The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 40 Edogawa Era

Chapter 40 Edogawa Era (16)

Officer Twelve smiled.

The player thought that the place to watch the fireworks would be in the market, but he didn't expect Mr. Okita to take her to the quiet river next to the market.

"Sorry Twelve, the market is a bit crowded."

Director Okita scratched his cheek with embarrassment, Guan Twelve shook his head.

She knew the identity of Souji Okita, and at such a critical juncture, it would be easy to get assassinated if she went to the market, and she didn't want Souji Okita to be in danger.

The two were sitting by the creek. Mr. Okita said that this place is a good time to watch the fireworks. It was the place where Yongcang Shinpachi discovered it. When Guan Twelve heard the name of Yongcang Shinpachi, he couldn't help asking:
"Then where did Mr. Yongcang go?"

".They have something to do." Okita Souji was silent for a moment, and then gave this vague answer.

But the players already knew in their hearts that Nagakura Shinpachi and the others were going to deal with their enemies, and they still couldn't rest in this festive New Year's festival.

"Then you. Are you okay?" The player suddenly thought that Mr. Okita, as the captain of the team, is sitting here watching the fireworks with her and not participating in group activities.
"It doesn't matter, it was requested by the deputy chief of the earth." Mr. Okita smiled, he secretly touched the chrysanthemum on his waist, and his expression was a little lonely.

Guan Twelve suddenly thought that Hijikata Toshizo and the others already knew about Okita Souji's physical condition. Although she had tried her best to prevent Hijikata Toshizo from letting Okita Souji quit, but now Hijikata Toshizo did not let Okita Souji participate in the action, and he also It means that Okita Souji's condition has worsened again.

After all, Okita Soji was sent to Daban in 1867, so there should be two years left.

Okita Souji's health should not be that bad.

"Twelve? Twelve?"

Guan Twelve regained his senses, Director Okita asked what was wrong with Guan Twelve, the player shook his head.

At this time, the fireworks bloomed in the sky, and a silver light that pierced the sky disappeared into the night, and then turned into a huge colorful fireworks blooming in the sky!

One after another, all kinds of fireworks lit up the night, bringing a short but brilliant light in this endless night!
"The fireworks are so beautiful." Okita Souji beside Guan Twelve suddenly sighed.

"It would be nice if the fireworks that can ignite the night can always exist." Okita Souji seemed to be talking to the players, but also seemed to be talking to himself.

Guan Twelve looked up at the fireworks, then at Souji Okita.

Did he bring himself into fireworks?

"Fireworks are beautiful, but it's a pity that they are fleeting. It is never fireworks that can ignite the darkness, but the stars in the dark night." Guan Twelve pointed to the faint light in the sky that had been submerged by the light of fireworks.

"The dark night will not be feared by people, because it is accompanied by starlight, so that even in the darkest night, there will be a faint light to soothe the fear of the night." Guan Twelve said, turning his head and looking at Mr. Okita with a smile Secretary, she said:
"So, don't be afraid of the chief, you are not the fleeting fireworks, but the eternal starlight."

The girl under the fireworks smiled more brilliantly than the fireworks. She said that he was the star in the night, the eternal star, the one that illuminated the night.

In his heart, why not a girl?
Still the most beautiful and brightest.

"Thank you Twelve." Okita Souji smiled, a pure and gentle smile.

The two sat on the grass by the lake away from the crowd, watching the fireworks in the sky. Even though the two were not cuddling tightly or even holding hands, the tenderness could be felt by each other.

After the year, Souji Okita started to get busy, and he rarely met the players, but letters from Souji Okita would be sent every day, and they were all about the happy things he met.

For example, the Mitsui team member in the team was found raising a mistress without telling his wife, and the love poem written by the deputy chief Hijikata to the woman was found and read aloud, which made the deputy chief Hikata look for the guy who stole his love poem. As for the war, he said nothing. Not mentioned.

He didn't talk about the players or ask questions, and the letters he replied were also about interesting things in her life. For example, the geisha in the neighbor's house beat up the customer because the customer was rude, and the grandmother who sold vegetables in the street next door won the second spring at Sixty and was beaten by a little 30. Year-old man pursues.

It's all a trivial matter of gossip, but neither of them find it boring, but rather amusing.

The entire Huajie knew about the ambiguous relationship between the two of them before, but Director Okita never stated that he wanted to marry Guan Twelve, and this matter was also rumored in Huajie.

Even Guan Twelve's colleagues secretly asked Guan Twelve if Okita Souji would marry her.

Guan Twelve just shook his head.

Okita Souji wouldn't marry her, he wouldn't marry anyone, just like the player wouldn't marry Okita Souji.

Guan Twelve clearly knew that his feelings for Souji Okita were only sympathy, not love between a man and a woman.

She just sympathizes with this young man who suffers from an incurable disease like herself, pitying that he can only live to be 26 years old and at the same time pitying herself for being poor and unable to cure her own illness.

She admired Souji Okita because he had a brilliant and splendid life. When he knew that he would not live long, he did not despair. Instead, he wanted to work hard for his beloved kendo at the last moment.

She respects and loves this young man who is working hard to live.

Just as she loves herself who is working hard to live.

The whole life of Okita Souji has been practicing. He is an excellent samurai.

He clearly knows that his life is passing, and as gentle as he is, he will not ruin a woman's life for his own selfish desires, so he will only dedicate the next time to the Shinsengumi.

It just so happened that Guan Twelve also knew this, so the two of them tacitly did not mention love, a clear relationship, or marriage.

Speaking of the relationship between the two, Guan Twelve would only say that the two are confidants, not lovers.

I will not explain about the teasing officer [-], because those are unnecessary things, and the NPC teasing players will not care.

Obviously Okita Souji is also aware of this, so when Nagakura Shinpachi and the others tease him, Okita Souji will just laugh it off, but when explaining their relationship.

Will be replaced by friends.

This answer quickly aroused the dissatisfaction of others, especially Nagakura Shinpachi who thought that the two would become a husband and wife. He looked at Souji Okita in disbelief and asked:

"Friends?! The two of you were dating every day, and she made you pear porridge! What kind of pear cream did you cook! You stayed up all night to fix her headdress! You gave her a kimono! Two people held hands and spent the New Year alone, but you told me that you were just friends? !"

Seeing Nagakura Shinpachi so excited, Okita Souji felt a little ashamed, but he still nodded truthfully.

 Yes, it's a relationship.

  Like I said before, they don't have any male-female emotions before.

  Moreover, the relationship between the player and the NPC is impossible
(End of this chapter)

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