The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 44 Edogawa Era

Chapter 44 Edogawa Era (End)
Director Okita didn't open his mouth, but the players knew that he wanted to hear it, so he opened his mouth and said: "Dawn brings cherries, spring brings wine guests, green tea sticks to the bowl, red snow presses the branches, the sky is less sunny, There are many accidents in life, stop the cup and speak for flowers, how about not getting drunk."

"What do you think, sir?"

"This season is very suitable for dinner. Then invite the deputy team of the earthwork team to come, Chief Director."

"The cherry blossoms are blooming really well today, let me make cherry blossom pancakes for you, Chief."

The wind blows, breaking the tranquility and bringing a sweet floral fragrance. The player puts the wisteria flower headdress with cherry blossom tassels on her head into the palm of Okita Souji. She sighs softly, then looks up at the yard In the sea of ​​flowers, it seems to be talking to him or talking to himself:

"It's a wonderful thing to end your life during the cherry blossom season, isn't it, Souji?"

Unfortunately, he can no longer answer her.

Guan Twelve lowered his eyes.

The wind was still blowing gently by her ears, the cherry blossoms were still blooming beautifully, and the sweet fragrance of flowers was still lingering around the tip of her nose, but the young man beside her could no longer smell, hear or see.

Born at the wrong time, but still dazzling.

The pear paste in the kitchen is still cooking...

Time seemed to stop at this moment.

But soon someone broke the calm, that person hummed a cheerful tune and walked over slowly with a weird dance.

"How about Twelve, I stayed until this time on purpose~ I know you want to be with this NPC, so I didn't come here until he died! Am I super nice to you!" The pastor's mean voice made Guan Shi Er looked up at him.

"It's a pity that you didn't even see the stage I specially prepared to accompany this NPC. You don't know. At that time, those innocent players looked shocked, and they wanted to escape but didn't dare to escape. It's so funny hahaha!" The pastor laughed out loud as if he thought of some funny scene after he said it.

Immediately after the sudden stop of laughter, he raised his gun and aimed it at Officer Twelve with malice in his eyes: "Remember this pistol? I gave it to you at the time, but you didn't want it. Now I want to use this pistol for you The previous self-defense shot killed you, and the original protective weapon finally became the murder weapon to kill yourself! Isn’t this very interesting hahaha?! Then farewell to Miss Twelve!”

He pressed it without hesitation, with a "touch" sound!He widened his eyes, looked at the wound on his abdomen in disbelief, and then at Guan Twelve, who was not moving, why, how could this happen? ? !
[No, I'm not sure if you pressed something strange in the gun. 】

[In this world, I only care about Souji Okita! 】

[Maybe I haven't forgotten, because the Shinsengumi also has players. 】

The pastor suddenly realized that the pistol in his hand had been altered! !He was cheated! !

She knew from the very beginning that there was a bug in the pistol, so she simply followed the plan, and all of this was for him to watch!Let him put his guard down!Thought she was just a love brain immersed in NPC!Let your guard down on her! !

And he was being used too! !She used him to get rid of all the other players! ! !

She is from the beginning!Just want to win the game! !

So it took so long to pretend to be such a character!
The priest who wanted to understand suddenly burst out laughing.

"Twelve!! Hahaha! You are really interesting! I like you so much! I am really looking forward to our next meeting hahaha!!"

The pastor died after leaving such a sentence.

Looking at the pastor whose face was already covered with white flowers, Guan Twelve complained silently: "Don't let me see you again, please."

[Player A52B63 won the story "Edogawa Era" and rewarded 70000 game coins. Congratulations to the player for winning the MVP title and rewarding 30000 game coins. At the same time, the number A888A transferred 100000 game coins, a total of 200000 game coins, which have been transferred to the player account. Congratulations to the player! 】

Guan Twelve opened her eyes, pulled out the game card, she stretched, the time in the game was different from the real time, but even so she played the game for a whole day, and Guan Twelve, who hadn’t eaten all day, found After eating the bread, she was half full. At this time, she suddenly thought of the last words that Souji Okita said before he died. It was in Japanese. "The End of Unlimited Flow" did not change the Mandarin but used the original sentence. It must be his own. meaning.

Then she turned on the computer and searched for the meaning of that sentence:

It means: if the body does not move, can the darkness fade away, flowers and water.

The poems are gentle and full of artistic conception, but they are full of such helplessness and sadness.

He was also unwilling.

Souji Okita, he should have lived his life brilliantly and splendidly. He did nothing wrong, and even used his own way to protect his important people.

Born gentle, bright and dazzling!
Guan Twelve closed his eyes, quit the search, and clicked on the game forum.

The article "Edogawa Era" caused a big storm on the game forums. "The End of Infinite Stream" has also had this kind of real history adaptation before and derived plots. Every time this kind of thing appears, it will cause an upsurge:
[Number A3956: The plot of this story is simply too good! !Really trust me! !I just went in for a second and hung up!Really wonderful! 】

[Number S65H37: Let's just say that Hijikata Toshizo is too handsome! !There is no regret in dying under his hands! 】

[No. H5635: I prefer Okita Souji!It's a pity that he died early! 】

[No. J6584: That's right, but we actually picked him up!It seems to be called twelve!Be a gamer! 】

Seeing the comments about himself, Guan Twelve became interested and then saw the player with the number J6584 continue to babble:
[Number J6584: Cun Cun is an idiot in love, but he looks really wow!It looks good dancing too! ! 】

Officer Twelve: It doesn't sound like a compliment to her feelings.

[Number HSA653: What's yours, we have a pervert here, he's so damn good-looking!The nose is the nose and the eyes are the eyes!If it wasn't for the camera function, I would have taken a photo to confess. As for why he is a pervert, because he is a man, and he is also a man who likes to sleep with old men! ! ! 】

Official Twelve: Uncle Jin Chengfeng was murdered.

The rest is basically chatter, Guan Twelve has no interest, and it will be a week before the next new chapter opens.

Guan Twelve checked the time and tidied himself up, then opened the door and went out.

She walked first, then took a bus to the subway station, and finally arrived at the gate of a hospital in the city center.

"Ms. Guan Twelve, is that you?" the nurse asked while holding Guan Twelve's sick number.

Officer Twelve nodded.

"Okay, please wait a moment, Dr. Wendy will be here soon."

Guan Twelve was sitting on the waiting chair, she raised her head and just closed her eyes when she heard the door opening behind her, followed by a mature and gentle female voice:
"Sorry Miss Guan, I've waited for a long time."

 The ancient poems in this article are selected from "Looking at the Cherry Blossoms Early with All Guests" by Bai Juyi, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty

  Well, this story is over. When I got to the end, I don’t know why I couldn’t continue writing, probably because I felt uncomfortable.

  Born at the wrong time, but still dazzling, he is like an eternal star, leaving a brilliant life in the Edogawa era.

  There will be a chapter later, mainly about what stories I am thinking about. Please give me your opinions.

(End of this chapter)

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