform to botanical common sense, is surprisingly beautiful, especially the way the cherry blossoms are swaying with the steps on the head, which is both cute and beautiful.

Guan Twelve likes this headgear even more, but it's a pity that these are things from the game world and cannot be brought into reality.

Guan Twelve gave the prepared pear flower cream to Mr. Chong Tian, ​​and told him to soak it in water to drink every day, in exchange for the boy's promise with a smile and nod.

Time passed quickly, and it was New Years in a blink of an eye. Guan Twelve looked at the [-] players left above his head. During this period of time, the pastor did not know what method he used to actually let nine players join the Shinsengumi. A player has reached the downfall faction, and it has become the current balanced situation.

It seems that he really wants to see the players and NPCs together in the last Wangzheng retro coup.

In addition, Guan Twelve felt that it was a pity that Tian Nuannuan was eliminated a month before the new year. Although she didn't know who it was, she only remembered that Kasuga Shisanlang was crying heartbreakingly. Because the day after Tian Nuannuan's death was the wedding of two people.

Players think that this kind of bad thing may be done by the priest, after all, he is a vicious and conceited pervert! !

But none of this has anything to do with Guan Twelve, because the day after Tian Nuannuan's death, Guan Twelve received a prompt from the system:

[Transfer from number A888A: 100000 game currency, which has been placed in the game mailbox, and will be automatically transferred to the player account after the end of this round of games, please pay attention to check! 】

Officer Twelve:! ! ! !
rich woman! ! !Ask for support! !rich woman! !
Guan Twelve, who earned an extra [-] yuan, should not be in a beautiful mood! !

He even thought that if he could meet this rich woman in the next game, then she might not be short of money in her life!

Back in time, Guan Twelve looked at the gift box in front of him. This one was sent from Mibuji Temple. Although there was no name, the samurai who sent it said that it was given by Bancho Okita.

All of a sudden, Guan Twelve received envious and ambiguous looks from his colleagues in the store.

Guan Twelve was already immune to this look.

She came to her room with the gift box, and when she opened it, she found a new kimono and a letter inside. Guan Twelve opened it and looked:

To Miss Twelve:
In the blink of an eye, it’s the New Year, and as time goes by, Okita is very honored to have met Miss Twelve. Then on New Year’s Eve, Wan Street will hold a fireworks show. I wonder if I will be honored to invite Miss Twelve?
Mr. Okita

It was an invitation letter to invite her to watch the New Year's fireworks. It was a coincidence, otherwise she planned to go and have a look.

Guan Twelve took leave with his mother on New Year's Eve, and then arrived at the agreed place.

As soon as he arrived at the place, he saw Director General Okita waiting there early, Guan Twelve walked towards him, and said apologetically, "Sorry, have you been waiting for a long time?"

When Okita Souji saw Guan Twelve, he was stunned. The girl was wearing the F pink cherry blossom kimono he chose, with a light red belt, her hair was coiled up, and she was wearing the wisteria flower headdress. The cherry blossoms on the tassels were exquisite and beautiful. The whole person looks like a cherry blossom fairy who has just transformed, pure and lovely, and charming and sexy.

"No, I just came here too." Okita Souji came back to his senses, and looked at the girl in front of him with gentle eyes:
"This kimono really suits you very well."

(End of this chapter)

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