The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 41 Edogawa Era

Chapter 41 Edogawa Era (17)

"What about Twelve?! Does she know what you think?!" Nagakura Shinpachi asked Okita Souji.

He couldn't believe that his teammates would do something to deceive the feelings of an ignorant girl, it's shameful!Insulting the spirit of the samurai, he swore that if Souji Okita dared to shake his head, he would make Souji Okita commit seppuku!

Okita Souji was silent for a while, he thought for a while, and then said: "She should know, because she never mentioned any definite relationship to me, and I heard that I am a bosom friend in her mouth. "

"...You don't want to ask?" Yongcang Shinpachi looked at the boy in front of him.

".Then how do you think I should speak?"

". But she said before that the world only cares about Souji Okita."

Nagakura Shinpachi's words silenced Okita Souji.

"I think you guys, at least you shouldn't keep silent like this. If someone's name is not right, in case a girl is waiting for you to speak up, since you don't want to marry her, then tell her clearly, otherwise you'd still be shameless. "

Nagakura Shinpachi heaved a long sigh, turned and left.

He knew about Okita Souji's concern, and now Okita Souji's health is getting worse and worse. Even in the Ikedaya incident last year, Ikeda Yachu suddenly fainted due to tuberculosis after cutting down several respected kings and barbarians. At that time, the deputy director of Hijikata was shocked. Jump.

Although after that, Okita Souji never fainted, and said that his condition had improved, but the deputy director of Hijikata was still worried that he might not be allowed to go to the New Year's mission.

Afterwards, it was Mr. Okita's strong request, and the deputy director of Hijikata agreed to his participation in the following activities.

Although Okita Souji looks normal on the surface now, but no one can guarantee how long he will be healthy.

What Mr. Okita took into consideration was that after confirming the relationship, there is no way to give the other party a perfect future.

But no matter what, you still have to make it clear to others, what's going on if it's so unclear.

Nagakura Shinpachi's words made Okita Souji deep in thought.

The player then receives this letter:

In the cherry blossom season, is the fire in the heart blooming, is the flower in the heart blooming?

What the hell? !If you don't care about the front and the back of the village? ?

Guan Twelve even once suspected that this was a letter written by someone pretending to be Okita Souji.

But after calming down, he slowly read the meaning of the words.

He was asking, what is the relationship between the two people? The relationship between the two of them is very ambiguous, but it is not clear. He wants to ask himself whether he has love for him, whether the flame of love is ignited, and whether the flower of love is blooming. .


After the player understood it, he was a little speechless, but the writing was cryptic.

But why did Souji Okita suddenly ask such a question?Don't the two of them have a tacit understanding of such a relationship?
Guan Twelve didn't think that Director Okita said this in order to confess to her, it was impossible for him to do so.

That is, someone said something to him, and he thought it was not good to be so clear.

The player who thought it through quickly responded to the message, but she didn't know such obscure lines in Japan, so she could only answer in her own way:

Know what you think, and walk with what you think.

Director Okita was stunned for a while when he saw it, and then remembered that Guan Twelve was from the East. This should be a unique way of expression in the East.

He studied it for a while before he understood it.

To understand what the girl said was to understand what he meant, and to think the same as he did. She treated him the same way he treated her.

She doesn't care about the so-called relationship all the time, so it's good.

Two people are friends and confidants, but they will not be husband and wife.

Knowing Guan Twelve's thoughts, Director Okita felt relieved, and told Yongcura Shinpachi about the matter. After getting the answer, Yongcura Shinpachi had a complicated expression on his face. He even asked Mr. Okita suspiciously. Si: "What the hell is your oriental fairy thinking??!"

"I am not sure."

"Then why don't you ask?!"

This time, it was Mr. Okita who shook his head. He looked at Yongcang Shinpachi with a smile, and said, "Don't ask any more."

For some things, it is good to know the result, and there is no need to know the process.

"You... are really strange!" Yongcang Shinpachi really couldn't understand.

In particular, there is no way to understand Guan Twelve, knowing that there is no result, so why continue?Nothing? !Ask for nothing!Just want to live this unrelated life? ? !
What Nagakura Shinpachi couldn't understand, Okita Souji couldn't understand either, as if he didn't understand why the delicate girl didn't fear him to kill, cared about him, cared for him, and even said that the world only cares about him but I don't want to establish a relationship with him.

However, these are not important anymore.

Knowing that the player doesn't care about the so-called relationship, Souji Okita's letters are also much more diligent.

The player knows that Souji Okita has solved the confusion and has no worries, which is also a good thing for the player.

However, Mr. Okita has become more and more busy. From the beginning, one letter a day has evolved to one letter a month, with more than a dozen letters at a time.

Guan Twelve was also very patient, and finished reading them one by one.

And reply one by one.

During the period, the pastor came several times. He looked at Guan Twelve and talked about what he had been doing during this time.

Listening to his story, Guan Twelve also had to admit that the pervert in front of him was an extremely smart person, he was very good at provoking people's emotions and making others follow his plan.

He even became a double spy, of course, on both sides of the players, because the news he gave was true, so the players got praise in the group through his news, and their status also increased, so that the players on both sides thought that he It is our own.

Actually not, he is just adding a wonderful touch to the final battle!
He is paying for his last pleasure!

And Guan Twelve, who had finished listening, also asked his own question: "Tell me all this, aren't you afraid that I will report you?"

In exchange for the pastor's dismissive "tsk" smile: "Because you won't be? You are a boring person. You don't care about life and death in this game. After all, in this world, you only care about Mr. Okita Secretary."

"...Are you eavesdropping on me?" Guan Twelve looked at the priest in front of him indifferently.

"Who told you to keep the gun I gave you, you really don't feel safe." The pastor spread his hands and looked aggrieved, but what he said was very annoying!
Upon hearing this, Guan Twelve quickly took out the gun in his arms and observed it carefully for a while. Sure enough, he saw a tiny pinhole bug under the handle of the gun.

Nima, this looks like a system product...

Guan Twelve threw the gun to the pastor with a blank expression.

"Huh? Are you sure you don't want it? You can still use it even if you debunk the bug~"

 Yongcang Shinpachi: I don't understand you...

  Ask for votes every day, have votes and motivation! ! !

  In addition, comments, little Kanai! !Don't be shy! ! !All tickets and comments are handed over! !

(End of this chapter)

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