The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 43 Edogawa Era

Chapter 43 Edogawa Era (19)

Hijikata Toshisan was silent.

Guan Twelve took advantage of the victory to pursue her. She smiled and said to Toshizo Hijikata, "No matter what, I have never had any ill intentions towards Souji Okita. Deputy Chief Hijikata should be clear about this."

Yes, he knew it, he knew it very well, if the girl in front of him harbored ill intentions towards Souji Okita, she could poison the pear ointment she gave him in the past two years, but she didn't, she cared about Souji Okita.

Hijikata Toshisan sighed softly, then turned around and gave an address.

After Guan Twelve thanked him, he packed his luggage and went to Director General Okita, saying that the luggage was nothing more than the pear cream she had stored up.

When I came to the place where Okita Souji lived, it was a beautiful yard, the yard was full of cherry blossoms, and it was just in full bloom now.

The sea of ​​pink flowers is very beautiful.

Guan Twelve pushed open the door of Okita Souji's room, and Okita Souji lay under the quilt, and fell asleep peacefully with his eyes closed.And next to him is his Juwen Yizizong, and he has no way to pick up his own weapon.

Guan Twelve cautiously walked over to him to sit down, and just sat down, Director Okita suddenly opened his eyes, he was a little surprised when he saw Guan Twelve: "Twelve?"

His voice was already hoarse, and his vocal cords must have been damaged by coughing.

"Director." Guan Twelve called softly: "Sleep, I will always be by your side."

Hearing what Guan Twelve said, Director Chong Tian didn't continue to close his eyes, he smiled a little lonely, and said: "I can't afford the Juwen Yizi School anymore."

Guan Twelve shook her head, she looked at Souji Okita and said, "But you are still that eternal star."

After hearing this, Okita Souji smiled, closed his eyes, and said softly: "Thank you..."

You never have to say thank you...

Guan Twelve lowered his eyes, but did not say this sentence.

In the following life, Guan Twelve lived a very peaceful life, chatting with Souji Okita, looking at flowers, she told Sochi Okita about what happened to her in Osaka during this period.

Obviously it was all the things mentioned in the letter, but Mr. Okita was still willing to listen, but he would fall asleep after listening to it.

At this time, the player stopped talking and just sat next to Souji Okita.

Time passed by in such a peaceful and warm time, and soon it was New Year's Day, Mr. Okita was sitting by the door, wearing a thick shawl, looking up at the snowflakes falling from the sky.Snow white and flawless, dyed his courtyard all white.

He stretched out his hand subconsciously to pick it up, but at this time a white, tender and slender hand stretched out one step faster than him. The snowflakes fell on her fingertips and quickly melted. Mr. Okita turned his head to look, and saw that the one who had been The girl who accompanied him stood behind him.

"Director, it's cold outside." Official Twelve's tone was slightly warning.

"Sorry, I just feel that it's a pity not to see such a beautiful scenery." Director Okita knew that Guan Twelve was worried about his body, he smiled and said very apologetically.

"I'll see you next year." After hearing this, Guan Twelve sat next to Souji Okita.

"..." Mr. Chong Tian didn't speak, his body knew it best, and Guan Twelve knew it too, the two of them just didn't say anything.

"It's cold, twelve, let's go back."

Looking at the reddened nose of the girl beside him, Okita Souji said.


Guan Twelve got up to pull Okita Souji, but as soon as he got up, Okita Souji suddenly started coughing, with a heart-piercing sound, and the hand covering his mouth began to ooze blood...

Souji Okita fell into a coma that day.

I didn't wake up until three days later.

After waking up, Okita Souji was even weaker, his whole body lost weight twice, and even his voice became hoarse. He apologized and said to Guan Twelve: "I shouldn't be disobedient."

Officer Twelve shook her head, and she said, "No, it would be a pity if the chief executive didn't see such a beautiful scenery."

Okita Souji just smiled when he heard this, and then closed his eyes.

In the days that followed, Souji Okita became more and more lethargic!

Among them, Hijikata Toshizo and Nagakura Shinpachi also visited Okita Souji, but Okita Souji was in a deep sleep state.

Hijikata Toshisan looked at Souji Okita who was smiling even when he was asleep, and then at Guan Twelve who was here all the time. He lowered his eyes and remained silent for a long time, and then left a sentence: "Take care of Souji."

Then left.

Guan Twelve knows that the current situation of the Shinsengumi is not good, and the coup d'état of the downfall faction will start in December this year.

At this time, the Shinsengumi is facing the situation of a large number of people leaving, so it is naturally not optimistic.

But these have nothing to do with the player.

She just occasionally took a look at the number of surviving players. It was much less, and now there were only ten players left. Guan Twelve didn’t think that the scourge of the pastor was dead. That is to say, after removing her and the pastor, there were still eight people left. The numbers are very balanced, and she has to suspect that there is a priest who is messing with it. At the same time, she laments that the priest is so efficient in doing things. Maybe the number of players on both sides is still balanced now.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Guan Twelve, who is far away from the war.

She just accompanied Okita Souji very calmly, accompanied him.

On the day of December 1867, 12, the ministers of the Faction and the five vassals including Sa and Chang launched a coup d'état to restore the king's government. Agreed and participated in the three positions, and at the same time proposed that "everything should return to the beginning of Shenwu's founding. There is no difference between the gentry, the wubian, the court, and the underground. We will try our best to get the most appropriate public discussion and share weal and woe with the world." Japan officially entered the Meiji Restoration period.

It was also on this day that Guan Twelve saw that the number of players above his head had turned into a solitary number two.

Shinsengumi lost!Players also died, leaving only two.

This game is almost over.

On May 5 of the following year, when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, the cherry blossoms in the yard were just in full bloom, a sea of ​​pink flowers, Mr. Okita sat at the place where he was watching the snow, and this time he was watching the cherry blossoms. At this time, there was a gust of wind When it blew over, Souji Okita closed his eyes, and a scent of flowers blew across his face.

As soon as Guan Twelve came over, she saw such a scene, she was sitting next to Souji Okita.

Okita Souji didn't open his eyes, probably because he knew who was coming.

"The cherry blossoms are beautiful." Okita Souji's voice was almost inaudible.

"Yes, the cherry blossoms are beautiful." Guan Twelve said softly.

The pink flower sea, the pink petals dancing and falling with the wind are like rain, bringing a sweet fragrance.


Suddenly the player felt a weight on his shoulders. She looked over and saw that Souji Okita was leaning on her shoulders. He still had his eyes closed and a smile on his mouth, as if he had fallen asleep.

Guan Twelve suddenly thought of a poem, she said: "Director, I suddenly thought of a poem written by a very powerful poet over there, would you like to listen to it?"

Okita Souji didn't answer.

 it's over

(End of this chapter)

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