The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 45 I Will Live Hard

Chapter 45 I Will Live Hard
Wendy is the attending doctor of Guan Twelve, a 30-year-old gentle woman, she walked in with blond hair wearing a doctor's white coat and sat opposite to Guan Twelve.

"Doctor Wendy." Officer Twelve called out politely.

"How have you been recently?" Wendy asked.

"It's the same as before, pretty good." Guan Twelve smiled.

"Really." Wendy looked at the girl in front of her. This girl was the patient she had followed for the longest time.

The reason I noticed her was because she had a rare disease, so rare, a new type of disease that doctors at home and abroad had never heard of, they called it ARD, the full name is A rare disease.

There are no obvious symptoms of this disease, but the patient will indirectly commit suicide and want to die, and the idea is very strong, uncontrollable buying sleeping pills, jumping off the building, hanging himself, jumping into the sea, and emotional breakdown!

And this disease is also defined as a mental illness.

However, it cannot be relieved by mutual relief, and can only be temporarily relieved by taking mood-stabilizing drugs.

And this medicine is usually expensive.

At this moment, Wendy noticed the card slot for the game "The End of Unlimited Flow" on Guan Twelve's neck.

"You also play "The End of Infinite Stream" now?"

"Ah, um." Guan Twelve touched his neck, and then said with a smile: "After all, this is the fastest way to make money at present."

"...It looks like you're having a good time."

Wendy looked at Guan Twelve and said.

"Doctor Wendy, you don't need to test my emotions at all now. I am healthy and haven't had any symptoms yet, so I don't want to die."

"...Okay, Miss Guan, let's conduct a simple investigation..." Wendy sighed softly, looked at the test questions in her hand and asked:
"What does the sky look like to you?"

"Blue, a beautiful color."

"If an old man fell down in front of you, would you help him up?"

"I will help him up while recording."

"Then what would you do if the old man or the accusation was pushed by you?"

"I'll show her the video."

"She said it was still you, and you made all these fakes."

"...Why does she hold so much malice towards me?"

Guan Twelve looked at Wendy and asked back.

"Because this is the way this world is, and human nature is so greedy and full of malice."

Wendy looked at Guan Twelve indifferently, and the words she said were cruel and cold.

"But, I did nothing wrong, did I?"

Wendy was stunned by Guan Twelve's words.

"Maybe it's you, Dr. Wendy, or the person who made the question that needs to be checked. I don't think such an obvious and stupid question should be asked even if it's just to test whether the patient has hatred for the world and the world." Official Ten Er was very speechless, so this was also the reason why she didn't want to come to the hospital for an examination.

These questions are naive and meaningless.

Complete waste of time.

".Sorry for my negligence, Miss Guan." Wendy returned to her senses, she chuckled, then closed the questionnaire in her hand, crossed her legs, looked at Guan Twelve, and said softly:

"Then let's just have a chat."

"." Guan Twelve didn't say anything, it was a tacit agreement.

"Does Twelve plan to fall in love recently?"

Wendy suddenly asked such a question.

Even the address became intimate, at this moment she seemed to care about Twelve's friend.

"nothing now."

Guan Twelve looked at Wendy, although she was speechless, but after all, she was a doctor who followed her condition for five years, so she still answered truthfully.

"Eh?! I can't believe it! Twelve is the age when you should look forward to love." Wendy covered her mouth in surprise.

Officer Twelve: She is choking on being alive now, why is she still thinking about those useless things?
"Then is Dr. Wendy in love?" Guan Twelve smiled and looked at the 30-year-old woman in front of him, asking innocently.

Wendy: Damn!
Guan Twelve looked at the time and the time for today's face-to-face consultation was over, she got up without hesitation, turned around and left.

At this time, Wendy asked again abruptly: "Don't you feel tired now, Twelve?"

Guan Twelve paused when he opened the door, then she turned her head to look at Wendy with a smile, and said, "No."

Then he opened the door and left.

Wendy looked at the closed door and the empty consultation room. She took a deep breath, then opened the file in her hand again, and looked at the line of the diagnosis result.

She was silent for a long time, then thought about it and wrote a sentence on it: In a healthy state, she has a strong sense of wanting to live, and she has no symptoms for the time being.

Wendy stopped writing and touched the back of her neck. Under the blond hair, there was a game card slot dedicated to "The End of Infinite Flow".

"I don't know, is there any fate to meet in the game?" Wendy murmured.

On the other side, Guan Twelve, who walked out of the hospital, took a deep breath of fresh air, then exhaled, and muttered contentedly:
"Sure enough, the air outside is still fresh."

Guan Twelve checked the time and walked towards the subway station.

As a result, when we arrived at the subway station, we found that the subway station was temporarily closed due to renovations.

Officer Twelve: It was fine when I came here, but I can’t go back now.

Reluctantly, Xiaguan Twelve had no choice but to take out his mobile phone to navigate to the nearest subway entrance.

Guan Twelve passed a park according to the mobile phone navigation. She looked over subconsciously, and saw a lake in the park, which was very clear and sparkled when the wind blew.

It's beautiful, quiet, and there's no one around.

Is now the time for no one?
But it is true that there is no one in this park, perhaps, it is a quiet place suitable for sleeping.

Guan Twelve thought about it, and walked over involuntarily.

She stood at the fence closest to the lake, leaning forward with her hands on her body.

She bent over and looked at the lake, her mind wandering.

Ah... so beautiful...

The clear and bottomless lake, the fresh air, and the wind blowing the leaves play a natural song.

Maybe it would be nice to die in such a quiet and beautiful place.

Thinking about it, Guan Twelve slowly leaned forward, and when she was about to fall, she suddenly reacted, supported her body with both hands with all her strength and leaned back, and then fell to the ground!
Guan Twelve, who survived the catastrophe, panted heavily, and she wiped the cold sweat from her forehead.

Shaking his head, he calmed down those emotions in his mind.

almost... almost...

Guan Twelve didn't dare to stay any longer at this moment, and directly called a car to go home. She was afraid that she would lose control of her thoughts of committing suicide if she stayed for a while.

As for those who have money or not, it is not important to survive!

After returning home, Guan Twelve quickly took out the medicine and took it.

Wait until the mind is sure that there are no negative emotions.

Only then did she relax completely.

Then he lay on the bed, looked at the ceiling, and panted heavily.


 The next story has been confirmed, cyberpunk!
  Please pay attention! !

  Then I asked for tickets to reward, thank you!
  Your hard work is the driving force behind Qiqi Gengwen!

(End of this chapter)

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