The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 42 Edogawa Era

Chapter 42 Edogawa Era (18)

"No, I'm not sure if you pressed anything strange in the gun."

The player was very disgusted, and then she saw that the guy opposite actually took out a second bug from the pistol she had thrown just now.

Officer Twelve: ... Gan!She was right!
"You are so smart, Twelve!" The pastor praised generously, and then shook his head regretfully:
"It's a pity, if only you didn't love brains."

"... Please go out and thank you!"

After driving away the pastor, Guan Twelve started a peaceful life again, but the Shinsengumi's side was not peaceful.

On March 3th, the Shinsengumi moved to Nishikihara Temple. Director Okita also specially wrote a letter to Guan Twelve, telling her that she would be very busy in the future and might not be able to continue writing to her. The second said that he was clear and asked Director General Okita to pay attention to safety.

Afterwards, Okita Souji did not write to Guan Twelve for half a year.

It was even rumored that Okita Souji had abandoned Guan Twelve.

The player didn't care about it, and just kept doing her own job. This period of time was very turbulent, plus the relationship between her and Okita Souji.

There were a lot of troubles in the Huajiu House, and of course they were all beaten away by the players. Only then did they realize that this delicate-looking oriental dancer could use a samurai sword, and her sword skills were extraordinary.

Knowing that staying here any longer would cause trouble for the Huajiuya family, Guan Twelve voluntarily resigned from his job and stayed away from the crowd. With his savings and the money given by Huajiuya's mother to express her guilt, she rented a small apartment in Osaka. Houses, planting flowers, selling flowers, in this turbulent era, these are not easy to make money.

But the player is good-looking, which makes many warriors and rich officials come here to buy flowers, but the purpose is to court her.

For these people, Guan Twelve raised the price of flowers and asked them to spend a lot of money to buy them back. As for the courting Guan Twelve, they all refused to say that she was married, but her husband was killed, but she did not intend to remarry.

As soon as the news came out, Guan Twelve immediately became known as a beautiful and infatuated flower girl.

All of a sudden, the people who bought Guan Twelve's flowers changed from men to men and women, and the girls all came to listen to the touching love stories compiled by Guan Twelve.

Hearing the crying in the back, I felt sorry for Guan Twelve and bought two more flowers at the same time.

Officer Twelve: ...It doesn't matter, as long as you can make more money.

Guan Twelve told Mr. Okita about leaving the Hanajiu House, Mr. Okita expressed his understanding, and said that he would go to Osaka after he settled it.

Guan Twelve knew that Okita Souji was escorted to Osaka two years later because of tuberculosis.

That's why she chose this place.

As for the pastor, she didn't care at all.

The two of them have been exchanging letters, but it's a pity that they didn't spend this new year together.

But Okita Souji still sent a letter to Guan Twelve to wish her a happy new year:

Happy New Year, stars brighter than fireworks.

Of course, Guan Twelve also sent a letter:

Happy New Year, eternal stars.

The new year is here, and the player knows that Souji Okita's death is one step closer. She can't do anything but give him more Sydney cream.

Although Mr. Okita never stated his physical condition in the letter, Guan Twelve knew his current condition.

But she didn't ask much, she just gave more Sydney and Sydney cream, and she could only give more Sydney and Sydney cream.

The situation on the Shinsengumi side is not optimistic.

With the death of Sanban Hase Sanro, the relationship between the Shinsengumi and the Banbai faction has become more and more stalemate.

It made the surrounding residents panic.

Seeing them all take a detour, even the boy who delivered the letter ran away after delivering the letter.

Seeing the back of the boy running away, Souji Okita smiled wryly, he must be the son of a ghost now.

"Ah! Is it Miss Twelve's letter again?" Kokotaro Ito, who was in the team, happened to pass by.

The relationship between the second chief of the new selection group, Souji Okita and Dongfang Dancer Twelve is no longer a secret in the group. Even though the two are in different places now, they still exchange letters constantly, but there is no clear relationship between the two. This left a lot of people on the team scratching their heads.

But this does not prevent them from making fun of this young chief!

"That's right." Okita Souji looked at the letter and then at the box that came with the letter. If there is no accident, there must be Sydney cream inside again.

Director Okita opened it and saw what was inside, um, it really was pear cream again.

"Miss Twelve treats you very well." Looking at the contents, Kokotaro Ito also knew that this was something that Miss Twelve had researched by herself, and it was very effective in relieving coughs. Okita Souji, who had been drinking all the time, did cough The number of times has been reduced, otherwise the deputy chief of the earthwork will not agree to the request of Director General Okita to continue fighting.

Souji Okita smiled undeniably.

"Then why don't you date her?" Ito Kokotaro, who didn't know the relationship between Okita Souji and Twelve, asked curiously.

"Because I'm still practicing." Okita Souji left such a sentence and left.

Kokotaro Ito remained puzzled.

Okita Souji did not expect that Kokotaro Ito was beheaded on December 12!

After that, Okita Souji became even busier.

What he was busy with was that he didn't have time to write a letter to Guan Twelve.

Guan Twelve, who has not received the letter from Souji Okita, counted the days and knew that the time was coming.

I simply didn't send the Sydney ointment, anyway, Mr. Okita didn't have time to eat it, so he kept it at home.

Then in 1867, an unexpected guest came to Guan Twelve’s house. It was a winter morning. When Guan Twelve opened the door, he saw a familiar figure.

Yes, it was Hijikata Toshizo who came. He looked at the girl in front of him indifferently. She was almost the same as two years ago. She was still so beautiful, and the headdress was still the wisteria with cherry blossoms that was repaired by Okita Souji himself.

"The chief was escorted here."

Hijikata Toshizo went straight to the point.

"Really? Where is it? It just so happens that my house is due, do you mind if I move in?" Guan Twelve smiled brighter than flowers.

Looking at the player's bright and innocent smile, Hijikata Toshisan's cold question made the player's smile freeze: "Did you know that the chief executive is back?"

That's why he fled to Osaka and waited for him here?
"How is it possible? Does Deputy Chief Hijikata think I'm some kind of god?" Guan Twelve's smile froze, she smoothed the corners of her mouth, looked at Toshisan Hijikata tenderly, and asked back.

This question stumped Toshizo Hijikata, indeed, the girl in front of her is not some kind of god, how did she know that Souji Okita would come back here two years later? ?
However, he felt in his heart that the girl in front of him was unusual, and had a... sense of disobedience.

 The clever Hijikata Toshizo couldn't think of the player even if he tried his best.

  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets every day!This story is almost over.

  Request your next storyline online:

  1 cyberpunk
  2 The prosperity of the Tang Dynasty
  3 youth pain
  4 Sin City
(End of this chapter)

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