The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 46 Cyberpunk

Chapter 46 Cyberpunk (1)

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[Successful loading, forming a virtual character, when you implant the chip, the character and body merge, you may not be you anymore, you can have a better life!Let us indulge in it, there is no moral bottom line here, there are only big gambling and happiness!There is no death in this game, only winning or losing, the winner is rewarded generously, and the loser is crushed. Welcome to "The End of Infinite Stream"! ! 】

[The environment of this game is "Cyberpunk", which is a collection of the mechanical age and the civilized age, poverty and abundance!This is a fictitious plot (if there is any similarity, it is an honor) in which the pain of death is 60% (note that it cannot be changed). Note that in this game plot, players randomly cast and restore the player's multi-colored hair. In addition, the player will not be able to perform the same as the characters in the game. If you machine your body, you will be eliminated if you get hurt by an NPC!Please protect yourself, there are 100 game participants, and the number of passers: 1! 】

[Entering the game, entering successfully!Games start! 】

It is a rainy day, in the dark city, only those tall buildings are still lit, and on the streets far away from the tall buildings, there are rusty neon lights, street signs and advertisements, and the colors of the tall buildings are black, purple, green, Mainly blue and red.

The people here are those who live at the bottom. They have no money, no power, no power, no bottom line, and they can do anything to survive!
crime happens here every day
"Ah robbery!!"

The scream of a woman on the street broke the silence, and the dirty old leather shoes stepped on the puddles and splashed muddy water and hung on the dark blue jeans.

It was a young man with a hat whose face could not be seen clearly. He quickly hid in an alley, and then carefully looked around. After making sure that no one was chasing him, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the thing he had just snatched in his hand. Wallet, looking at the large piles of banknotes inside, I was very happy.

Did not expect so much money!It seems that the meal money during this time is not worrying.

The boy put the money into his trouser pocket, then turned around and walked in. Suddenly his leg tripped, he staggered and was about to scold, when he saw a beautiful girl in a black suspender dress lying on the ground.

The girl's long silver hair was like a waterfall, and it was not stained on this muddy land.

She is holy and fair, with a very well-developed figure, and her slender and slender legs are the chief culprit that tripped him up.

The boy frowned, turned around and didn't care, only to hear the girl murmur.

Guan Twelve slowly got up and rubbed his head, thinking that this dog is more and more handy than losing players in games.

She eased her consciousness, then opened her eyes to know where she was, only to see a person standing in front of her.

She subconsciously looked at the top of his head, it was not a player, but an NPC.

Guan Twelve breathed a sigh of relief, and then found that she was sitting, and quickly got up, muddy and dirty, she looked at herself like this, feeling very disgusted in her heart, and then she looked at the first thing she saw after opening her eyes. A man asked, "What's your name?"

"Who are you?! Why do you ask this?" The boy suddenly became vigilant, he has many enemies!Maybe this is for revenge.

"My name is Twelve. I'm currently homeless and I want to find a place to live." As soon as Guan Twelve finished speaking, the boy over there pointed in a direction indifferently and said, "Go straight in this direction and there is a youth hotel."

"I have no money."

"You can make money in the opposite direction."

"...for what?"

"Selling meat."


The player is also a mouthful, why ask this? !

"Can't you take me in for a while?"

As a result, the young man who heard this looked at her with a foolish look: "It's not that you are so good-looking, why is there something wrong with your brain? I am not related to you, so why should I take you in?"

Officer [-]: Personal attacks are not acceptable!
After finishing speaking, the young man no longer wanted to entangle with Guan Twelve, so he turned around and left.

Guan Twelve looked at the young man's back and threw the dagger out without hesitation. The dagger passed by the young man's ear, and then went into the green trash can in front of him.

The young man froze, Guan Twelve looked at him with a smile on his face and said, "Turn around and let's have a good chat, or the next knife will be your head."

Although the NPC can't be killed, it can still be done by scaring it and beating it up.

The boy struggled for a while and finally succumbed to Guan Twelve's majesty, and took her back to his residence.

It is said to be a residence, but it is just an iron house in a garbage dump. It is dilapidated, dirty and messy, and there are bugs flying around. It doesn't seem like a place for people to stay at all.

Guan Twelve walked in without changing his expression. The room was very clean, but also very simple, with a big bed, a worn-out old-fashioned TV, and a table.

The boy went in and took off his coat, only then did Guan Twelve notice that his hair was also silver.

It seems that the hair of people in this world is also colorful.

"You haven't told me your name yet." Guan Twelve looked at the boy and said.

"My name is Jie, Nesjie." The young man looked at Guan Twelve. At this time, Guan Twelve noticed that the young man was indeed not very young, maybe a little younger than her, and he looked about seventeen or eighteen years old. Delicate, but one of his eyes is closed.

That's right, this boy named Nesjie is missing one eye.

"Twelve, my name is Twelve." Guan Twelve politely stretched out his hand, Nesjie looked at Guan Twelve hesitantly, it was obvious that he was still vigilant towards Guan Twelve.

Seeing that Nasijie refused to shake hands, and Guan Twelve didn't force her, she withdrew her hand, looked at Nasijie and asked, "Are you alone?"

"Yeah." Nesjie looked at Guan Twelve indifferently, and said, "My parents are dead, I killed them."

After speaking, he subconsciously looked at Guan Twelve. A normal human being would be shocked or puzzled when he heard such words, but the person in front of him was expressionless and didn't even ask.

"Is there something to eat, I'm so hungry." The player touched his stomach, feeling a little sad in his heart, why does this dog game make the player's feeling of hunger so real!
Nesj: ...She didn't think of him as a good person at all.

"No, do you think there is something to eat in my house?" Nasjay said angrily.

"...then go buy it." Guan Twelve seemed like a rascal at the moment.

"I have no money!" Nasijie felt his head throbbing, this woman must have been sent by God to punish him!Why are there such shameless people?What's even more exasperating is that he might not be able to beat this shameless guy!

 Nesj: Why is this woman so familiar? ?
  Twelve: There are not many stupid and sweet people in this world
(End of this chapter)

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